Thursday, January 27, 2011

Celulitus Abnormal Lab Values

Baby born under X entrusted to grandparents

It was part of the headlines in the newspapers this morning, so you should be aware of, to everyone's surprise, a court in Angers , decided to entrust a child born under the secret his biological grandparents.

I do not know the details of this story, I am not intimate with her grandparents, nor that of his biological mother. And I hope that this decision, to say the least surprising, was actually taken in the interest of the child. This would mean that his mother is really irresponsible, and that her grandparents are really people of all confidence, and high quality.

I sincerely hope, especially for that child, who has already spent too long in the shelters, for stories legal ideology, which go far beyond.

I wonder, however, If such a decision will not be broken in the Court of Cassation, as it moves away from the law.

I worry especially about the motivation of judges, they really sacrificed to the famous "best interests of the child", or did they not do a little stunt, as some like the good times so, to lather, or revolutionize a phenomenon (the adoption and birth anonymously) that they finally know very little!

Once again, I'm still regretting that we speak of change of law, without knowing the existing ones. Like a week ago, I lamented that the law Leonetti quite admirable about the end of life, is as little known doctors, politicians and the media (which are enjoying talking about euthanasia indiscriminately). It would be good to remind everyone that the consent to adoption exists, and it is a good alternative to confinement in X. When he is really most of all, we can be sure that the choice of mothers who give birth in the whole secret will be respectable, and nobody can choose for her.


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