Friday, January 21, 2011

Blaupunkt Gta 4 Special Mk 2

Total irrelevant adoption .... Elisabeth Rousseau

.... Although I could not help but turn a former minister that many of you like it! You know

the old hag that I am, I can not fail to be indignant, and when our local newspaper, a country doctor boasts zigouillé 50 patients (helped to die he said), it gives me the creeps!

For two reasons, first is there a law on end of life, very well done (Léonetti said Act), which clearly explained that every effort must be put in place against the pain, and that care must be reasonable, without aggressive treatment.
The second is that hospices high quality, as centers struggle against pain exist in our region, as in many other regions ....

But he does not know the law clearly does not seek to know and rather than step down and give his patients in pain, he played in his corner the doctor Almighty. The era of the doctor-I know-all-I-am-the-good-god-look-me-don't-talk-does not exist anymore.

We each have our skills and all our shortcomings, let us recognize them!

What he did is reprehensible by the law, but even more so is its conduct of any power which is severe .... but the press is still a good customer!

The answer given to the newspaper:

it is easy, especially under cover of anonymity to boast of being stronger than death, abuse his knowledge to decide between life and death.

it is easy not to really help our patients in pain do not have the means to alleviate them, but to go to more "direct" (at least then we will not be disturbed!) not to prescribe strong pain killers, which the law allows us to Léonetti exceed the usual doses for the sole purpose of relieving patients. The same law that authorizes us to refuse futile treatment, which add nothing to the patient. That

is easy to remain omnipotent in his corner, and not to accept when you can not relieve our patients to hand over to the relevant departments in the accompaniment, the Palliative Care and pain.

few years ago, a nurse had confessed to having "helped" dozens of patients to die. Immediately many journalists, the health minister of the day (recent foreign minister who is not a close contracdiction) had defended him, saying he should not make a scapegoat before realized that his megalomania was the main cause of his actions, and that patients it had not eliminated all the so-called last resort.

Make no mistake debate.
science, pharmacology, law, we can relieve almost all pain, Palliative care units do a great job.
Life and death are not doctors. Our duty, our mission is above all: to help, heal, alleviate, assist, not to play God.

interrogates Why do we never Patient hospices, and happy as they could live in such places? Why

tetraplegic patients, heavily disabled, but happy living are never interviewed in the media. But they are numerous, but they annoy us, they are not perfect, they cost us dear? Both eliminate ...

ticket writing as a citizen by a pediatrician Jean-Vital Monléon,


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