Sunday, January 30, 2011

Upper East Side 24 Hour Laundry


A short little note, to make way for a new name of adoption discovered yesterday: Florent !

So we had to watch a nice movie about tagada tagada (I have lots of young riders at home) was zapped and it fell on the end of the European Championships of ice, c is not a sport for me, no contact manly, not rugby ... but when I saw the little boy who came back from a beautiful gold medal to France I had hope, when that great poet stunned Nelson Montfort us out "born in poverty in Brazil, raised in a family home in France," I saw that my suspicions were confirmed (I translated, adopted into His family "). And when the little
Florent and his parents (not the true and false, those of the host family of the other dazed) are said by telephone, all the affection they feel, I was almost to love figure skating. After

, Elisabeth Rousseau day, I was pleased to hear of adoptees serene, here's another that shows an adoptee who is happy great things.

I appeal to your testimonials, which adopted the famous sport other than Florent you know?

I remember in the same sport Surya Bonal, and skiing "a little turned on," Gary Zebrowski , which pushes the vice has been born on the same island as my little ones!


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