Thursday, January 27, 2011

Preston And Steve Audio Clips

Tomorrow night, tomorrow night will be great Marianne name of adoption. For a motivation as it , it still leaves provide great great things in the adoption!

I saw it land about a year ago in my office, she had an appointment on behalf of Junior Chamber Economic . I had heard this term, but I did not know at all what it represented, I thought it was the youngsters of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry who trained to do as adults.

The Committee adopted the youth chamber of Dijon, led by Marianne , wanted to embark on a project to raise awareness of this phenomenon in society. Their initial project was to produce a booklet, for pediatricians and general practitioners to raise awareness of the particularities of the adoption.
No luck! The booklet of the foundation Mustela, which I had to participate actively, had just been released.

I then proposed the challenge of "The Day Elisabeth Rousseau," my old project of interdisciplinary meeting on adoption, who was sleeping, lack of sponsor.

And since my joy matched only by my shame, Marianne and friendly small team are busy any master's hand: the room, sponsors, motivate stakeholders, the 1001 small (and big) details that make the success or dismal failure of a project like this.

I already had an illegitimate child .... with a woman I've ever met (high Zorro the Métèque) it is called "The Two moms Petirou " Tomorrow I have another (all honor) with Marianne, it's called "The Day Elisabeth Rousseau ".... and there was really like a pregnancy, the dad did it "in a hurry," and after He returns occasionally for news and 9 months later, he too is entitled to praise, then it's the mom who does all the work!

Thank you, Marianne at Alexis, Kim , Carolina, Florence, Frédérique, Charlotte and Marie-Pierre , you're great!


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