Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Leather Bracelets Canada

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Voila, one month pass to Siem Reap, this small city that welcomes all tourists came to see the temples of Angkor 5km.
I'll try to tell the AC, but hey, tell feelings, meetings, more than pictures and stories, not easy ... ?

So here we are late February, a month that I am in Cambodia, and I do not want to leave now, I love this corner, and Cambodia. In addition, since the time I would like to volunteer, it can be a great opportunity. Excellent
why? Hard to tell. The smiles of Cambodian surely, this simplicity of life too, not only due to poverty, the environment, this respect, warmth, peace and tranquility, a feeling so pleasant! And all this in the heat reminds me of dry season in French Guiana, Guyana yes I miss, of course! And here I find a lot of perfume direct simplicity that I love Guyana.

Wednesday, February 24, I start looking for a humanitarian association.
I will be very difficult because some associations have a very special way to manage the donations they receive and I do not want to spend a month working with an association that would benefit from donations of generous donors, without the situation and use In any case quite clear. A first
association refers me to another. They are now too often and sometimes even volunteers in the association that I meet! Rather good sign in a country that has so need help! Handicap International
example uses only local Cambodians, the best way to do it!
I continue on some other associations and met Alan, who looks after Globalteer , an association that supports, through financial, volunteer. The volunteer made a donation to the association, the gift is a precise amount, it is housed throughout his volunteer work, and in return, he found an association Globalteer to volunteering. Strange way to proceed, but it may be easier for many volunteers who wish to invest and be totally taken care of. The "gift", the association has Globalteer, to volunteer supported by Globalteer, is 850 U.S. dollars. 600 euros is the amount that I spend two months here! And FYI, my hotel cost me $ 2.5
night ^ ^ But it seems that this amount is used many excellent local projects ... I recall that most volunteers directly contact the local assos and are (easily) a hotel or guesthouse good and cheap!).
Alan is going up a school for electricians, but like many projects and buildings in Cambodia, the periods are very broad and the school is not yet finished building. Too bad, I do love my job with young orphans or street children and teach them the basics of electricity, help start the school. I continue my
Research, an association that supports the prostitutes and children, yet almost too many volunteers, it's always a good sign for those who need it so badly!
I receive an email from an association contacted on the Internet, to whom I sent my CV, translated with the greatest difficulty worldwide in English, because I see that the volunteer "standard" which arrives and offers help for the day the next is not necessary for assos I casements. In these assos, volunteers have prepared the gait already several months ago, and only a few that are poorly assos references in newspapers, on Internet, have needed but remain unknown.

Guesthouse in the evening, I meet a french who speaks to me of prostitutes in Thailand and Camdodge. In after him, the prostitutes here are not as hard as life in the metropolis. As all Buddhists, they have a certain distance to the physical pleasures and detaches for not having enough trouble to live a life of prostitute. He tells me about the prostitutes bars gogo dancers which he said "choose" their clients, not street prostitutes who are often drug addicts and thieves. It's so easy for him, he should become a Buddhist and sell his c * s too. Rather Disgusting has heard, when we crossed the prostitutes on the streets with their faces, that feeling disabuse! Whether the prostitute bars that "chooses" his client but who took this route because no work in his small village and must nourish and accommodate 8 people, or whether one who takes drugs to the streets to hold out against what she has lived, which wants to live ca for a buck? A nice way to reassure himself to a tourist who takes pleasure regularly with "massage boom boom", the massage of 5 minutes to start and the rest of the time warmer for $ 10!

The next day, Thursday, December 25 , date with Gecko Green. The guy who manages the recruitment was interrested by a teacher technician. He explained to me the functioning of the association. These are children rescued from the streets, out of worst stories, some begging, others were sold to tourists, others could not go home without having won enough money and had to face their parents. I paserais the morning at the association tomorrow and see if I agree with them one month, but the little that I see, this association looks very committed and work best for the kids, I

really want to participate in the aid kids in need, and those are the kinds of stories really terrible. I know they will, unlike most other young Cambodians the opportunity to do studies by donations to the Association, and I can put the chip has the ear of future electricians, technicians, even teachers or why not. I also know that I will learn a lot from this association on the organization and operation of a center like the, very different from the small structure of Koh Kong (where there are two dormitories, a mother to stay and meals with children all the time, a volunteer leader, and generous donors who provide the association has enough to support these children).
At Green Gecko, a 20aine local employees manage the everyday life of children, with an impressive organization, officials of the association deal really is the paperwork and make the best aso know for donations, volunteers who come to do business, often educational and pedagogical morning and after noon with specific themes and an annual schedule for certain activities that complement the education of poor public school. Children's lives is really very well organized and managed, many people really care for them. I told the manager that they were lucky to be as well supported, indeed much better than many children french ^ ^

I also received an email the hospital for children in Siem Reap, which I had refused because too many volunteers, but a technician wants me to stay to lend a hand can be electric, I see spend Wednesday.

On Friday, February 26 2010, I joined the association for the first time. Meals with children in small carbets a way to speak English has the Take affected as often as possible. Volunteer meeting on past activities and notes on children and on the organization of activities next week. Lunch with the volunteers, I do not understand much of what they say, my vocabulary is too thin, and they talk fast. That will be my only obstacle during the month of volunteering. All lemonde is Australian or English origin, and therefore they speak normally and quickly between them difficult to understand and intervene in the discus group, rather boring! I'm comfortable in that center and it will be nice to start This volunteer.

Monday, 1 March 2010 , the first volunteer day, breakfast in the covered market, the "Old Market", after the fried noddles a half dollar, I go stand on a dessert for a "sweet soup" has $ 0.25, a cafe and Gecko Green direction.

preparation of activities for the week until 10am, or begin the first activity this morning, Internet and information retrieval with a group of small, 6-12. The after noon, with major activities, 12-18 years, everything is in English, and children work as their use of English as the theme that lead them to discover, the association manages really well organizing activities, pedagogical as possible, because it is not fun school, and while learning English vocabulary. But it's not with me they will learn because I am the worst and they're the ones who correct me!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010, I make a visit Angkor Children's Hospital, the technician showed me an X-ray machine breakdown, a failure of electronic map that needs to be verified by computer and then changed, necessarily, can nothing. The other machine, same, still a concern and an electronic map has changed, a system was plugged into a PC controller, but there's not ^ ^. These machines are endowments of a Canadian hospital got rid of. The irony is that the X-ray machine could testee can be repaired quickly, but the pc has priximite controller is in a hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, Cambodia and reports / Thailand are not the best. The

after noon, I hot date on the bar or blender, take a name in the "pub street" street of the neighborhood bars tourists and I was not leading a number of DJ meet, Thony.

Thursday, March 4, 2010, I do an activity on bridges in the morning with a 10aine kids 7 to 13 years, talk about the engineering, the principle forces and let their own fears mount bridge which we will then test the solidity.

night, call and meet Thony, DJ D'Tonn A french DJ boss of a restaurant in excellent decor, ambiance lounge jungle, Silk Garden. He and Dave, another British DJ, is the only sound was in Siem Reap. It will queue the next hot date for exchanging zik, because it is drug D'n'B and the good, the very good reggae / ragga:-p.

Saturday, March 6, 2010, 15pm, I go and join Tony at X-bar, it goes up his turntables on the terrace or will spend the evening. He invited me to mix with them, the 2nd floor of a club, rather excellent start to Siem Reap! When I arrive, a skater has lost his board, who flew while he was a figure on the ramp. The ramp is on the 3rd floor of the bar, above the runway or the gear is mounted, a 3rd floor club with a skate ramp! The boss is a fan, a skateboarder, a dirt bike junkie, he spends his after noon was scratching around on the tracks of small bijous from Honda! After asking the decks, I can take a little hand and led me 1 / 4 of an hour on little things I remember trying to chain 2 pieces in rhythm! Oh yeah, it makes a lease! The reggae is not hard to mix, just a few good songs, for I have some good breaks cons that should go well ^ ^. I met Dave, the British DJ, who also has a great reggae and dubstep and hooked it with a few good sets of break. Dave, expat English, has mounted a store, Rogue Shop of zik, clothes, ipod style devices, and can have a drink, choosing to load a few albums on his walkman with an impressive list of songs!

The evening begins with Dave who has 22h and 1h mix then I take notes, so Panar to chain a few good songs even though I am not hold, the after-effect I think tequila ^ ^. Thony of arrival, he took notes and also a good balance, rather ragga and dancehall. We spend the night beginning to mix 1 / 2 hour each and then begins to fight for mixing because we gave 2 pieces each but we always want to do more. Pretty cool as birthday Cambodia under the stars, a mix on Serato reggae and ragga break!

Monday, March 8, 2010, day of the woman. Lever 5.30am, as did a Green Gecko pestacle in another organization with other children. We start with is a 10aine children in the back of the truck with the speakers and traditional percussion from zik, others in trucks.

Demo Cambodian dance, then the girls boxator GG, finishing with a demo self defense with girls who practice boxator cons of bad boys, and AC castagne! I finished mixing between ziks rap that I copied from VCD the kids take me and some old school breaks. I manage to prepare an activity on electricity for children 4 to 6 years for the next morning, when I thought that it was not feasible ^ ^ :-) (monsters at this age)

Wednesday March 10, 2010 , no activities on Wednesday, the children play sports with the teacher boxator, but I can not join the training, too much stuff to prepare. The meeting on Saturday with 18-20 years to discover electricity, the next meeting with toddlers on wind energy, and the next major meeting on the deepening electricity. So day at the computer and test the lemon battery and succeed without trying 3 times the the engine + single coil, battery and magnet, but I have not the right material. The

Saturday, March 13, 2010, I go directly to the restaurant for a nice little breakfast with two cafes, and I Rebois a 3rd before I left, I slept 4 hours and I have 3 sessions of discovery of ELECTRICITY animate this morning with young people. Date for training center with Jess the engineer who assembles the project to discover aspects of technology and engineering to future students. Jess made his discovery sessions of engineering and technology bridges with the manufacture of a miniature bridge of straws and pins, it works well as a child of 8 years, as students of 18 years. I then make my meeting, I watch lots of small tips, one round to explain the transmission of electric power, small packages, it is not obvious to a circuit so simple when you know there is nothing in electricity, and Cambodia, there is no all these little games we buy the kids, crafts, small gadgets that are fast understand how it works. the kids here have no or little toys. Is then test the lemon battery, also with an orange and an apple, you can not light a small bulb that requires too much energy, even if there is a voltage of 3V across the mounting fruit ! I did not find LED in Siem Reap, for so it would light up! I finished by talking about the dangers of voltage above 50V, a base electrified for the dead is often what I hear when I say "electricity".

I zap almost two weeks, a good little quotidient has to go do activities with children at Green Gecko, electricity, crafts, smiles, lots of fun. And also a little rhythm with meetings of tourists, or those with momnents I now know a little more, expatriates, french, English, Australian, Cambodian always friendly too, although a small pleasant pace, while ca in the sweetness of Cambodia, good food, and bike ride.

And voila, Friday, March 26, my volunteer Green with Gecko ends, finished for now!? Anyway I learned a lot about an association that manages to really better, I know few but this one is worth going there to see how it works (every morning tourists come to visit), and c is also an association or I could donate with confidence, knowing that money is really the best use.

The Saturday, March 27, 2010, woke up at 11am, my gut feel better I could mix this evening ^ ^ yes, it happens by eating in the street so often! Thony I agree, Dave, 2 DJ Siem Reap, Phnom Penh of 2 DJ, and Simon, a drummer, who will be accompanying pleasures rhythms with the drums in the middle of the 2 tables mix. Tonight is a battle of DJs, DJ in Phnom Penh to Siem Reap against those! This will be a good mix of evening, a nice way to leave Siem Reap, in lots of styles, reggae, ragga, jungle, house, big beat, breakbeat, only good things!

DJ D'Tonn & DJ Rogue

Monday, March 29, 2010, it's time to say goodbye. I agree with Dave and his shop he refile my HDD so it is used in pieces, a special DJ Rogue! In the evening I go to the restaurant Silk Garden Anthony. When I arrive, I give a few dollars refile by the owner of X-Bar mix for the evening, too good as I expected it, not planned, but that will soon go on parrots (hey, there's the ricard!) and caipirinhas on my preferences "(and yeah There 's even the cachaca!). I spin
Wednesday to Saigon in Vietnam, makes me bizzarre to leave this town too quiet and pleasant. I would remember long meetings here!

For those who have already seen, I added some pictures at the end of the file Siem Reap

;-) You can take a look at photos taken with the Green Gecko Association

And 2 evenings Demix, Reggae Night and Ultimate Battle ^ ^


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