Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can A Felon Hunt With A Bow

Tansem, Lumbini and Kathmandu

Monday, January 11, 2010, departing from Pokhara to Tansen Palpa, a pretty little town halfway Lumbini.
Tonsen is famous for its rating "Old Town" with its narrow streets too narrow for cars. I grab a bus in the street, just raise your hand so that the bus stops that fills throughout the trip. 6 hours of travel, the landscape is similar in Sikkim, steep roads and beautiful views over the narrow valley with a few rice fields and sometimes the tops of the Himalayas glimpses ente 2 hills.

Arrive Tansem, no room is less than 300 PID (3 euros) and no hot water here. Visit the temple Amar Narayan Mandir (Mandir = Temple in Nepal). 3 bunk roofs, the beautiful and small scultpure erotic scenes at the base of the wooden beams.

(yes look better bottom)

I guzzler in a pizza restaurant Nanglo West "at night, the best pizza I've eaten since the beginning of the journey with this little sauce for mushrooms reminiscent of the rabbit kitchen by my parents! My appetite for pizzas will calm down there one day?
Sunset ... with the noise from neighbors, a group of Indian tourists, who make much noise until late at night and will stand up to the first with much noise, no need to wake up! :-)

Tuesday, 12 January, 2010 Wake up at 5am
by the group of Indian tourists as promised. A last round in the center, go see these big bat that I was talking about,

another on the heights or I take a picture of one of these sites from home or is made with bamboo, as in India. Bamboo holding a sheet metal (or boards here) to cast the slab, you assemble the 3 frames that were outstanding at the end of the pillars that exceeded the roof for a few years when you had done the previous stage, and t You got a new floor to your house!

Tansem remain a corner that satisfies me brand and really liked it too difficult to tell sometimes and that explains so little

Arrive Bhairahawa, Lumbini before the stage, I am a small local bus to Lumbini, drain, remains standing, backpack on the roof of the bus in the species found on arrival, and with friendly neighbors papottage bus.

Arrive Lumbini, Buddha's birth village, it is cool and gray, then has Tonsen, warm and beautiful. I found a hotel to put my bag a first night, rent a bike and go see the temples for me guesthouses has cheaper housing. Some temples are empty and farms, others still under construction and most are big and beautiful. I would go may be tomorrow Korean Monastery, 250 NA 3 meals and a bed.

I need internet to upload my newspaper and laundry facilities to try to recover the rags of clothes that I used to take a shower to get them back then ...
The shower is cold, but too much after 3 days, and there is no laundry, so hand washing is toujous be better than nothing with this little soap smell in my clothes. I think
reach Kathmandu in two days and fly to Bangkok on January 19, the end of my Nepali visa is tomorrow, a month already happening in Nepal, it goes so fast when it's good!
the evening, I booked a ticket for Bangkok on January 19 while the electricity group of cyber electrogene deconnne and cut every 10 minutes, not easy to buy online card bancaise. I finished at 8am PM, there is no corner or eat at that hour, everything is closed at this hour, except a grocery store where I found a packet of crisps.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Depart for Maya Devi Temple, the place where Buddha was born 2,500 years ago. Some tourists stalls full of statues and necklaces in the path that leads. The entrance is 120 nrp camera, disappointed that this place is paying. THE birthplace is a place that was protected by various temples over time, has the support ruins, all now not protect a structure metal mass.

I agree with some monks under a huge fig tree to practice Chenrezig, I am greeted Mahaya tradition between a monk and other Theravada monks. Renting a bike after the morning and visit all the temples. Many still under construction, some magnificent Chinese temple

(despite the big smiling Buddha at the entrance that gives me the impresion that I enter the park asterix)

the Thai monastery, the great stupa Drigung Kagyud Lotus, or the World Peace Pagoda huge, lost in the fields. I return the bicycle, I goiffre a "samosa curry, samosa 2 mixture has a sauce with chick peas and other vegetables pepper all well as usual. Then back to the tree where I practiced in the morning and I find the same or monks. This time we monkeys make it a real show, has reversed the trash, to scare tourists, or a muddy 1m us from a branch of the tree above us! The night I learned that a strike is announced by the Nepalese Maoist movement, not having a bus tomorrow night.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Breakfast spiced chai and sugar for 27 + PID, I still love this! I go to the Maya Devi Temple. A "monk" comes to greet me, Is this a monk? "He wears a orange fabric as Theravada monks wear it, He tells me he is not here, not in a temple, but would buy land to build one. In my opinion, it benefits from donations from tourists let that go around the tree leaving a few pieces next to each monk (and those who resemble them). During my meditation, the squirrels are eating rice grains under my knees, not the cowards morfales!

I am then a short nap on the roof of the hotel, soaking up the sun dry my clothes waiting for the bus that would still happen despite the strike. The bus is late but it finally arrived and it left for 15 hours of travel on small, steep road.

I finally begins to sleep around midnight, and suddenly the big jolts that make me feel the bus off the road!
I remember on that part of this road is a cliff, and I expect to leave the mainland for a flight ... bus! In the next second it is still, and the bus is stopped. The driver starts to fall asleep, it's been close to 25 hours it runs, all with very few breaks because his boss asked him to make overtime.

The bus was driven into a large pit on the small village square, we're lucky! And by luck, others are on the up and s'apprettent to take us to Kathmandu, it is again! Everyone finally arrived at 9am in Kathmandu, sacred sleepless night, safe and sound!

Saturday, January 16, 2010
I'm going on a visit Patan, as the old city of Kathmandu is wonderful.

A small snack at night because I do not want to disburse all my money in overpriced restaurants of Thamel district, a few fries (that's a lease!) With a pleasant sauce mayonaise below / and a layer peanut paste on top, a test!

last 2 days in Nepal in Kathmandu, a final reminder of scams Thamel with a server that tries m'arnaquer about money, or to the shop reminds me that she has succeeded in the morning monaie on a Lonely Planet guide, on this side, no regrets at Thamel, and no gifts either ^ ^

final preparations and ballads in Kathmandu, really magical, it's going to miss this instantanneite perpetual, everything is possible here also, Nepal, like its inhabitants, is really beautiful, authentic, full, intense, brutal sometimes, especially as I like free.
I've been away for only a week and I miss it already!.

Tomorrow Tuesday departure for Bangkok.

From Pokhara Tansem
Lumbini Kathmandu Kathmandu


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