Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How To Hack Time Trial Games

Phnom Penh Cambodge, une ville de paix

Friday, February 5, 2010, departure to Phnom Penh.
I wake up with terrible back pain at the point of not knowing if I could wear my backpack or even support the bus. At the pharmacy, "I have backache" enough for the girl of 15 who keeps his shop, while his mother Papotti with a friend, I brought back from ibuprofen 400, this has got to go!?, a good dose of anti-inflammatory!
I leave Koh Kong at the back of a bus beside a mother and her 2 kids, dressed in pajamas like many women in Cambodia (it seems that it is the women's clothing but it is mostly Khmer a real pajamas, have you even rabbits or teddy
above :-) I hesitated to go, this small quiet town and very pleasant, waterfalls has 20 pins that I could make bike and one turn at a nearby beach with no tourists it was tempting, but it is time to move.

The journey still remember enormously Guyana and vegetation between Cayenne and Kourou, the wooden barracks, sometimes on stilts, half finished, the system still D everywhere. On the long road, every 500m, a sign warns of mines red if you entered the space, AC reassuring.

After 6 o'clock, we reach the outskirts of Phnom Penh, huge factories and some workers in uniform to make their break, I'm curious and probably sick of how they earn and how much bossent.

center of Phnom Penh is not so large and the buildings are the size of those of a small town in our province. Lots of scooters and motorcycles, normal, as in India, it's cheaper and + fast and traffic is just as dangerous if you cross a street, better not stop on its tracks if they encounter too close to the drivers who had been anticipating our crossing.

I found a room at $ 5, it is cheaper but it would be in the neighborhood and tourists while the rest would become too expensive. It is often like that, if the neighborhood is not touristy, hotels are a bit more expensive and life is at local rates, but if it is tourist guesthouses fight and have good prices but the Besides, restaurants, tuk-tuk ... are not and can not think of tourists and local vendors, and both say that the report is never very frank. So my room was $ 5 is the luxury, I was not expecting it but I have 2 very large stakes, satellite tv, towel provided with toothbrush, toothpaste and soap! I walk around and falls on a pizza, but I keep going hard and trace, really expensive. A fried chicken in the restaurant next to the guesthouse, it smells a bit of old France in this restaurant, run by Chinese, necessarily, funny ^ ^, is full of backpackers, these guys have done a hell of a long road , it reads on their faces.

Saturday, February 6, 2010, motorcycle taxi to the Pasteur Institute for the 4th anti-rabies injection, I am greeted by a nurse who speaks french, in fact everything here is written in Cambodian, french and english.
Then, towards the palace but it closes it is noon for a fun spot but it reminds the public servants french ... (Yes, me first ^ ^).

I go see Tuol Sieng Museum, a former high school that was transformed into a prison and torture center by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot, the 1st explanations of the guide (boy he was forced to clean these torture chambers), are Following violent and shocking in that classroom, with a bed of scrap metal bar or two slip rings to hold the feet and the metal box as a toilet.

Prisoners were tortured 3 times a day until unconsciousness for at least 2 weeks and then shipped a Killing Field for execution, and I do not go see that place. No reason, just a doubt about their silence, they were taken him here under the pretext of training, some even smiling in the pictures on arrival meant it to find something beneficial here. I would like 5 minutes before leaving this room full of pictures.

like that of this young woman too beautiful, Tortured dead without reason or explanation of this man, one of seven survivors, who explains his ordeal with a smile. So many deaths, much suffering, so much willingness to suffer, is not horrible enough.

I go on foot, need to take the air and passes through small steps in the small streets, this city is so pleasant, we quickly found a corner very quiet, like a huge town, and those smiles so frequent, exchanges simple and pleasant, people are open, friendly, humble, reserved and even shy, friendly, warm, soft AC resume well, that's good.

I then visited the palace, both of gold, a game is prohibited, residence of the king. What a contrast even after Sieng Tuol ...

Back foot, the best way to discover and know the city, a little Internet to swing Ko Chang this Island, beach, palm trees and sunshine that I've already forgotten (but not its meetings).
Dining in the street, I hear a guy explain that Capitol, this neighborhood center where I live, is still a pure right corner of travelers. Fries and salad, I'm still disgusted with the meat from this afternoon, I felt at Tuol Sieng is still anchor.

Sunday, February 7, 2010. Direction the Russian market, Gave to buy stuff and send metropolis.
I go to a hospital for children, keep a few hours, a girl of 5 years. Here, caregivers do that care and do not mind the needs for grooming or eating, and Yolles, an orphan aged 5 years, has not the right to walk and need someone constantly. Too cute and prankster, she really that character kids who have already seen too much, as these street children in Kathmandu.

Surprise, I had made some small erraflures on the ankle, passing between the two chairs during the games has an orphanage last Thursday, I did not pay attention or disinfected, and yesterday one of they woke, ankle swelling + in + big pain, too hard to market, and that falls on the day I keep Yolles, imagine if I had to take him to the bathroom, bring one arm lift the infusion of the other door, and walk with a limp for a half to reach the toilet, have the 4h long been waiting for the volunteer who had taken over so I can have my turn to go hosto, one of Phnom Penh.

Calmette hospital, another sacred song, not reassuring that big room full of beds with wheels in all directions, some glances jévite too cynical and watch what happens to them. It sends me into a small room with a nurse a little awkward, he looks for gas sterilized tweezers and ditto for my already dry cleaned the wound but my ankle is swollen like a balloon, I could not remember what has point it might be painful to clean an infected wound. I stick a plaster on a pad, my request $ 5, I file a prescription for pain and infection, and told me to come back in two days to change the dressing and no shower in the meantime. I take what is pharmacy, two days without a shower is not possible here and I intend to clean the wound and change dressing at least once a day, I experience ... Back to the motorcycle taxi, like all my trips here, I'm feverish pain, it's been a while since I had not lived ca.
Decidedly, medical document I used to Asia, go, a report of 2 weeks: gastrointestinal, angina, and bite anti-rabies injections, backache rifle, wound infection of a single point of difficulty in walking. I do everything at the same time after I'm tanquille is this??

Monday, February 8, my ankle has not improved, still swollen, but no pain during the night to rest. Well, I will not move before a program screen of the Internet has finally answer every email waiting. Amazing how time passes very quickly and we lose it very easily on the net, and I Gave again. At lunchtime, do not tell my doctor, I go into the streets by side and find a large covered market, just one example, an alley in order: a seller of rice, then a seller of TV and DVD player, then a hairdresser, then a jeweler, then a deli ... I feast on a small stand in front of one of the inputs, frying and salad choices with some cucumber slices dipped in this sauce white vinegar / sweet and already adored in Guyana.

Tuesday, January 9, breakfast as yesterday, coffee ice as it is good here, and fresh fruit salad (Baban, pineapples, orange, guava) and a chocolate bread not yucky, yes colonisaion of french has left the memories like that too.

At the other end of the table, the french 50aine talks with the Khmer also 50aine and a young girl of 23 years. He said the girl was 50, which in my opinion it organizes meetings to marry, he can not marry this girl Culturally Diverse (really very nice way) because she is not educated, do not speak English, and do not read. It was impossible to share them during the few moments he spends with and it is a bit annoying. He wants to meet educated women who speak English, he asked the woman to bring him to apologize for not marry but he can not marry a woman with whom he will not speak and she also is too young for him. The young, understanding, has a look jaded and still throws me more and more peeps, yes I know, my natural charm ^ ^

I digitize my queue continue to kill, internet, internet, internet or how to pass the time sitting, it reminds me all the time that I was losing strength during the two years of work stoppage, was unable to walk easily.

Henket I go with a moto-taxi (Yes it's just scooters), see for Vietnam visa, but they ask the dates of entry, and I still have no idea (my beloved liberty), because I am not even gone yet Angkor. Was spun to a small market standing, I find pants lightweight, hand. The saleswoman, Huang, speaks English. She sells clothes the day and evening from 17 to 20h it goes to university to study economics for later work in a bank. The education here is the only solution, she learned English for four months and is already doing very well. I'm leaving with a fute to 1.5 euros. I then spun

Ounalom Wat has a large Buddhist center in the center. I walk into a small temple, and am now greeted by an old gentleman who opens the door, with a Buddha at the bottom and 1 on each side. Synchronicity ...
What I love here is the simplicity in this image of Buddhism, much less fuss than around a few temples that I saw in France. Here the stupa, you live next door, then you will put away the brooms, and the shower is behind, but it takes up space on the terrace anyway ^ ^ Buddhism is so ubiquitous, it is natural and familiar, like the monks who come to beg in the streets in the morning, or all of these young people dressed in orange, that I ran across the tracks on the north, in the backwoods ...

Wednesday, February 10 2010, my ankle did not change, I may be a little too much walking, in any case is ... swells, can no more! I'm off this time at the private clinic that I recommend. Hope Staphylococcus aureus multidrug special "Remember Guyana" is not returned.
fact is different from the public hospital. After a quick test temperature before entering, it opens the door, greeted by 3 very nice hostesses, secretaries uh sorry, but as it makes you want to return. Here everything seems new, sanitizing, nikel pooooovre to host a European patient. I see a doctor almost immediately, the treatment I took for 3 days has no effect, it puts me on a drip 1 / 2 hour with a powerful antibiotic that I replay the coming days and if nothing changes in 2 days, changing product, we'll go try that, guinea pig session!
1h after I leave my break infusion, the consultation is $ 75 here, not the same as me that the $ 5 bills for me the hosto disinfect, bandage and put a spin me an order, go, gonna ^ ^
Day march has glandouiller, is not really that I walk.
Come on, tonight I go get a massage. I came across a massage center, run by Chinese. The masseuse speaks only Chinese and the massage is nothing extraordinary, not bad but far from Valloire Javanese massage I had was Paramaribo and I want to learn Java has ... At the end, I file the planned $ 6 and request a tip. I am willing to spin a small thing, but $ 6 is already well paid for this massage not great, I leave a small tip and irritated by the Chinese not enough according to her. While I emerge just massage, it's hard to see this girl who was annoyed because she herself is not full of gold coins and more as I am European and filthy rich! I go really disappointed, massage, the masseuse, the center, I would know for next time. And next time it will be deemed massage center facts not blind.
excellent dinner, pasta, with a mixture of eggs, a saice excellent and crisp vegetables.
A round-cutter objectives, I arrive just before a show and 2 girls open for me, it's really done everything to a max of customers here, and there is a 10aine salons in the same street. To be cut chveux in Phnom Penh, it must be in the neighborhood. The guy goes directly to work, to start with scissors, then a mechanical hand mower, then the engine was finally used it without even taking her comb as a shoe, and the job is nikel for $ 2 and 20 minutes.

Thursday, February 11, for breakfast, I returned to the clinic to infuse me this special mixture of deflation of the foot (ankle also yes I know ^ ^ is the side effect of the blog ca). Then I go see if I find a massage center, masseurs are blind and the center shall be deemed, but I do not find it. I walk around here has tourists, riverside, hoping to find fresh sandwiches, but at what I find does not tempt me ...

Must admit that this sauterrelles fried, or beetles or water snakes I have not often seen elsewhere in this corner tourists, surely something that works in the late evening and with the "you're not heading!"

I pass a supermarket, between (yeah j'adoooore shopping) and I see the dream for weeks, a wand, and Roquefort, and it will be a good sandwich for lunch, has a price but for a Barje After ca not refuse. Back up to the guesthouse, I but should not take a sick motodop every trip and I was not sore foot though it will not help to deflate. sandoche in my room before the movie Wolverine Magneticman cons or something like that on the satellite. And me today, glandouille on the net again after a nap.

Friday, February 12, infusion again, my foot a little less swollen. Rental bike, and walk me to the streets in Pedro. Nothing exciting, it quickly while I queue!

Saturday, February 13, 2009
I queue at the clinic last hot date, last infusion, my foot has resumed its normal size, and I left with a lot of cachetons ... a bike, do not tell the doctor who said "no steps or bike."
Everything is closed for Chinese New Year (and Tibetan!) And Cambodian benefit to ask to leave after noon, and it's a luxury.
I go by bicycle to the Russian Market, a corner where there are vegetables, snacks not necessarily a very tempting first sight, and full of souvenir stalls, and I regale in an alley, with lots of small objects I negotiated hard, often with a great smile face like mine, too nice to do good business here.

Sunday, February 14. I walk with the anchor screwed into any direction for 3-year anniversary coronation and nice charts!
I took a bus ticket to Siem Reap but would stop halfway, has Kompung Thom. A little village with a road that goes north, these corners not tourist trails and small roads to get high, to sleep with the locals and visiting temples or draw back is sometimes alone in the jungle, a real scenario díndiana jones, and all that I tell you next time, in any case it will be a coronation full of images and emotions.


Happy Valentine!
And on my side, it is with all the love I have for my uncle always Alain who left while I was the first track on the northern Cambodia and Monday must see this magnificent first temple stood up by the roots a tall tree, humble and kind, like my uncle.
Hi uncle!


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