Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Log Trailers For Sale

A new interview of Professor Larry-Paul Soul in The foul

The foul: Professor, thank you first introduce yourself to our readers who read our newspaper usual arbiter of elegance, as you had to explain your brilliant editor ...

Professor Larry-Paul Soul: I'm a taxidermist clinician orientation Kirkegaard, ascendancy of wisdom. The

I: Let us go straight into the heart of the matter, what about the repatriation of children of Sumatra following the eruption of Krakatoa ...
I remind readers that our friendly eruption occurred in 1883 and like others you are offended by the rapidity with which the authorities of our présipauté was allowed the repatriation of children adopted by grolandais Sumatra ... . PLS

Pr: yes, it's a shame, 127 years, which we kidding? Are we sure that these children were orphaned well, do we really think to check there was not a bottom-up (see a descendant from the time) at least 12 ° degree ...
before imagined such a shame. This repatriation is unfair and far too rushed ... The

I: Yes, remind our readers that the friendly last wave of these children arrived last night in a galley ...
Yet some of your colleagues are concerned about health, possible epidemics might these children if they stay for Sumatra ...

Pr PLS: it is not so, I go every week in Sumatra, is beyond my practice taxidermy children of the volcano, they are all very well, I have found on 8346023 children that I have examined a single case of foot horn and a light (she received only two children) ispoiétose acute epidemic! The

I: And you're worried, the capacity of our adoptive parents to accommodate tele présipauté children who have experienced such trauma.

Pr PLS: indeed, for 117 years that the repatriation of children of Sumatra began, I attended all the landings of the galleys in the port of Toulon. So I found that parents who expected these children are accumulating risk factors: 93% were polygamous, 77% had a poodle, 23% plan Whole foods, 17% still use their bidet, 31% plan to vote for André Lajoie, 57% use chat machine, 63% have purchased a factor in their calendar with a photo of kittens, 28% listen to discs Mika and only 0 , 0001% plan to buy my book ..... and the first gesture of all his relatives was the arrival of their child to their ridiculous faux amber necklace, the sole purpose of limiting their toothache.

I wrote this text with provocative thinking about the man I deeply respected for his deep convictions for adoption, to limit such risks and help support the family .... I shared that belief and I know he has not forgotten, I remain very confident that he still has. I just show him how by blending the realities and absurdities could be ridiculous!


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