Monday, January 3, 2011

Kidney Spasms No Pain

A little literature to start the year ....

I do not think I've ever had in the blog, but here is a writing that dates back several years, which was published in my favorite newspaper (to be seen in the "blogs and websites" , bottom right ).... news of the last pages is one of the musts of this newspaper ... and I'm still very proud to be featured.


(Parents and relatives fa'a'amu fanau) A new
by John Monléon

- "No! "He repeated, his voice all at once calm and strong and calm that was what worried them. No there is no question that I get!
- "But your life is not here, think of all that awaits you, your BTS, your friends, we are your family, you do not know the Polynesia and them, you do not know. You saw last night you had trouble sleeping, besides you look tired. Your place is not here! "
-" I do not know where my place, but what I am sure that it is no longer with you! "Julien
faced them with all the arrogance of his youth and them, deal with such insolence, had never appeared as old. The woman, aged about fifty years, had not spoken. Moved away a few paces, she wept silently, her gaze was so distraught, especially since the young man had emerged when she wanted to hug her. The man was sixty, but this time he looked much more. When angry, he was especially desperate. He did not know what to do after what he had told his son. But he was still her son, a man who had just reject it? For some time, everything seemed to collapse, the family he had worked so hard to build was in agony. For him, there was no doubt that Julian was her son and, despite the harshness of his words, he would stay. That was it that made him so badly ...

the early 80s, he fought for that Julian becomes his child. All existing medical therapies, Martine and Gerard had tried in vain to the then approaching forty, afraid to feel old without children, they began to consider adoption. For this intellectual couple things are never made lightly. They were well educated, well read and had a lot of questions. A cousin, teacher Islands-under-the-Wind, they had then talked of adoption in the region: it was common, it seemed quick and adopted children were toddlers. He had found for them and was housed, 18 years ago, when they came to fetch the baby. This cousin had not been looking too: Mareva the biological mother of Julian was her housekeeper. She lived with her family to Haamene on the island of Taha'a and when a pregnancy had started eighth, it was well accepted, as his Teri'i tane (husband). The Lord sent them a new child and there was no question of not accepting it, especially since they were proud of the seven seniors. But both had pity on the couple without children who had spoken to the boss, and they had agreed to give their child.
Gerard and Martine had understood all the generosity of this gesture, they were not like some popa'a (Foreign) believe that Polynesians do not love their children as they separate from that. Facing Teri'i and Mareva, recognition mingled with embarrassment, a guilt complex and many European parties were soon with the wonderful gift. Upon their return to France, as they had promised, they frequently send new photos. Julian grew up, he seemed to be loved, he seemed to be happy in the pictures, it was a beautiful child, and all that Mareva Teri'in'ont never doubted. In their reply
confidence recognition Gerard and Martine. They cherished their friends who had given Taha'a a boost to their lives. Yet all their family around them, all their friends were frightened by their history, the emotional ties that seemed to unite these two families: "Do you not think that we should break off, cut the cord? This is not healthy for Julian to have two mothers and two fathers! .
So when Teri'i had to have surgery in France, Gerard and Martin did not hesitate one second to 400 km to visit him, to visit him and they brought him small gifts. Teri'i was happy to see friends, but he was surprised that they came without Julien was 8 years old then. He inquired, he was shown photographs, but he dared not ask why he could not see. He suspected the reason, and when Moana was certain, his eldest son, left his military service in Fontenay le Comte, in a merry company of Tahitians. Twice during permissions, Gerard and Martine had welcomed into their large fare (house) of Tahitian Farani (France). He was received like a king, finding ma'a (food) that he was preparing Martine much better than that of the garrison, but at no time Moana could not see the little brother other than photo. Photos of Julian, he was everywhere, but no brother to embrace. "He is on holiday" his parents said. On vacation with her grandparents on the other side of town. Because all their friends and family had encouraged them: "This will disrupt Julien, he has a family, it's you! The other you should forget it, do not tell him! "
And even if they felt a little remorse and shame, Gerard and Martin cut the bridges permanently around Julian, and slowly turn, they forgot Mareva and Teri'i. They thought they were doing what was best for Julien. Now they were a real family and it was hard to achieve this, he had to do everything to preserve it.

But Julian did not help. His childhood was calm and peaceful, a happy baby, a boy without worries that do not pose questions. But the more he grew, the more he noticed her dark skin compared to that of his parents, the more he noticed that he was tall and strong, the largest in its class, the beefier, too, while her mother was tiny and papa slender. We never spoke to him spontaneously its history. And when, ten years, he asked his mom to the fact that it does not look like her: "You have been adopted in a country far away, your parents are dead," he explained Martine quickly to cut the avalanche questions.
The answer was surprised Julie, but at the time, he did not want to know more. What would they announce it as new disasters? However, after several months of discussions, this summary statement no longer sufficed him. He wanted to know anyway, he returned to the assault "How they died my other relatives? In what country I was born? .
Martine, ill comfortable, removed at her husband. The latter explained to his little boy of twelve years he was now almost a man, and he could understand things too difficult for a baby. He told an exotic version of Tom Thumb, the country whence he came, called Tahiti and her parents were very poor had preferred to abandon it.
- They had other children?
- I do not think so.
- And if they abandoned me, that they did not like me?
- I do not know you know, we did not see them, we do not know, maybe it just because they had no money.

If Julien had no doubts about this version, she left a bitter taste. Tahiti was away, he did not know but imagines: it would be very poor, people had to be dark like him. It was a miserable place, and deal with racist thoughts that sometimes happened, he would rather crash despite its impressive size. It was natural that the mistake had been abandoned, his birth parents had not loved, he was someone to be despised. These thoughts haunted him and an idea began to germinate, it soon became an obsession, he thought every time it was wrong. He wanted to see his biological parents, he had to ask them, why did not he had kept. He needed to know, but he came up against a wall, her parents said they did not know them, it would be hard to trace them.
At 17, he had passed the ferry and began a BTS by commercial action. His results were good, when in the middle of the school year, a young teacher nice, a little eccentric, dared to question him about his origins. "You come from Tahiti, you were adopted there, but it's great, I thought, my sister just adopted a little Tahitian, I thought how great adoption is going on there, with two families who relate. "
Julian nodded, but did not answer. The course is finished, he went home like a robot, taking the bus automatically. As soon as he came face to his parents he demanded accountability. Gerard and Martine finally tell him that yes, they had met her parents, but only just once, and yes, they went home. Julien
fists clenched, teeth and refrained not explode. That hid it still? He would never ask, he wanted the concrete, he wanted to see for info. From that day, he badgered his parents to allow him travel to Polynesia and despite the panic that inspired them, they realized they could not refuse. They were obliged to yield, but merely as a condition to perform better in school. Julien thought no more of his studies, obsessed by the search for its origins: "If you spend a second year, for your 18, we all leave this summer to show you the country you come from. "The summer was quickly
then returned to work with Julien not to miss his chance.

The beginning of the trip was tight. After a week in Tahiti and Moorea for four days, Julie looked at nothing of the magnificent landscapes, neither does bathing in the lagoon or in the superb swimming pools. Polynesians only interested him, he stared as if all emphatically by the penetrating gaze he tried to understand the soul of the people who abandoned her children. His eyes never fell when the pretty vahine, who noticed her insistence, he replied with a smile. While being moved, he could not help blushing, embarrassed by his impoltesse but pleased with this nice answer. By cons, he was more worried when it was inevitable mahu (transvestite), providing service in each restaurant, which made her look a provocative glance. With his parents, he expressed only to ask the same question: "When will we see them? .
Martine and Gerard, who had hoped he deflates once there were again cornered and could not shirk. They decided to call Taha'a, where they were given more news since 6 years.
- "You leave it," answered the neighbor the phone after Gerard was presented. After five minutes of waiting, it was the voice of Teri'i who answered
- Hey, who is?
- Teri'i is Gerard's dad Julian!
- Aue, Gerard, it's nice to hear, how are you? It is beautiful in France?
- I'm not in France, I'm in Moorea.
- In Moorea, all alone?
- No, Martin and Julien are with me.
- iiia Eeee, you're all there, and when you come to Taha'a?
- can come after tomorrow, if you want, but you think it is?
- Hey, it's been just as you say it, you sound like you will be glad to see you, especially Tamaroa (boy). You stay? We will prepare everything!
- No, you can not, we will make the round trip in the day, we return to France at the end of the week. "

Two days later, the port of Raiatea, pending the departure of the shuttle Taha'a while Gerard and Julien sipping papaya juice on the terrace of Fisherman's Wharf, Martin telephoned Mareva. She had carefully prepared the call with Gerard, he was better than what it is calling: Woman to Woman, they would better understand.
"- You leave not the neighbor said."
After ten minutes, she recognized the voice of Mareva
- Hey, Martin, girlfriend, excuse me, I prepared the ma'a is waiting for you, where are you?
- We're in Raiatea, one arrives, the shuttle will Haamene noon.
- It is all there, it's nice!
- We too are happy to see you, but I wanted to ask you something.
- Anything you want girl, I'm happy to see you with Bob and see my youngest.
- You see it ... that ... for us .... it is easier ... with Teri'i if you can say you have .... uh ... abandoned ...
- Ai'a, Martine, you can not ask me, my son I have given you because you've asked me. With Terii we had understood when taotie (doctors) were sent to France, then when you went to Moana and you want that he sees us. We realized it was respected. When you give us more news we were unhappy, we said it's like that in popa'a. Fiu was (painful), but Julien is agreed to give it to you when they said nothing. But today, it's you who brings me my son, I can not lie to him! It's shame if I asks I tell him. "On the platform

Haamene, two hours later, he had never had so many people. While still on the boat, Julien saw a giant rush over to him, put a tiara necklace (flowers) around the neck, squeeze into those arms to break his bones, and say with emotion: "Ia na ora (hello), my son. " Then came a woman in her forties, still beautiful, which nestles against him in tears, unable to utter a single word. Then the procession continued, the big sisters, big brothers, husbands, wives, children, cousins, neighbors. Julian collapsed under crowns, which blinded him, which intoxicated by their heavy scent. He could no longer see where it led. Arriving at the MTR fare (house anti-cyclone) brand new, everyone sat outside Teri'i Moana opened the oven and Tahitian. Julian wanted to talk, ask questions, but he did not know how to begin. Moana is who gave the first indication:
- "You know, when you're gone, we were all at the airport and when Martin went before me to say goodbye, I took you in my arms I cried. I was ten, I was proud of my little brother who went to France, I, who that day Taha'a was leaving for the first time to accompany you to the bottom of the plane. But it was sad to see you go. "

Gerard and Martine remained tense throughout the meal. They too had been well received; Moana alongside Gerard told him his military service, and the day when snow had fallen in his regiment in the Vendée "Well, you know, we were cleaning up their arms, when I saw it falling from the sky, I could not resist, I'm gone, I opened my mouth and leaning my head back and tried to eat the snow during she fell. The sergeant was a bastard but that day he not yelled at me, he laughed at me too. " Teumere, the largest offered sister had a beautiful tifaifai (bedspread embroidered) to Martine. It had been affected by all these attentions. But as Gerard, she did not leave Julien eyes. Sitting in front of them, he was stuck between Teri'i and Mareva and after remaining silent, he spoke to them. The table was full, they could not understand what he said, but they did not need to hear to understand. It was obvious he was asking questions and probably THE question.

At four o'clock they were still at table when Gerard announced that it was time to leave, he should not miss the shuttle or fly to Tahiti. He had to say goodbye and begin to move slowly towards the pier. That's when Julian told him his decision to stay.
Gerard did not flinch, and this will pass soon, "thought he. One night in the fare and he soon regretted the comforts he had always known. He played the "father comprehensive" "Yes it's normal, it should have provided more time, you probably still want to talk with everyone, so we will stay, we will come back looking for you tomorrow. " Despite the insistence of Mareva, they would not sleep in the family. The tourist season was quiet and they found a place in a small pension.
The next day early, he arrived with Martine. There were only Teri'i and Mareva with Julien. These went away when the discussion began to heat up, but surrounded Mareva Martine in her arms when she saw that it went with such distress on his face. Julian had to explain that he could never consider them as his parents, now that his life would unfold without them.

Before their return to France, they called several times a day. Julian never refused to answer.
He discovered a new life, had he been blind to the Windward Islands, Tahaa looked for him in paradise. Every morning, he went fishing with Teri'i Moana and giggling that the awkwardness of the small "popa'a. Then they explored the mountains, André wanting to recognize that Julian knows every tree and learn to marry the vanilla. Several times a week, the neighbor came to fetch him:
- "Julian niuniu (phone), Papa fa'a'amu (adoptive)"
- "Aita (Not)! "And he replied that it Teri'i would answer" No Gerard, I know it is pitiful, pei, but it does not want to talk to you, lets do the time. "
After three months, Julien knew sin, but he began to ask questions. He confessed that it had been two months since the start took place in its second year and it worried him. He did not confess that Martine and Gerard were missing, but everyone understood.
"- You know my boy," said Mareva, we have never ceased to be your parents and when you come back to Polynesia, we will even your parents. But here we can not get the education as it should, you know Teumere, Moana and the other, they often wanted to continue school, but it was fiu. But you have this chance, and we are proud of you. You, you are lucky to have relatives in France who loved you and gave you everything. Them, it is your parents in France and us, we always wait for you, always we will welcome you. But I think it's time to go there. "
Julien did not answer, he would not cry, but he shook his head.
same evening, when the neighbor came to report the phone call is Julien went to answer.
"- Allo Teri'i," said Gerard, hearing someone moving the handset.
- "No Daddy it's me ... ... I go ... you pass me Mom? .
- When Martin hung up, she turned to Gerard, it had taken ten years in three months and who had just lost twenty in ten minutes. "I think," he said, "we're lucky to have our son and I believe him he is lucky to have four parents! "

A week later, the family had invaded the hall of the airport of Raiatea. Put in a shell necklace around his neck little brother, Moana him remarked: "You saw this time I not cry, I know you will come back."
Julien turned to Teri'i:
- "If I had my BTS, I will make a business school, and then I'll create a company to import your vanilla and any one of Taha'a, it will be called: "Vanilla Leeward.
- "i te Vanira Raromata'i (Vanilla Leeward Islands)" is a beautiful name, my boy! Fa'a ito'ito (lit: be brave, as a farewell)! "


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