Saturday, February 6, 2010

Como Fazer O Bracelete De Jeff Hardy

Cambodia - Koh Kong and the White Elephant Orphanage

Tuesday, February 2, 2010, departing for Cambodia, I left Ko Chang, the Thai island paradise for lovers of fiestas and lazy sunny. I slept 4 hours, evening departure from Ko Chang obliges, and the road will be long.
It's good to be lulled by the hum of the ferry, I fall asleep already. The taxi driver baratine me that my ticket does not go to the border, but he stopped quickly, seeing that I am in no mood to negotiate a joke or this morning. I fall asleep on the road to the border after chatting with my neighbor's mini-bus, Haiden, a Turk who arrives in India for 2 years and go on southern Cambodia, the same sauce as Ko Chang, sun and relaxation: - /

on the Cambodian border, customs officers ask me 1200 Baht, or $ 36 while the normal price of the visa is $ 20, I was accused. Even the Lonely Planet guide warns that it is impossible to pay less, but the association that I joined me a little rundown of arrival, stress and try to pay $ 20 only difficult but possible. I grumble with customs and starts to get tired of these greedy, and even officials. I'm exhausted, my 4 hours of sleep and a few beers the night before should give me an unpleasant mouth sacrament. A customs asks me to put a time on the sidelines, and I see they want to pay 1200 baht and be done with all the other tourists who line up before starting to negotiate with me. After 1 / 2 hour after they scam the tourists present, they make me finally VISA, I did not loose the piece, the 16 dollars more is almost a week of hotel here, and for the meager pay of customs officers is a very good pension.

The tuk-tuk to Koh Kong is not evil abyss, AC is in the mood Cambodia. This short journey from the border to the city is full of emotions, not only that reminds me enormously Guyana, with its warmth, simplicity, the system of local ambience, mentality, it's more that this direction I wanted take the lease from a coronation. Not specially Koh Kong and Cambodia, but to continue my trip to the dotting of the raids or I can.

I arrived in Koh Kong, a tiny town, we take a small dirt road and arrived at an orphanage. A 20aine of kids are playing outside. They stop me doing big hello, clasping hands (chomisoa) with a huge smile! How welcome, then they do not even waiting for me and do not know me! Immediately, barely down from the tuk-tuk, three children come to the gate to take my hand to get me. They are accustomed to what the volunteers come to spend time with them one day, one month, and they need it.

I would spend the afternoon with them and after Sandrine, the volunteer facilitator for 1 month. Lots of times I smile, it takes my hand, you want a hug, it's really troubling, children who have no parents, or so I'm not accustomed to children, simply ^ ^. I rent a bike
was leaving the association and ask me in a cheap guest house has 3 dollars a night at the Neptune Guesthouse (Thomas 011 984 512 for the pub). And a few in a small cyber internet, or I'm working on the blog from Bangkok and there's a job.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010, cafe snack too much sugar in one of the simplest is a small countertop edge street and behind a house on Pilotti, crowded below, a family. I leave my torn shorts and no button for the tailor who wonder only 30 Baht, so little! 1 lap to search for bananas for children at the orphanage in the covered market, you fit a new strap on my watch Taiwanese bought in Suriname. I love lost between the different parts of the market, meat, shoes, bazard, fish, jewelry, fruits and vegetables so close, it's dense.

Internet to finish the blog from Bangkok, a very spicy sandwich by mistake was wanting to test a chilli sauce but this one is super strong, the sandwich is almost like a bread in France, with meat, vegetables and a little jam in the bottom .. not bad, all accompanied by the traditional green papaya salad, which I love!
Little nap after eating, it's good to find patterns of Guyana in the heat, then towards the orphanage. Even a home full of smiles, a few games with the children. Some kids test me a little, normal, but it is mostly a lot of love in these exchange smiles. The evening dinner chicken noodles on the street, I was a kid offers a beggar sharing with 2 others, too bad they can not be all supported by a generous area in an association.

Thursday, February 4, 2010, bike ride, snack street or I find a faux bread with jam not bad buying a bus ticket to Phnom Penh that I manage to negotiate the $ 5 regular price, then pay the equivalent of $ 6 because I pay in Riels. Here we pay in dollars, Thai baht or Cambodian riel, by having it on almost all exchange rates not rounded as possible. I spin a few gold coins to an American of Cambodian origin who says he made me steal his bag of money and need to sleep in Phnom Penh and then go to the embassy the next day, I never or rarely queues of money on pitches like that, I hesitate and then choose to believe. Not easy after all panky I've heard since the beginning of the journey. Myself but my bag was stolen in Brazil and have had some good shots of hands and to be on the momentum generated with the changeover to the orphanage, it makes me look like something that should have a big heart or a beautiful naivete

:-) I buy a bottle of coca 10aine for celebration and games starting Sandrine who leaves the orphanage tomorrow. The french couple who took over from the animation for one month comes at the same time as the games begin, it has as much fun as the kids.

White Elephant The association takes care of the orphanage and 25 children, from the smallest to the largest 2 years who was 18 if I'm not mistaken and it is really great to create more joy and good projects for the lads. Tari, a Cambodian converted dietician, child care and meals, she lives on site and there are one or more volunteers who lead and care for children when not at school.
the evening, dinner excellent, Tari is a blue ribbon and curry is delicious. The children dance and sing on the TV tubes on DVD. I tell them goodbye, I do not see them again probably.
I sentence myself to leave, a small town like Koh Kong, quiet and with this association is a good place to ask, but I want to move (as usual) and Phnom Penh will be full of surprises, I already know. So

direction Phnom Penh tomorrow, the capital Cambodian.

Photos of Koh Kong , and the orpherlinat
and other photos


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