Monday, February 1, 2010

When Do You Need Ear Plugs

Bangkok, Thailand, a station wagon full of surprises

Departure for Bangkok, Kathmandu, woke up at 5am, I have a cold, probably from the fever. Waiting for 2 ha airport, but fly to Delhi 2h late (as usual it seems) from Bangkok to blow my correspondence is impossible.
Waiting 8 am and it gives me a place in a direct flight to Bangkok. The Efferalgan codeine has had to help me take I think ^ ^.

The flight to Bangkok, with a view of the Himalayas, has the same height as the clouds, a beautiful way to leave Nepal! The

Photo theft

arrival in Thailand, the airport is the 3rd largest in the world, hard to describe this great ... building? It would still have 1 / 2 hour on the treadmill to get out and get a taxi. The Kathmandu
contrast is striking, but I am sick and tired already taken this morning, my Creve did not loose, the air is hot here, it reminds me the temperature of the Guiana ... I agree Bankok center, the road is a highway 2x5 channels with commercials than 100m wide along the route.
Thewet I arrive, a district deemed quiet and cheap compared to other chaotic as + chinatown with which I hesitated, Kao San road or an area 100% tourists no question Thewet be perfect to rest. I have a room at 250 Bat, 5 euros is not cheap and AC looks like the price was mini here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010, woke up at 7 am because of my belly bulk, as usual for two weeks, I ask how to see a doctor and the only solution is the hospital.

first tuk-tuk ride for 60 Bat, these devices that resemble rikshaw Indian engine but more nervous, probably more lightweight, in any case wider (like roads), but less comfortable. I'm waiting for my turn to the doctor, was asleep, too feeble even though I do not have a fever after the nurse. The doctor found an infection seen in my stomach pain by touching it. Not surprisingly after all these corners so rich in good food cheap and good microbes burbot in Nepal. But the doctor wants to see me coughing and also test my blood because there is a risk of contamination by a so-called "influenza", a microbe I did not know where they speak English as badly as me so we do not include masses. Analysis in all genres, and I await the result being still a little anxious because the doctor asked me to stay in the hosto if my blood contains this bug!

(1 mocking, I coughed in his next post!)

The result is OK, and someone finally explained to me that the analysis they did was to find out if I had the H1N1 wicked, I finally understand what they were testing time I bring this bacterium or from I do not know. I can now remove the mask that protects my circle of my hypothetical monstrous germs
^ ^ I am leaving with a big dose of antibiosis combines big for my throat infection gastrointestinal well bodied.

I take a scooter-taxi (+ Fast and the - expensive) if I have an accident, the most dangerous in the present case will probably be too thin plastic helmet that door. Chinatown Branch, a name that is dreaming. The traffic is very fluid, the streets are wide, one-way, 2 or 3 channels, clean and clear. What a contrast after Kathmandu!

Chinatown is full of narrow streets full of stalls selling everything! I even had trouble finding pumps, here is instead of wholesalers, the first would not sell me less than 6! Back
by express boat on the river Mae Nam, and the river is also a sacred axis navigation, small boat in the shape of this canoe with big engine in the rear that the boatman may raise risk if the propeller to move on a floating object too big, to gravel barges that feeds the yards in town.

Arrive Thewet, people just give bread to a school of fish used to come and gorge themselves at home is rather Some pigeons are fat.
Internet in a cyber chair semi-extension, 21-inch 16:9 screen, computer overboosted RAM and processor, an impressive amount of games PRELOADED, full of kids CONNECTED parts online gaming, large flow of internet connection, another coronation contrast Kathmandu. It is indeed a city full of hi-tech.

Dinner in a snack bar near the hotel, excellent, a simple dish of noodles, sticky, soaking in a soup, 40 Baht, 80 c euro.

Thursday, January 21, 2010, the district executive or everything was cheap.

Stands sidewalks on each side and behind the shops, halls, towers, themselves barred with shops and stalls. Prices sometimes as metropolis and other times really very interresting. Every time I negotiated too, the seller makes a kind of plaintive wail. A mall gives me a new SD card brand and a battery charger, a wealth of technology, my brother will enjoy here!

I finished last with a 7-storey shopping center, close to 400m long and wide enough for 4 alleys, incredible! A palace of consumption.
Back exhausts with a tuk-tuk. I stopped before finishing the guesthouse was thinking but I mixed up my bearings, I 'm still far away and I get lost somewhere between the narrow streets until you see a bridge that I recognize to be happening underneath boat yesterday. I spin but falls into a cul de sac. Standing out in a pack of dogs barking behind me and I do not take care. They are already on me and one of them bites me till the blood before I do the hunting. A beautiful sanguinolent wound. I returned to my room disinfect but the boss of the hotel told me that if I want to be a werewolf tomorrow I'd better go in the hospital, you never know what crap or what I could surprise chopper j 'would have to wake up tomorrow ...
Branch hospital, I know, I even have the card yet barcode with my info, I'm in luck! Hosto a 23h, after a small dish of noodles sticky peanut sauce all the same (hmmm this Thai food, I imagined not so good). After the dressing, it injects the first dose of vaccine against rabies. I would have to do another 4 stalls for 1 month and a half. So I right that this vaccine before leaving I felt useless, so I thought I'd watch out for the wild dogs in the Nepalese countryside, you're talking! I'm good to go 4 times has hosto find a dose of magic potion, next Sunday here in Bangkok, but the next may be in a hosto in the north, and the following ... Laos? Vietnam? Inshallah!
Back at the hotel, I make a chocolate milk from the grocery store open 24 / 7, makes me sleep well and the chocolate is good when we stopped the fags. Only I did not see that chocolate is loaded with vitamins special breakfast, it boosts me like a Red Bull, it's 1.30am, I have no desire to pioncer ... Reminds me of my last inspection job or take a day I think INFU Granny to sleep when I stopped the fags, but it was an Energy Tea, no sleep either! After reading, writing, and finally made a walk on the jetty going to drink a beer myself, I return my kip, it is 4am.

Friday, January 22, 2010, woke up at 6am, 2 hours after sunset, feeling sick. I'm trying to force me, nothing comes out, I am back kip until 9am. I did not remember at 4am with the cachetons I take, the nurse told me well not to drink alcohol. Day
bulk head. I visit MBK Center, another shopping center or should I find cheap pumps. This Mall is full of tourists, I see a camera Lumix ZS3 to 200 euros instead of 280 euros TZ7 the same I just look on a french site VPC, it's been like compared to my Sanyo bought the most basic in Brazil after the theft of my bag. Still a lot of stalls, stands, business! Evening ended soon after dinner due to lack of sleep :-)

Saturday, January 23, 2010, I send my warm clothes in metropolitan France, the parcels are less Kathmandu's expensive and I have a feeling they are more likely to reach its destination.

I still walk the walk until the Royal Palace, the huge gilded Buddhist monuments, statues of dragons, a palace with a thousand details, impressive, but I'm still too tired and I troll radar .

I continue by boat to Chinatown, photos, purchase dates and dried apricots, I love those stairs made of alleyways too narrow for two people meet and are filled with stalls as food, textiles, plastic gadgets sold the 12aine ....

Sunday, January 24, 2010, rising again to radar because of the stamps. Between those who hunt my Creve angina, those who care my intestines, those who make sure that I not contract rabies and that means that I need to blow my nose every 2 minutes, I'm really ... Gave. Direction the hospital for a 2nd anti-rabies injection, this hosto Bangkok is routine now. Then walk in a walk this weekend. It looks like a huge shopping area with lots of shops rather well prepared for a march this weekend, but still everything is not given.

I finished my day a 2 a time by going to the tourist street in Bangkok, Kao San Road a neighborhood or there are only tourists, expensive prices, and a tourist scams of all kinds. I find a Lonely Planet guide which includes full details about the countries of Southeast Asia, a good mix for not having to buy one of each country. And in this paradise of the copy, the first guide that I found and it was eventually purchased a copy. Very well done, just pictures on paper and less ice, the latest edition as nine to half price in my bag.
I ordered a fried fish restaurant next to the guest house, a treat. A guy eats on the table next to a tourist like me it makes gringue has 2 girls. A beggar comes and sits next to my desk, I will file 10 baht come yesterday, he demands nothing is not embarrassing, just sitting there. After 5 minutes, the tourist from the table beside the saw and decided to make its territory to hunt, as hunting dogs, starting to bawl, up his sleeves. The beggar does not go away and sit on the floor next to me, the guy pretends to get excited, and I do not flinch as he does not touch him. I do not leave the eye and he finally realized he should stop his film and he calms down, keeping his air irritates. AC rather disgusted at seeing a rich hunting dog like a beggar. He just has him spinning 10 Baht, he will leave himself, otherwise he agrees to eat a meal in this restaurant before a dear guy who is hungry and has no money to pay a eat, we are in Thailand, and it is not wealth that runs the streets, even if it's very clean and tidy as Westerners love. I do my preachy but this con really disappointed me, although I probably make the worst of a bunch of times!

Monday, January 25, 2010, up late, feeling better but still ca. I look at the Assos and humanitarian contacts in Cambodia an association of time I can lend a hand in passing, maybe for the electricity of the new kitchen for an orphanage being built, or to change Phnon Penh neons. ..

Ballade in Chinatown to spend the day, boat, I get lost in the lanes and passes through a neighborhood to sell phones. Here the shops that sell the same products all in one place. I hesitate one second to buy a copy of I-phone with terrestrial TV option for 58 euros, the I-phone is worth 400 euros in France it seems ^ ^

Tuesday, January 26, 2010, a tower Sky train, Skytrain, even magical, as in the manga.

I returned to scootertaxi. The scooter makes little strange and I guess shortcuts to avoid traffic as they do sometimes, but it stops in a small street next to 2 guys that I translate it now wants to bring me back 300 baht was under Thewet because there is too much traffic. Another scam, I feigned hurt the guy ennerve (because I do am not too jaded after the scam in India and Nepal, I'm blind) and I plan to leave the yelling, but in my opinion it does not subside. I later regret not having given him a lesson, say yes for 300 beats and spinning him that the sum provided by 80 beats on arrival, to steal a thief ... This will be the next addition to these scammers are all too kind and zen in this country and grandpa who led very cautiously had good will.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010, departing for Cambodia. Reveille was 6:30 by the owner of the guesthouse, I speed till the bus station towards the Cambodian border. I grab a city bus, long drive up to one end of town (there is one in Bangkok reassures AC) a ticket for the bus leaving in just one minute and away! And what a bus! pink curtains prepress Fasteners, comfortable seats as in metropolis, air conditioning, TV, toilet, I must take a picture because after the bus and especially Indian Nepali, the luxury! And
nasty surprise, the screen of my camera died.
Fortunately we are not yet out of the city, and I quit my departure, this would be a shame to travel without taking pictures! And Bangkok is the best place to buy a new camera, and I even know where to go ^ ^ Back
my guesthouse scooter taxi with a driver or the street racing I regale the bag over 10kg back. The very friendly owner, Som, who má already well help to go to the hosto, tell me to go in front if I can not do repairs and change the screen in the neighborhood Thewet. Unfortunately, I can not find a repair of electronics in this neighborhood. Branch MBK Center, a huge shopping mall of 7 floors (with a Pizza Hut in the 7th yes yes ^ ^). Here to repair screen it takes 3 weeks, damage. I could see the quality of the apparatus of friends with whom I toured the Annapurna, a Lumix, Leica lens, and I find the latest model for 2 / 3 of the price sold in France. A nice Christmas present!

Thursday, January 28, 2010, I start with a meeting to hosto, I am still today For this reason, I have an anti-rabies injection has done today. I also want to see a doctor, my left ear is blocked for 5 days and it does not stop as I thought. Matches, middle ear infection, I am not surprised at my medical in Bangkok! Another treatment is to take as I just finished those I had been leading last week!
then I'm going to lose my foot in the streets as jadore do to really discover the cities, and I find that I am a channel, there are several Bangkok, driven by "water buses" is quiet, and it makes me want to settle down, why not build a guest house in one of those tranquil spots filled green, while I am in the heart of Bangkok!

I visit a temple built on a hill

then another temple below, or I am invited for a meal is a celebration of induction of a monk in the temple. I visited Wat Pho finally visits the monuments of Bangkok, a huge temple where I see a statue of Buddha lying on his side, statue of 46m long and 15 tall, impressive, as all temples and stupas around equally beautiful.

Friday, January 29, 2010, I go towards the Cambodian border.
Scooter with an old Raleur until the bus station, apparently there are many such old Raleur after the scammer in scooter last time. He asked me more than expected on arrival, as nearly normal demand, so much fun I'm jaded. Depart by bus, and this time I left, my camera is not stranded.

I hope to come back to Bangkok, I loved the 10 days spent here, even though many times they were tired, it's a place full of rich sensations and really nice even for a great city!

And what is the journey, I will perhaps not happen in Cambodia ...

photos of Bangkok


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