Monday, January 3, 2011

Simple Human Soap Dispenser Manuals

AFP Ia ora na ite

Well, I have not been kind to the journalist because his Parisianism had a "little" excited, and I was worried about the transcript of my comments ..... on this point I was wrong, and I apologize flatly.

Thanks to reader a nice mom, I just had the AFP dispatch and I will do share:

PARIS, December 22, 2010 (AFP) - "The disease of the adoption, sickness upheaval, "warns the pediatrician Jean-Vital Monléon, advising parents who come to accept a small Haitian" to the snail "for some time within the shell family.

Dr. de Monléon founded in 1999 at the University Hospital of Dijon Consultation Overseas Adoption which has already received a hundred small Haitians arrived in France since the earthquake of January 12.

Q: The circumstances of these adoptions are they a problem?

A: "The disease is the adoption of disease upheaval. And then the upheaval is even stronger with the earthquake and all its consequences.

For many families, the children's arrival is a relief . We must see clearly that these children were in danger in Haiti. Of course, everyone would have preferred them to be prepared for adoption under good conditions, which was not the case before the earthquake and is even less now. Between two evils, choose the lesser.

Before or after the earthquake, there are adoptions that go wrong, either because the child is not ready for adoption because he has experienced things too difficult, either because the parents, even if 'they have been granted, are not made to adopt. Finally, there are errors stork, the amalgam can not be made between such parents and such children.

Q: What problems to expect parents?

A: "Children I said the quake already saw were a little amazed the first day that the children I see usually. They were a bit stunned by these upheavals, all of this acceleration. But I have found that very soon it was going well in their adoptive family.

Overall, psychologically, I do not see many differences between children of the earthquake and others.

Where this happens the worse it is in terms of health itself. The rate of scabies, ringworm, tuberculosis has exploded. And these are diseases that French doctors have used any more. All children who arrive after the quake were full of intestinal parasites. Some suffer from malnutrition ".

Q: What advice do you give to parents?

A:" Each case is unique, but we can advise a lot of patience with children.

These are parents who are fighting for a year, are in the militancy, we must now forget all that and they thoroughly enjoy their child. They are pampered, spend time with family. This first Christmas should be spent quietly in the small family unit without being invaded by friends, acquaintances.

The idea is to make the snail, back into its shell for a few weeks, but do not hesitate to get help from people who have experience, associations and specialist consultations.

(interview by Veronique Martinache)


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