Thursday, January 27, 2011

Camera Makes Nose Crooked

Marianne Christine

Another big name of adoption, yet someone I am very happy with his response tomorrow.

Yet she, too, when she was appointed I was wary. How
! What! Another doctor named on the adoption! And this time the Service International Adoption under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs !

When we talk about adoption and consultation services they provide, we are told that there is more money ........ ..... mouaif I must say I was mad when I had been told by a government department: that basically I was quite nice, I had actually rendered services to families, but had just three doctors be appointed in the new French Agency Adoption, and my small consulting and I, well, we would no longer useless! Let me of m'esclaffer, curl me, when I see how these three doctors AFA , fully replaced me, I've never had so many requests for consultation or advice for adoption since they are there!

So when Christine arrived, I told myself another doctor who does not do a job as a doctor, and that will be used to justify not giving us anything.

Well, for now, quite the contrary. Christine is a real job of a doctor, his experience UAS has been particularly valuable to come home "children of the earthquake" and various repatriation of sick children being adopted.
And since his appointment, Christine and probably the largest supporter adoption consultations. So much so that I learned that his nickname in the department was that of Miss Coke.

On top of that, add an almost constant smile, an almost unshakable good humor and insight, which enables him to quickly understand the problem data, but also to share things and to seize the franchise and real motives of each. A

be invaluable Christine this, now that we're friends, I like to tease her and promise her a future government. This would be a Christine Minister, with all his intellectual qualities ... ... ... ... and all his human qualities.

More than others, it has greatly his place tomorrow in the debate on the adoption consultations.


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