Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How To Hack Poptropica Cheat Engine

Remembers The Night Literary

Throughout the summer of 2006, many events were held in the South East. Here are the dates and cities where I went to present an Earth Too, my first novel, through the 5th Night Literary:

July 28 in Bormes-les-Mimosas

C is often s the night sky of the old medieval village that lovers of literature have rendezvous . In the heart of summer, a host of renowned regional authors came to the National has meet the public. Among the known feathers that came their mark on the old village : Daniel Picouly, Malek Chelebi Petit and Christian with whom I sympathized ... A very pleasant evening, then, and I was able to verify the generosity of some authors "abled" not hesitate to support my first book.

July 29 in Sainte-Maxime
Some fifty authors, illustrators and cartoonists have met their public c. Among them, Daniel Picouly Maître Gilbert Collard or Van Loc said Chinoi s whose "chinoiserie" seem to be unanimous. Indeed, in his guttural accent, Van Loc boasted loud and its multiple adventures "Marseille", creating a small event at the tables of the Nocturnes. For my part I have submitted a Land of Too and this evening was an opportunity to make great games such as Jean-Marie Houdoux, author of "Rencontres d'exception" just, or even the very Melanie beautiful Nocturnes team to whom I wish good luck for all upcoming projects ...

Here in the good company of Jean-Marie Houdoux ...

The encounter and dialogue with the public is a real pleasure ...

July 30 in Toulon
is at the Carré d'Honneur at the Harbor of Toulon that the dedication took place on 30 July 2006. A mild evening, a light sea breeze, the lanterns light ... An ideal setting. I was at the side of Eve Carmignani, whose company was very pleasant. Thank you to Philip for Aude lit my path and to the family Gaëtan for their unexpected visit.

Nocturnes Toulonnaise start the festivities ...

Here alongside Eve Carmignani ...

August 6 in La Ciotat
The city of La Ciotat had the privilege of hosting the 5th edition Nocturnes Literary Sunday, August 6 at the Port-old .

In front of the church that we met while a march e night mingled with our event throughout the harbor.
At 18:30, the excellent Richard Bohringer read several texts public, lounge "Sides coffee" place Sadi-Carnot. Fiery, vibrant, for my part I liked her voice and sensibility yourself eloquently. Around 19:00, I meet Bernard Werber to City Hall before joining the tables of Van Loc Nocturnes. He studiously dedication copies of his "best sellers" as he likes to define them. Around 21:00 we dine together in an oriental restaurant. Thierry Sechan is somewhat dry, but Villeret Lady knows how to pass the pill. Bernard Werber is about him as nice as it looks, we eat quickly to regain our tables and meet the public. There is a crazy world tonight people seem particularly cheerful . Richard Bohringer back from nowhere and knows the attention wonderfully. The Literary Night, a whole folklore ...

August 10 to Sablettes
is at La Seyne-sur-Mer, Sablettes more precisely, that is my adventures pourquivent night. Located just off of Bernard Werber, I can check how it looks nice, while frantically tapping away on the keyboard of his laptop. The inspiration of Bernard Werber, it will respect ... Nicolas Rey on my right hand seems less studious, but also smiling. Gray hair in the wind, he jokes with Serge Joncour, author of The Idol . I talk a moment with Colette Guedj, author of, among other Butterfly Kiss , to whom I entrust my fantasy of riding the great giraffe on the carousel in front of us. Chance does not exist, authors are invited to join this same carousel for shooting a music video ... The audience is there, it's a pleasure to share with him some emotions. Around half past ten, I agree with the authors of Marseille at the table of Havana Club for the dinner break, a chance for me to enjoy some pagnolades déopilantes. Later that evening, a karaoke of the toughest breaks our ears, I recommend Bernard Werber and Nicolas Rey to make a commando operation to silence the Joe Dassin hyperactive hoarse in the bar behind us. A conversation with Richard Bohringer later, the Nocturnes to Sablettes come to an end in an atmosphere of conviviality ...
My neighbor Bernard Werber, author of the trilogy Ants, with whom I sympathized ...

Richard Bohringer, quite a character!

August 12 at Le Castellet

Castellet is that I have completed for the Literary Night. The opportunity to complete this wonderful family adventure ... Everything starts for the better in the early evening, despite a mistral persistent. My wife Carole and daughter Jeanne are present to my great delight, the public is by appointment, the atmosphere is excellent, Marie and Pierre Nocturnes are acknowledged as they deserve in a Picouly verve and playful Bohringer, Rene FREGNI is a strange parallel between writing and hunting ... Nicolas Rey and I are discussing this consuming passion that drives us and all are invited to drinks giant. But alas, to 21.30, the mistral intensifies and cast a chill over the meeting. Are only a few brave braving the blizzard (?!?). The authors also are kneaded and some "fold" in the Town Hall. A glass in hand, I'm joking with Bernard Werber ... Then my Nocturnes end at an outdoor cafe, heated from the inside, Richard Bohringer intarrissable, Eve and my playmates Marseille nicer than ever ...

Jeanne, daughter, presenting to the public from the Castellet book of his "small-pa-pa!"

Picouly Daniel, Richard Bohringer, Rene FREGNI thank on behalf of all
Peter and Mary for the excellent organization of the Nocturnes.


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