Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ap Bio Lab Population Genetics

a Centre du Vietnam, Nha Trang, Hoi An Ho Chi Min et

Sunday, April 11, 2010, I arrive a 6am aa Nah Trang, famous for the islands facing it, and sites diving and snorkeling, my main interest here. I find a pad was $ 5.50, I pause on the beach, all Vietnamese are taking a fresh morning, old form of yoga, young people play football on the beach, kids playing with kites, life starts early here. I found a scooter has 3 dollars a day and I will be happy to visit the city all day.

A cafe on the roadside, home to the sun by a tarpaulin, two Vietnamese who calls me laugh while making wedding plans, baby ... normal with a tourist! I then spun on the pier is $ 15 to visit the islands, too expensive.

I am enjoying finally a 2-wheel, while I was a bit frustrating not to have bought a pile of rust has 2 wheels yesterday, which would been a great blunder in spite of the $ 200, far too many terminals at too old mill road and definitely too rotten or you drive 30 km / h ^ ^. I visit an ancient temple and then another more recent. I still find the elderly and disabled who beg on the road that leads to a big Buddha that dominates the city, like many religious sites, this staircase has Kom Tom Pung in Cambodia, or another has Bodhgaya, so memories that come back to me.

I waste a bit on the bike, I was the cheap model I must shift gears myself, and that's what I wanted to be able to push the 4 small reports, a real little toy that gear. I was offers diving, but still has a budget of $ 30 minimum, no desire to put so much money to put my ass in the water, while I love snorkling and I can do it alone and gratos, if I find a good site. I finished book not for tomorrow, a day visit the islands in a boat tourists although I really do not ca. It should be well nag as discovery, but sometimes in the water to see corals and fish of all colors I love and the price is really correct. I have also already booked my next bus ride tomorrow evening departure for Hoi Han and the old town known to represent the Vietnam again.
I go to bed at the hotel. As often, a motorcycle taxi proposes to bring me back, then moved the girls, then again the ganja. I refused everything, as usual, but man this taxi did not make a good day when he insists on following me, without me let go. I get rid of him being afraid to ask me to repeat what he wants to sell me, since the sale of cannabis, Vietnam is direct imprisonment.

Monday, April 12, 2010, a small bus picks me up and recovers all the tousistes in their respective hotels. Branch visits the islands of Nha Trang face. The boats are full, 30 tourists by boat.

It is 1 / 2 hour crossing to a small island first. A mask and snorkel, and I dive. Excellent, that's exactly the reason for my presence in Nha Trang. Colorful fish of all sizes, small big, long, very long, even, one thing that has a huge serremble worm, rather yellow, 2m long with a head full of bizzarre form of small tentacles, and coral of all colors, sizes and forms, really beautiful and I regale apnea.

the boat is taken up a place to fish farmers, small floating huts surrounded by fish ponds, a truly peaceful corner. We get paid for the meal, rice and some small stuff for flavor. The guy's boat changes everything. We then make a true concert, drums, electric guitar and the guide is also a singer with a song for each country to tourists and Vietnamese love ballads. Then they pay a glass of sangria, water. A buoy serves as a bar, have now to dive and go get a drink, with a background of techno music in the speakers of the boat. Nice, except when I look around, we're in this small floating village of fishermen fish breeders, sitting so quiet when we arrived, the people watching from their floating cabins, amuse and surprise, the AC is like a little ^ ^ chill. It then takes us on a 3rd island, the U.S. $ 1 entry, but not originally planned to mount on the platform must pay. We spend 1 hour a nap is the only tourists can take a ride on a jet-skiing or parasailing pulled by a boat, the basic tourist map. Finally a 4th island with an aquarium that I do not visit, I walk along the rocky coast and crosses a mom and her kid who collect beautiful shells by scanning the bottom of the 1m water skiing, while ca ca well quiet elan tourist!
Back at the hotel, a small shower, the guy from the hotel is still sorry OUGHT TO HAVE annoys the day before. Usually I'm a bit of laundry t-shirt and shorts at night, do not want to pay for 5 minutes and 2 wash clothes. However, the guesthouse has asked that we do not use their fleet for a laundry and gives them a wash. I read their application, but they want to charge me like a kilo for a calebut and a T-shirt and it starts to growl and do not want to let go, the half dollar is very valuable at times. The
sleeping bus picks me up, problem, the size of my place is too small, I can not lengthen the legs and saw that it is a kind of box, I'm stuck not know or ask, are small Vietnamese The journey will be pleasant ^ ^. And to top it, my thong disappear, the guy who has served has an interest in having big feet or he goes swimming. At the first break, I take down my shoes in my bag in the hold of the bus and the guy does not, I would say it is not too stupid, no, I would say not. But this is the case with many Vietnamese who are working professionals in tourism for which the European is a good obedient sheep in general, and relatively easy entuber obedient group. I loose it and has fun teasing a little, just for the fun of it passing the buck by teaching him the word "cooooool". Back at the bus I change to win up to 5cm in length, the same guy sees it and does not flinch, he must swim in my thongs ^ ^. He sold the empty seats of the bus price Vietnamese Vietnamese has waiting at the station instead of a possible free bus.

Pictures of Nha Trang

Tuesday, April 13, 2010, arrival in Hoi An not so bad I slept, and speaks with nose apnea since yesterday. Moto-taxi to a hotel at 8 dollars, it seems that the least expensive. I am getting a good shower, washing clothes 3 although it is still prohibited, but if I do wash every time, the price of a small Vietnamese meal. I walk around the hotel, which is in the middle of the market.

Pleasant, quiet. I make a paste with excellent sandoche Vietnamese, nothing wrong, very good, it's a great rest of France, a baguette and pate!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010, I reserve the next post and bought a bus ticket to visit the sites of the old town, in fact it is only 5 entries for $ 5, the girl said nothing to me. I did 2 tours with the package, but surprising and it does not constitute a soft taste the price paid. I rented a motorbike after noon to see the mountain of marble, has 20 terminals. The montragne marble houses a magnificent temple that overlooks on diferents levels, with ancient architecture, as we see in those old Chinese movies.

Thursday, April 15, 2010, I buy some really nice items, silk lanterns, bowls email and coconut, small bracelets, wooden box of cinnamon, local stuff and rather cool.

Photos Hoi Han

Friday, April 16, 2010. I wait for the bus in front of a sandwich omelette and coffee. I ask myself if I start from this corner really nice until 5 minutes before departure, Hoi An is a really good corner. A meal halfway between Hue and Hoi An, Lang Co has Town is beautiful.

a sort of peninsula, with a beautiful lake dominated by a high hill surrounded by clouds. The lake is full of waves by wind, and small boat fishermen are amazing, some woven by hand, coated with tar to make colmatter and sealed.

Photos of Lang Co

We end the trip at noon in Hue, a great city and the tourist bus we stopped in the tourist area opposite a hotel like every time. The weather is rotten, a crachottis rain, it is dark with heavy clouds and it 's freezing almost 23 degrees!

I go visit the citadel, I am walking by a tuk-tuk cyclo in the old city from the citadel, pretty, and I then visited the palace, in renovation, some beautiful buildings there too, which date 200 years alone, the last emperor was destroying all the buildings of its predecessor, leaving only its trace. It was 3:30 p.m. when I finished the tour, cetet city does not attract me more than that for visits, I go book the bus. If there is space available to Hanoi tonight, I go, and that's the case. Our bus is down, it takes us to another older and less clean for 15 hours of travel. The driver of the reactions a little abrupt, and somewhat sharp in the front of the bus, it gives large movements at the back or try to pioncer on this kind of bunk too little, trying not to wallow in me row right or the left of my upper floor. Clock planned in Hanoi.

Photos Hue



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