Thursday, December 21, 2006

Change Battery Lifesaver 1235

And with his PC, it will take Mr Windows or Linux?

You never heard this phrase in the mouth of the sellers of the radius of your computer distributor. You should have.

Hardly the decision of the Court of Appeal upheld the sentence of 532 million euros against operators Combine the
she only been given
UFC-Que Choisir
launches new campaign

, this time against Hewlett Packard, Bagnolet Auchan and Darty Les Halles.

For years surfers made their voices heard against the systematic provision of system operator
Microsoft Windows
with computer hardware, a practice particularly widespread and that it was possible to escape almost that amount even its own "tower" (so that professionals can more easily get a PC "naked", ie without OS). So is accentuated by the explosion and here). After years of advocacy, DGCCRF starts advantage pay attention to the problem
. If

plans to punish tying as abuse of dominance, the Competition Law was not applicable to this type of practice.
Indeed the two most important texts in Competition Law is the prohibition of abuse of dominance, and the prohibition of cartels ( respectively Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty establishing the union European transposed in the Commercial Code in Book IV thereof , and reflected in the Consumer Code).

If Microsoft has already been condemned by the European Commission for tying Windows Media Player to its system operator, the conditions of application of Article 82 of the Treaty are not fulfilled as regards the provision of Windows computers sold mounted. Regarding the previous case, Microsoft used its dominant position archi operator market systems to attack a downstream market: that of media players. By providing free Media Player, Microsoft wanted to reiterate its strategy "Internet Explorer" stifle the competition by discouraging consumers from taking the time to compare and choose a browser. For if the question is free software, including advertising arrangements can finance their production, and sometimes make them profitable, time to build a reputation and accumulate assets to attack other software markets. In this case, neither the manufacturers nor the distributors can not be regarded as dominant in the PC market mounted. So it's not on the text of the abuse of dominant position that the action against the "Windows Tax" will be paid. To overcome this flaw, French law provides in its Consumer Code prohibition of tying the consumer (Article L122-1

It should thus be possible for consumers to buy power so the Windows license for a price A or PC "naked" for a price B, or both together for a price of A + B. Ironically, Dell offers professionals an offer without Windows XP, 75 months euros expensive team of the OS, even though it is a contract between professionals (although the Consumer Law applies to them sometimes, but that's another debate). For consumers, the license for the OS usually reaches 10 to 20% of the total purchase price.
Most of the time, Windows is concerned, but according Carrefour also practice tying, but this time with Linux as the OS. The road is still long before the consumer is assured an undistorted choice of its OS.
We live in a pivotal time: while awareness of the damage caused by the market distortions of competition is emerging in Europe
, Anglo-Saxon envelop the European institutions in the sophistry of economists who equate chicagoïens undue tying the "Bundling"
(the bundling is to sell such shoes with their laces).

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Alex Delarge South Park

The Court of Appeal of Paris confirmed the condemnation of the "Cartel of moving" a little Competition Law for Dummies

version with links to Agoravox, Credit picture: Imagine)
This article provides a quick summary of the case said the cartel of mobile (Bouyges secret agreement, SFR and Orange), and prolongs the problem Component "repair" of the case.
From 1997 to 2003, the three major mobile operators have organized a secret deal aimed to maintain their high prices, and to allocate market shares amicably. The following links will present clearly the facts of the case: On On the website of the Competition Council
On the website of UFC-Que Choisir

This Tuesday, December 12, 2006, the Court Appeal of Paris confirmed the sentencing decision (the heaviest ever handed over 500 million euros, and particularly hard to Orange) of the Competition Council of 30 November 2005.

The Competition is essential in the functioning of the market: it exerts a downward pressure on prices, is a strong incentive for innovation, limit shortages and surplus energy. Without competition, the price stood at a level called "monopoly", ie at the most favorable for the company. For example, the company will rely on its production curves to set prices and production levels. Competition is actually the force that connects the supply to market forces and more competition, the lower the arbitration by the Market is wrong.

Reaching an agreement is found, under our Code of Commerce and the European treaties.

The fines are intended to punish the breach of Contract. Therefore they are relatively low, given the damage to consumers. Indeed, to a fine of more than 500 million euros, we assessed the damage caused to the 20 to 30 million consumers and 1.2 billion euros (low end). The penalty has no deterrent effect, therefore, at best it will reduce, for offenders less skilled, the profit of larceny. Last year the question on what basis the Consumers can claim compensation for his injuries caused within my Master of heated debates. In principle if a contractual relationship exists between the parties, the responsibility is to hire contractual liability. Or in this case the obligations of the contract have been met: the network access and related services has been provided to customers. For my part, I'm focused on Article 1382 of our Civil Code, which is our non-contractual liability clause (referred to as tort). For compensatory damages (compensation for damage) on this basis, must convene a fault (a cartel), injury (an overpayment), and causation (the contract not negotiable). Reportedly, it is on the latter basis it will be possible to seek compensation for damages caused to consumers.
problem is highlighted by this case: small brooks make great rivers. Damages are individually too small to make it interesting for a consumer to sue the operator, and sometimes it's not even worth spending the time to find the invoices showing that there has been a victim of the deprivation. That say inflation procedures Justice?

For these 'reasons were provided ways of Law in which the consumer agreed associationsde hold the upper hand.

Thus, in the early 1990s, the inventor of Consumer Law, Jean-Calais Auloy, saw a part of its proposed class actions brought legally to Articles L422-1, L 422-2 and L 422-3 of the Consumer Code. It was just the mechanism that he was considering for litigation groups involving a small number of consumers, which explains its failure to adapt to large-scale litigation.

In fact, this is a simplified mechanism mandate, which relieves including obligations to inform the principal.

The fact remains that this mechanism is cumbersome, requires a fee and time investment too high for the consumer there is widespread use. Alain Bazot, president of UFC Que Choisir (largest consumer association in France), and although it had assumed all costs of the procedure for entering the plaintiffs' action in joint representation, "has managed to rally than 12 500 records 20 to 30 million victims (yes, really!).

Jacques Chirac had asked during the presentation of his vows in 2005, an effort should be done to create a real group action, a class action in France before the end of his reign as president. Ensued conventions DGCCRF and MEDEF on the subject, I encourage you to read that the MEDF which can be summarized as follows: an intervention of Baron Seilliere in the introduction and conclusion, to the detriment of the group action , and the parade of speakers supported the principle of class action, and wondering about the form it should take.

A project is currently supported by the majority. It is tasteless, useless, without consistency. Dare I say, not reality, if not to be a decoy pretending to be concerned about access catastrophic to justice. We must remember the excitement at the Bobigny court for reassessment of legal aid? And the ratio of UMP on this three tier justice?

I will try to produce Agoravox analysis of the bill, but in any event, the 100 call was not heard, and I got the confirmation at the conference of November 2006 The Consumer Law held in Montepllier. Me Casanova, president of the Bar of Montpellier, Mr. Henry Hall, director of the Center for Consumer Law, Faculty of Law, and his own master, Jean-Calais Auloy, took their arguments to storm the member UMP and the representative of MEDEF present.

What the Anglo-Saxons call "private enforcement" is probably the land on which it must be a focus for one day the Competition Law as a deterrent (see this analysis Panafieu on the subject). Especially in this era where we can reflect on the voluntarism of the State in the matter: strange vision of the economy than MT Breton, right?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How To Cut Your Hair Without Going To Solon

After the cartel of mobile UFC leads action against the bundling of systems operators

Chevenement / Royal: a deal too good

Both agreements (electoral and political) that have been

formalized and ratified this weekend, between the MRC and the PS, raise many questions that keep the viewer to consolidate his opinion on them. Nicolas Voisin

announced in his blog on Friday evening
: Chevenement announced he was withdrawing his candidacy in favor of the Socialist candidate Segolene Royal, who had already benefited from the withdrawal of Christine Taubira radicals. "Sego" was also at his side during the meeting that the President of Honour held at Paris XI. France 3 interviewed Che Sunday evening, for editing of the night. Journalist Francois Letellier
was very relevant, and vis-à-vis was regularly forced to move off the field response to the question (with an original way to make the language of wood that is to speak on substance rather than to justify on the form).
The electoral agreement would, in the words of JP Chevenement himself on a dozen constituencies for parliamentary elections. Many mixed, but suggests that secret clauses: the end of the interview, the former minister did not rule out returning to PS in the coming years, and has not closed the door on a merger MRC-PS . By that Che signed the death probably next MRC on the altar of bipartisanship, and let him consider the analysis of experts in constitutional law after the quinquennium of 2000, unless the dose proportional announced by the former Minister does not change the deal finally.
But the skill of Chevenement has been to have reached a political agreement, which is reflected in a joint statement

(and here
). Appropriate agreement appear to have been preserved since the main thrust of the MRC program, which allows him to brag that this is a "union" and not an act of allegiance. For example, the most salient points regarding the economics are: to reduce the independence of the European Central Bank (devaluation of the Euro), interfere Foreign takeovers, an ambitious energy policy, protection of public services, upgrading of low wages, increased taxes on capital income, and, what is perhaps the most ambitious, a change in standards of WTO to impose minimum social and environmental protectionism to stem offshoring and combat unemployment, and the establishment of a social dumping clause at European level.
These measures, while employment is the primary concern of the French, were the cornerstone of the program Chevenement JP, and repeated that his first priority was the "reorientation of the EU in promoting growth and employment". To listen to Night 3, the project differed from that of L. Jospin (including the five-year) and significantly less than that of S. Royal. Despite their common slingshot to the strong euro, it's hard to believe as president of the Region claims it is awaiting the results of its national consultation to determine. Except that his vision is already established and it is only a facade?
The agreement is almost too good and too strong to be true: it seems that one of two bluffs. At least that are both: one seeking to see join the 5.3% French-sensitive approach Chevenement (the polls speak louder than the polls), or at least to avoid as much as possible delaying the vote, the other acting in his movement (and himself) a difficult to guarantee continuity since April 21, 2002. In a convergence of interest would then be born with a declaration that, once again, will be superbly forgotten when exercising power? On

blog Chevenement, the reactions are very strong and frankly shared in any case much more than the score of 84% of delegates in favor of rallying in PS (but it must be said that the activist, supporter is not the same requirement to obtain warrants a politician who is his career).
bet that many voters who distrusted S. Royal are now being forced to question his credibility, and above all, respect it has vis-à-vis its commitments, not only electoral but also politically: it is clear that the early promises Indeed, after having demonstrated the ease with which she considers the program Socialist. Now
S. Royal will have to assume a new position: an outsider, she became responsible for a diverse mix of power, from the pro Chevènement DSK. Anything can come out, the best and the worst and after primary health walk, things are very serious for the candidate.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tooth Extraction Cost

Let us the strong program of FN into a corner ...

... rather than trying to disqualify the candidate.

You can find the article and the thread devoted to it here:
article also listed on Yahoo! France

About Cortisone Injections In Spanish

The race in the East 1 / 2

The recent awarding of the Legion of Honour to Vladimir Putin talking. This decoration has nothing surprising when one knows the diplomatic approach of President Chirac. To understand the reasons for this attitude, which was the ranting Atlanticist and presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy, we must go back in time.

This article traces nearly 20 years of geopolitics in Eastern Europe. This is a view of the struggle for influence in Eastern Europe and the collapse of European ambitions. Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (hereinafter: CEE) created in the fall of the Berlin Wall, a large intake of air which responded more or less rapidly and intensely all the major Western powers. The region is then re-shape and secure (from a military standpoint, but also legal and economic). Germany, in the best position in 1989, will toast its strengths and leave the area to the lust of the great powers. The European Union (hereinafter EU) could take the opportunity to emerge as key player in the diplomatic arena, will miss the boat, to the chagrin of the French, political drivers of it.

I The German ambitions: In the euphoria of the 90s to the 2000s procrastination

According Edouard Husson, German is an obsession to try to stabilize the area as it left the Soviet bloc. "In the spirit of economic and political leaders German, this is for Germany to regain its old sphere of influence. When you look at the extension of the European Union, it is to find the sphere of influence of Prussia and Austria. Which incorporates both Scandinavia (Sweden, Finland), Baltic countries (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia), Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary) and the Balkans (former Yugoslavia, Macedonia) "Does he declares in the article German Crisis, European crisis, []. Germany leads in H. Kohl (1982-1998) an ambitious, which will prove clearly presumptuous in the years 1994-95.
A: 89-95: German euphoria is frustrated by a wait-France Germany overestimates the positive consequences of reunification. She even goes to ignite discussion of equals with the United States. Maintaining the policy of the convergence criteria will force its partners secured the mark to stand the brunt overheating money on the currency being evaluated. German forward flight, encouraged by a Paris follower, will cause 600,000 to 1 million unemployed in France. Indirectly, France will have financed part of the reunification and transition for the benefit of Germany, which has maintained its investments in the East. Enlargement to the CEEC is dammed by France, which fears losing its central position in EU. On the ambiguity of France during the Cold War coupled with the image of a suspicious power, which does not lighten his note to the countries of Eastern Europe.
crisis of Yugoslavia 94-95 is an opportunity to see the United States frustrated with the position taken by Germany which makes not resolve the conflict.

B: 95-2003: Time for realism about the limits of German ambitions:

Chancellor Schroeder came to power in 1998 and discusses the situation with realism: hopes that German reunification is an opportunity are exaggerated. It's really a money pit, and reunification was too brutal and too vexatious. The French delay that has increased up to 1996 has encouraged Russia has managed to forget a time, and whose new president to handle (2000: election of Vladimir Putin) attempts of France by proposing an alliance to reverse cons Germany. French diplomacy can not resist this argument and Putin is rapidly taking over. Moreover, in spring 2001, after collecting the limits of its influence in the Council of Nice, Moscow primer activation of its links with the United States to play competitive EU / USA. With these, the pickings are slim but Russia negotiates skillfully face to face and divide the EU, while Germany remains convinced that it is imperative to guarantee the security of Europe is the combining and continues the questionable technical assistance. [See article Masada: The following technical assistance Western Russia to broadcast on]. Alexei Arbatov

said at a press conference on March 5, 2001 before the Duma Committee on Defense: "In Russia bilateral relationship is stronger than any other partner. All others are lower. Russia also can not find it in front of united fronts of states that go against Russian interests ... . Schroeder is a diplomat with the U.S. and finds in them an ideal partner in the declaration of unlimited solidarity following the attacks of September 11, 2001. Americans are in competition with Germany in the CEE countries, where they enjoy the favorable image of winners of communism, but agree to intimidate Russia in exchange for the Advancement of CEEC membership in NATO.

Copenhagen 2002: EU summit which finalizes enlargement to the CEECs in May 2004. Germany will finally reap the benefits of 'soft hegemony' (a word of Joseph Fischer). which was to facilitate the transition of CEE countries by establishing FDI, and to improve its image, moving away in Russia in order to print its sphere of influence, and by including them in an integrated economic zone that helps preserve the Rhineland model. But in 2002 Germany was in economic difficulties, partly because of the adverse speculation that followed Sept. 11, partly for structural reasons, the Rhineland model is undermined by the international social dumping. After skillful maneuvers that allowed him to print his line on European policy and impose the enlargement as evidence of a continuation of German reunification, there she is forced to resort to systematic consultation of its European partners, which should give him the means to conclude its policy. This is an opportunity to renew ties with France but the French-German friendship is undoubtedly affected.

PS: This article is a summary of articles from

Johan is the author of a memoir in 2005 "EU Enlargement to the CEEC and legal rigidities geopolitical realities, economic and social. "

Run for the East 2 / 2

This article follows the article: Race to the East 1 / 2

In it, we followed the German frustrated ambitions of 'soft hegemony'. This article takes up the drama when the diplomatic crisis over Iraq and described the collapse of political Europe.

PECO II, Russia and the United States resumed the hand: the EU is becoming a Free Trade Area (FTA) luxury which their mutual influence to be exerted:

Germany goes beyond that a simple competition to the United States by resuming its independence vis-à-vis Washington in the first quarter of 2003, after the rider refused the United States a German contingent in Afghanistan and after enlargement on 1 May 2004 acquired the Copenhagen summit in 2002. According to some analysts, this would even the chancellery that have inspired the opposition of France to the preemptive attack on Iraq. Germany marks his divergence on the intervention of the private agreement of the UN, following a Jacques Chirac in the lead, and soon joined by China and Russia.

"Hegemony soft" water is the benefit of CEE emerging requirements of the CFSP, and Russia, which has a new point to make: its bridgehead Kaliningrad exclave Russian overlooking the Baltic Sea and borders with Poland and Lithuania. This is the hub of criminal trafficking in which Moscow closes his eyes, conscious of the weakening of the EU that it generates. Kaliningrad is also the reason given by Russia to ensure long term derogations from the Schengen area, after the transit facilities it got face to face with Lithuania (the latter was awaiting a response from the EU side to Russian pressure to obtain a right of passage through Belarus).

Despite this, Germany believes it can make again play the politics of Mark, which is not guaranteed to work against the return of the concept of "common European home" Gorbachev that Moscow is gradually up to date under the cover of the possibility of accession Russia to the EU. This membership does not actually function to be realistic, but to remember instead of the sphere in the Russian zone. Anyway, the German position in the East actually seems more fragile than expected, and its latent dispute with Russia were exacerbated by its competitor in the race for the Russian markets: Washington recalled CEECs their apprehension about the Russian ogre. In this game, it is the United States the strongest, as evidenced by the various "color revolutions" across the Atlantic with an orchestrated scenario now perfectly honed (Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, Rose in 2003 in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Lebanon in 2005). What about secret CIA prisons in Romania (which joined the EU January 1, 2007)?

The Iraq crisis of 2002-2003 revealed acute differences of opinion which exist in Europe on European Security Policy (CFSP). Although Germany has promoted accession CEE countries to NATO, but it did not intend to empty the CFSP his entire military function tool of conflict resolution outside the EU, including the nationalist unrest from the melting of the Soviet bloc (particularly in the Balkans, but also in Chechnya and in former satellite states wishing to escape the Russian fold). France sees this structure as the result of the belated but firm PED (European Defence Policy), which should lead to an EU that speaks and acts with one voice at international level. CEE countries, they do design as an instrument of internal security, NATO is the military treaty central Europe, and the field outside the EU. In reality, this discussion sheds light on the clear understanding of their operating requirements of the CEECs and their desire not to risk the double aspect of external security, logical in view of their lack of ambition for power.
In the end, despite being coveted advantage of the actors, the CEECs seem to have relatively well served their interests (obtaining an FTA and Luxury Community aid), but remain fragile in their bilateral relations against Russia and the United States. They thus rely on the EU, within the institutions which they have negotiated an important institutional role, to bargain collectively against the major powers on the most critical issues. Casually, the EU leaders are proving to be tough negotiators, including through iconic characters such as Romano Prodi, who has stood out the directives of the Italian Prime Minister S. Berlusconi, is exemplary of independence. May be the loss of their role as stake PECO serves, but they have substituted a place in an integrated market, and NATO membership after the first quarter of 2003 proved their motivation to join. Today
France and the United States is always boiled, despite a thaw in relations. Jacques Chirac openly dredge Moscow, which has the oil needed to conduct a so-called "culture war" against the Arab-Muslim countries (terminology that actually conceals far more prosaic considerations of both sides behind the facades ideological refugees).

Besides the decoration of the Russian President has cleverly re-nationalized much of its gas, one can notice the weakness of the protests at the brutal murder of a journalist pro Chechen until recently the Soviet advantage that Americans still presented as the liberators of Nazi-occupied Europe, and the inauguration in May 2005 of a gigantic statue of General de Gaulle in Russia.


strategies alone 'French and German have destroyed almost all hope of European diplomacy, even of a political Europe. It therefore remains an economic Europe, leaving the former superpowers free to expand their influence within the EU. This may explain why the EU is currently the best Trojan horse to bring down the Rhine model by typing their Achilles heel: the office, and using as a weapon dumping (tax, as in Luxembourg or England office in the East). In exchange, hoping to regain the CEEC regional powers. As for a political Europe, she is currently at its worst. The French and Dutch rejections of the Constitutional Treaty did not help.

Can we regenerate the EU policy? Hardly: the link between membership and economic and social policy is broken. A directory of major, desired by N. Sarkozy and more commonly called "hard core "Would have probably found a good support in" collaborations enhanced "under the Constitutional Treaty.

Everything is redone. An opportunity or a calamity? A New European Union is it possible on the basis of the fight against dumping (economic, social, environmental, fiscal, legal and judicial)? Time will tell.

PS: This article is a summary of articles from

Johan is the author of a memoir in 2005 "EU Enlargement to the CEEC and legal rigidities geopolitical realities, economic and social. "

Agoravox Published:

Thursday, December 7, 2006

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interstate competition and sustainable development

The end of trade barriers, barriers to the movement of capital, and development of rapid transportation and inexpensive lead to almost complete deregulation and detrimental to a harmonious development.

Over the "rounds" (cycles) the GATT (General Agreement we Tariffs and Trade, in 1994 became the World Trade Organization) has spread worldwide, and the few who are not members are now exception (Russia, Belarus ...). The heart of the WTO lies in the now famous "clause of the most favored nation." This clause is a simple principle: if a WTO Member State grants a tariff favored for its products, then this country must accord all WTO member countries the same benefit to the entire class of this product without possible discrimination (1). Each state is therefore obliged to apprehend his policy Customs globally (almost globally), not in a context of patronage, with all that that implied political intrigue, and political preference or ideological, or economic sanctions to stifle another member state of WTO. Is approached from a "Hayekian" of market regulation, as we have mentioned in a previous article (see Consuming just or fair use), and one can only rejoice at the supposed end discrimination against rival countries economically or politically.

Second instrument created after the Second World War : International finance as embodied by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. It should be noted that the loans (which are rarely grants) of these organisms are conditioned by respect "criteria of good governance." While some of these criteria are those that we should legitimately expect the recipient of the funds released: project viability, guarantees of integrity, compliance with accounting rules, compliance standards including sanitary and phytosanitary measures, but other criteria cons are clearly ideologically connoted: elimination of tariffs, privatization particular. (2) The goal is to ensure free movement of capital and goods, to establish a global market.

Add to this technological advancement that has drastically reduced transportation costs, the collapse of communism rotted by corruption and obsolescence of economic tools, the dissemination of business English, disparities in living standards and law, and we get all the elements of a forum shopping, which deregulates the market completely.

forum shopping, butchering and legal deregulation Forum shopping is the ability to choose the right case for each which is more favorable. For example, a strong currency like the euro or the dollar, while locating production in China, Thailand or elsewhere, to take advantage of cheap labor without social rights, and where the obligations security are fewer, if they exist, and therefore less expensive. Regarding some states particularly complacent, Army and Police are even available to employers, such as ousting a strike that would turn s'insurrection. Thus, the legal conditions are more disparate, more economic agents operating at the international level are favored. How is this legally possible? Unable to deal with private international law simply without shortcuts. To provide an appropriate vision, note that (s) right (s) applicable (s) varies / nt according to the subject matter: the right of the person, company law depend on the nationality or location of the seat social, labor law often depends on the place of performance of the service, etc..
Because the investor is a free rider (rider), by very definition that gave Olson. Motivated by his own interests accounting, it does not try to fill the cracks, but can operate at without taking into account the public interest and will carve its business by producing and selling there, and transported by a third (butchering: Also used in private international law when different parts of a contract are subject to different rights). We also include in this respect John Nash. The father the "game theory" has shown that in many games where the pursuit of individual interest led to one or more sub-optimal equilibria (Nash equilibria). Skinning and deregulation true if the investor himself alone, there is no reason to blame him as such. Capitalist society is profit, and is far preferable to the company sunk. It is also written in the definition in the Civil Code "in order to share the profits." The problem is that competition states between them leads to a frantic race ahead in a bidding war that leads them to consider only the requirements of investors, whose entire economy needs, it goes without saying, contempt, if necessary, the interest. They are also the states that become free riders because of the premium to the highest bidder, in defiance of global concern. This is manifested by a disregard for the environment, natural resources, for Human Rights. This has led to a de facto modern slavery in lawless areas specially equipped as in China, Mexico, Haiti (EPZs). Skinning allows research the law less restrictive in any case has led to widespread deregulation regarding matters of law flowing freely, ie goods and capital, but alone.
To maintain a sufficiently attractive (though France is the second country that receives the most foreign capital behind China which has him steal the first place), the Western states to deregulate everything goes.
Before the flight of his companies prefer London or Rotterdam, the more favorable legal level of corporate law, France established a very flexible SAS (simplified joint stock company). The free movement of workers across Europe were aligned using the Bolkestein directive on employment law regimes most of Europe has minima: those new member countries from the former Soviet bloc. The first employment contract and his twin brother the new contract would allow the hiring of foreign companies come to seek employment in France, hyper flexible and precarious work in their country through a services directive that would sanction a state of affairs: inefficient for cross-border workers protective regimes.
rightful place in the competition interstate Yet the competition among states could and should be rich and fertile. This could be the competition, which makes rival their scientific research, their expertise, their art, their education, urban infrastructure, their industries, their agriculture, their creativity, well-being of their populations, in short their genius. And this competition is the indispensable sword of Damocles over the heads of governments so that each act of kindness, so that each sees neglect is reflected immediately on the country's competitiveness, and thus citizens are demanding of them and still be active factors in their democracy.

To do this, that this competition should be done on a site chosen by the people through their states, and some are deliberately banned bidding. There would be a way: the International Convention reciprocal, universal and effectively enforced. But it is precisely this logic of the free rider who gets in the way, as in the prisoner's dilemma (3) where each betrays fear of being betrayed, to the detriment of both actors. And so there is nothing to wait for decisive government development sustainable self-restraint. However, an outside authority will necessarily have to intervene to secure another balance which, if not optimal, will be at least sustainable. This role is the consumer and no one else who plays in a market economy. We will see in a future article how he will regain his position.

1 An exception is recognized for regional agreements such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade), or the EU (European Union), but since the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, the EU has abandoned " Community preference "which allowed States to the EU to grant tariff preferences without having to benefit all partners. The EU finds itself without tariff barrier to stem imports from abroad, and each of its member states is seen in direct competition with developed countries economic development and societal choices, when other economic zones to protect from outside. The EU countries are particularly vulnerable to global market deregulation.

2 It is of course no question of any advocacy of economic centralism and state planning, leading often too far from competition to monopolies exploiting the consumer, by providing goods at high prices, and lower quality than competitive situation. This is by cons in mind that these bodies should not be tools to promote ideological, and that state sovereignty must be respected as the well-being of citizens is improved (it is after all the alibi raised by these funds).

3 The Prisoner's Dilemma is an illustration of the type of game theory of John Nash. Following investigations, we managed to arrest two robbers that we assume about to shine a bank. To obtain confessions, they are separated then they are offered the following market: everyone can terminate or not terminate the other. If neither condemns it pay the price of one year imprisonment each. If both condemning the other, they have 7 years in prison each. If one denounces the other and not one who has complained of is released, and the other takes 10 years in prison. The paradox is that each person has an interest in denouncing. Indeed, suppose that A robber does not denounce, he has an even chance of being denounced, and two not to be, so on average 1 / 2 + 10 / 2 = 11 / 2 = 5.5 years. For if cons denounced it an even chance of being denounced and a chance of not being so average 0 + 7 / 2 = 3.5 years. A report will therefore B, especially since he is convinced that the latter has more interest to report that not doing so, he will denounce it, so much to cover. And so both players miss the best balance: mutual silence with which they would be one year in prison. The most fun in the prisoner's dilemma is that experiments have shown that even leaving the prisoners to agree before separating them, even when they end up being betrayed by lack of trust (or opportunism ultimately unsuccessful).

Reprinted by Agoravox


Thursday, November 16, 2006

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Dealing with the economy, or how to counter the shift to a paradigm blind

article in response to B. Duguay, following his two articles:

New Order political decrypt, explore the thought economist

new political order (II), exceed economism
Mr. B. Duguay, I read carefully your two tickets. Very good articles as always. So

lides, documented, and provocative. Let me send you my reactions to them, which among other things on my observations of speeches on Agoravox.

You criticize a new doctrine, the economy (it would be more accurate to refer to as Marchéisme belief that the only source of regulation is just the market), as devoid of ideology. I would first like to clarify that with regard to economic thinking horizon is posed: is the consumer welfare (1) and the concern of the optimal allocation of wealth. These criteria have been taken since the first liberals to the neo chicagoïens. Therefore, given the importance of "public interest" for A. Smith, until the cardinal principle of "efficiency" under Reagan, and taking into account the fact that historically the relationship between men is a relationship of domination (2), I draw some conclusions personal :

1 Economy main concern of our policy is not ipso facto devoid of ideology.
2 The dilution of our ideological rhetoric is actually substituting rhetoric figures.
3 The inability to assess certain contributions to society such as the elevation of the critical spirit of its citizens (which allows for better governance by the people) can fall by the wayside these considerations (to quote Forest Ent: "It is normal that the economy follows the rules of the economy. It is unusual that a company not follow the rules of the economy. "). However, only the economic evaluation criteria (that is to say, the national accounts) is advanced.

3 The inability to assess the quality of consumption, but its only valid on quantifiable value shift toward a model criticism (average lifespan of products in free fall, but rising consumption so positive assessment of the phenomenon).

More generally unable to assess the externalities (the "snowball effect" in particular) both positive and negative way, is a decisive criticism made against economism.

4 The greatest concern is not the disappearance of ideology, but the paradigm shift: it no longer seeks to rely on an ideology, a goal, a vision, but only its compliance with economic concerns, as if there was no truth outside of his numbers (3). The word "politics" has become taboo, or rather 'productive cons. 5 Finally, it is amusing to see that after having freed the need to be justified by a transcendent goal, economy itself becomes a language of domination used to stigmatize (in the sociological sense) the successes and failures, to practice eugenics by the physical elimination of stigma and poor media (media company in Russia) to above the law propel some individuals (Justice at three speeds described by a recent report by the UMP), thereby restoring the privileges abolished, to destroy the state by dumping (social tax) and interstate competition in intensify inequalities and curb social mobility (the lowest in Europe at 27), and highlight of the show to destroy democracy by weakening the government through its finances and its laws (4).

Therefore, the two horizons must necessarily be ignored: the consumer welfare (5) and the concern of the optimal allocation of wealth. That's when a new rhetoric that takes over: Darwinism (6), fatalism, economism (7), cynicism (8).

What remains? The impression that it was the enslaved themselves, who will justify their enslavement. Therefore, do not expect a reaction from citizens, who must overcome before the right- Media will release its willingness to be submitted.

Do not we doing ourselves a grave mistake by attacking the savings on its strongest point, namely its lack of ideology? It seems instead that the quality of teaching is clear, and so the Economist is open to criticism that may well be more effective and would deal violated its own principles ie meritocracy (s social mobility ' collapse, particularly France), free enterprise (banks are not lending, the law has become too complex to be run), free competition (opacity Legal and tax that benefits only large corporations, cartels, agreements and prices up, including abuse of economic power distributors against producers and consumers), the consumer welfare (non-interoperable equipment, defective by design) The proper allocation of resources (waste: FAO said, our current production can feed 12 billion people), control of externalities (pollution, stress, stupor, acculturation).

It seems to me, Mr. Duguay, believing that the Economist devoid of ideology, we would fall into the trap that you yourself have pointed "The citizen scientist as he thinks he is an ignorant formatted by an authority outside the discourse that has nothing to do with his release".

discourse has changed, and it is more ideological, certainly. The form "apolitical" This doctrine is of course an illusion to deceive the scalded cats.

In 1984, G. Orwell describes a ruling class who accepts his own irrepressible desire for power, as the end and means of action. We're not there yet, but we slip, as shown by the speech observed in the mouths of supporters of the Economy.

Because today's economy is actually dehumanized in its original considerations as detached and humanistic concerns himself vector of cynicism (and therefore the economy is dehumanizing). The urgency seems to be "rehumanize" throughout the speech. Attacking the economy on its ideological betrayals would therefore kill two birds with one stone: to move the debate on values and consistency, and denounce the eye burst of Economy (thus raising the priority with the consumers and the misallocation of resources).

is the role of the citizen. The politician is too busy doing "pedagogy" called by Eric Le Boucher, to confuse the model for the benefit of his handful of supporters, and to ensure (more difficult) social peace in a world where remnants ideological factions are still alive (nationalist, racist, religious fundamentalists, anarchists, communists, gangsters and so on of the best). He forgets, however, although its role is reduced to a trickle, to invent new missions as useless qu'onéreuses.

humbly hope that my article feed your thoughts.

Sincerely, Johan

(1) Concept used in Competition Law to mean the freedom of choice, low prices and quality products.

(2) Who took the rhetorical justifications through the language and legal and physical embodiments.

(3) (IP: xxx.x75.37.70), which is probably Adolphos, often said that economics is a Science. It should add a science "human" and therefore eminently fallible, and imbued with reading the world of his time.

(4) Deregulation tends to anarchy and the law of the jungle, even as we speak of "market regulation". The market produces a form of regulation that complements that of the state, and the quality of his work depends on the regulation prior state.

(5) The freedom of choice, low prices and quality products

(6) And yet, in the best case! : Neo liberals overlook the importance of meritocracy in Darwinism "political."

(7) The rules of economics are then justified in their own existence: if you do not relocating to China, others will and we will compete.

(8) People are overwhelmed by greed and do not assess more than just the difficulties in reaching the goal, as players of lotto or crack dealers described in "Freakonomics."

Monday, November 6, 2006

Creamy Lotion Cervical Mucus After Ovulation

Movie Review: My Uncle



Alain Resnais, with Roger Stone, Nicole Garcia, Gerard Depardieu. I recently rediscovered it a true masterpiece, which left me very good but very old memories. This film is My American Uncle Alain Resnais. Released in theaters in 1980, this gem that plays with sociology and psychology invites us to follow three stories. The link between the three is the character of Nicole Garcia, who portrays Janine, an actress, mistress of a young teacher who made a career at the ORTF (John, played by Roger Pierre). Depardieu plays another of these characters: Rene, a self-taught Catholic shines in its industrial, before being battered by new working methods.


narrative of the story is definitely innovative: Resnais interspersed his account of psychological experiments with rats, films in black and white who applied takes on how to be characters, explanations on the basics of psychology lavished by Professor Laborit (an eminent French scientist who, having introduced psychotropic psychiatric therapy, was not confined to drug treatment of diseases). In this, he probably inspired Bernard Werber (ants, Thanatonautes) incorporating this scheme in all his books.
Therefore, the
stins we are told become illustrations of shelling personalities. The story takes a new meaning, and we see out the underlying mechanisms of thought, which inevitably overwhelm reason.

innovator in its narrative, this film is also known for having the nerve to play openly with the three heroes, causing the viewer confused as we can so easily analyze its own behavior, and encourages disturbing introspection on its springs of his soul and his behavior. We still have the courage to attempt a film as challenging? I doubt it. This also makes Uncle America so precious, and makes her so indispensable viewing. This film helps to better understand our psychology and our loved ones. How to cope, coming off the primary relationships that dominate us without knowing and understanding?

My uncle from America scored all who saw it. No doubt that after seeing it you will have the opportunity to discuss it with your friends (well those who, unlike you and I were old enough to appreciate it when he came out and aired on TV). It is also an opportunity to measure the extent of the work of degradation which is shot with a growing application. My uncle from America could not get out today. In 80 already, it was a UFO.

In Cannes, the film won the Grand Jury Prize and the Critics Award. the same director: Night and Fog (1955), Hiroshima mon amour (1959), Life is a novel (1983), Same Old Song (1997), Pas sur la bouche (2003).

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Mastercraft Es 335 Tires Where Can I Buy

With relevance? The Gazette

(click on image to enlarge)

Friday, November 3, 2006

Free Pokemon Emerald For Mobile Phones

Should we rethink the trade fair?

Fair trade settles with its codes and practices. What are they? Do they not perfectible? Is it necessary to rethink the trade fair? If yes, how?
I A private affair, fair trade?

But the state will not stay away
very long and will be involved through regulations, official standards or conventions for quality improvement. These less known, are particularly interesting. An entrepreneur who wants to see established an agreement on a new method, a new quality criterion, will see the department in charge of the state and is promoting it. The state will gather professionals, consumer organizations, and negotiations on the content and timing of the standard start under his tutelage in the presence of all concerned. The goal is to reach a standard that will aim to expand and become the current standard for all producers. If negotiation is successful, the producer can display the logo "Approved" on its products and he may claim to consumers, insurance companies, banks. For other standards, such as' made from organic agriculture ", seu

ls who meet the specifications imposed can be served. It is for this reason that Danone had to abandon the brand Bio Activia, and "BA" no longer had the right to be placed in the stalls reserved for the yogurt (which caused the bankruptcy of original producer). This is a strict interpretation of the law that prohibits "adopt" a designation reserved. In my case, I believes that keeping his mark should not be penalized, except blatant bad faith (though at the time of the launch of Danone Bio organic farming was not as clear to himself). This does not exclude prior consultations, and it's time for lobbyists to make their voices heard.

All this contributes to a plethora of labels to various specifications, which does little to promote consumer choice. When he leaves the choice ...

II reverse Reverse the chain of fair trade The logic of fair trade and other development products competed sustainable is the logic called "reverse die (in the words of JK Galbraith in The New Industrial State). For most products, the label existed prior to production. For many, it is perfectly understandable given the specifications (eg footballs without child labor). The choice to do a fair trade coffee as "Just coffee" Consumers International is an ideological choice, and it is a criterion that the ideological consumer will perceive the label as a selling point. The consumer is forced to choose between a fair trade coffee or not. But if he chooses to put a coffee Malongo, he will be forced to take fair (Max Havelaar in this case).
Conversely, and more annoying, it does not have an option for "fair" on all the products he wants. If he wants Nike, Puma, Reebok and Adidas or it will be without the certainty of a fair production. Worse, he waives any right to even look at a production of "human", ie acceptable schedule, a ban on pregnancy test routine, safety at the workplace, health facilities and dormitories (Naomi Klein describes in his "No Logo "dormitories Filipino in Cavite, "real mousetraps in case of fire").

Staying on the generalized example of sneakers. What prevents an association to raise funds that will directly and almost completely transferred to the workers, whose wages are negligible in view of the product price (30 cents per room about on products from 60 to 150 Euros is at best 0.5% of the price)? This association may be his promotion to retailers, or enter into agreements with chains of stores as "Foot Locker", "Decathlon" or "Run". It is rare that a consumer is close to $ 5 when you buy his shoes (for men, even little consumerist, a particular choice is brought to them).
III Implementation practice of "matching salary": barriers and benefits The main obstacles that I can identify "hot" are: 1

Dissociation of payment. If one is offered at the checkout "to pay the additional amount," it makes its payment facilities (including credit cards) remain intact. If the distribution chain is a partner, or the consumer to a credit account in the association, This problem is avoided. 2 The difficulty in identifying the worker and to deliver aid. This would require the assistance of producer, which traces its products anyway. Or resign themselves to help "blind" that is to say, more or less arbitrarily.
3 The distribution of funds is tricky. It would be good to let businesses do it to support themselves leaves to control them, and let the consumer arbitrate according to its own criteria. One wants to support the creation and staffing of cooperatives, the other is delivered as an integral possible in the hands of a single worker (or his wife, who is often more responsible!), or injured workers, or broadcast the entire production, or improvement of security conditions.

4 We may have to bear the animosity of the mark which would not interfere in its affairs. Obviously nothing can justify, which would bring serious damage to its brand image. In the case of workers with direct blackmail ("it's them or us") the situation may be more difficult. And what about the corruption of local authorities to deport or threaten the associations ?

A crucial advantage: a more easily extensible

If it manages to combine a large distributor, we could imagine the store's products "involved in the transaction" (as the saying goes) patched a sticker yellow (I like yellow! and why not yellow first?) and at the checkout, you could easily mix the products for which abound or not, according to his or her preferences and means. Even save their preferences in its loyalty card (products, associations, frequency, eg abound up to 4 euros for clothing paid over 50 euros, and pay the amount under the terms of the association "Sun for All").

In conclusion: As often understand a system it took out. I would love to see this proposal "of matching the consumer's wages" in practice because I like the contribution to be extensible, simple, direct, concrete, linked to a thankless job so that does not reinforce the assistantship, and consumers have a real choice when the criteria which it is sensitive. I bet that if the support of leading brands is acquired and that some distributors join in, a decisive battle for development economic and social development would be won. Then we can get down to the ecology (and societal?) With all our energy.

Adult Cloth Diaper Sales

Revolutions yesterday they are still possible today?

Technological progress makes a tiny minority of professionals and well-equipped military can keep a country she does not oblige to change our conception of the revolution?

Power In France I never hesitated to suppress blood revolutionary riots. No need to go back very far to see disproportionate reprisals: 150 riot police who were well marinated, who are neither trained nor equipped ordered to stop but to neutralize, and delighted to break the "leftist", charged against 35 Students holed up in the Sorbonne during the occupation against the CPE (students who still exaggerated throwing dense objects from a height of several storeys, although the fear is making rash decisions). One can imagine the reaction would have the state faces a real risk revolutionary ... and we shivers!
Moreover it became increasingly difficult for insurgents to topple the head of state. We must believe that the two world wars led to develop leaders more aware of the importance of public opinion to win elections, because as time passes the main currents in competition differed less dramatically, the Victory or defeat at the polls now taking details. Therefore radical repression had no reason to exist.

Our latest "Revolution" is the work of 68ards who, after May 1, which served as their awareness, and once the majority in the workforce have
seized power and overthrew the established order. They have shaped society in their image, negligence, recklessness, while politicians are immune to the gaze of taxpayers nice diverted or wasted the glorious fruits of 30 without realizing that the dream would be completed early 70s.
Today their children are more foxes than ever and determined to lock the machine. For them, unlike their parents, a question of survival of their achievements. It remains little more than privileged life of convicts to life in France without our social mobility (I repeat often, but it's still the worst in Europe after Romania).

II The question arises of the Revolution differently for African and Arab populations.

1 These have never been able (or able) to take their destiny. Their
despots methodically sabotaged any hope of prosperity in their country to be concerned only for their personal gain, often by selling to the highest bidder for their neo-colonial nation (and its people as soon as possible. Think of child prostitution, trafficking in organs, labor exported to Dubai without hope of return). some dictatorships in Asia are just as draconian but their patriotism, social cohesion and discipline culturally rooted cause some economic prosperity that benefit few but certainly not objectionable. Other leaders would not sacrifice for anything if their factory state, for fear of capital flight.

2 It has often been the corruption of these states in the spotlight as the cause of the lack of national ambition their leaders

In reality it seems that lobbying is a form of corruption forced to legality by the prosperity of the state and its ability to face external pressures, and that one replaces the other. And lobbying may be a factor in decision support appreciable when properly channeled. We must therefore go through a phase or the unwavering sovereignty is expressed, the time to put the country back on track.
III Hence wait for the Revolution?

1 This may come from within
A man or angel group can change everything from power. Which would be at the head of state or successfully enough to influence its leaders (King Juan Carlos of Spain had a historical legitimacy, Napoleon charismatic legitimacy and revolutionaries of 1789 but the rational legitimacy factly, without the Estates General convened by Louis XVI volunteered to restore the financial situation of the country ...).

Or a real revolution may take place within the meaning of the changeover of institutions and its members. Can you imagine that state tyrannical are now tilted? If they have never known freedom, it is difficult to believe that they can feel sorry enough Power or to put the army on his side (an exceptional case, however: the Carnation Revolution in Portugal) for not be cruelly and continuously scanned. It remains to wait for the "fed up" is enough to drive a long and widespread revolt which normally leads to the arrival in power of the group's most violent and best organized. At this time the revolution can be "inside" or we go again.

Done Interestingly, if the people have the right to vote, the polls usually give him the opportunity to throw himself into the lion's den whatsoever with Hamas in Palestine and France with a protest vote that crystallizes around JM Le Pen, like in 1933 with the accession of Hitler to the legal power (the wise).

2 We have two types of external interventions
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine, popular media and designed as a marketing plan, peaceful but which are mostly paid by a foreign power that relies on future earnings (ie the USA).

second type of external intervention: the invasion and replacement of institutions, financing, training and arming a guerrilla war or the use of its regular army. At best it was a military dictatorship (South America), and at worst a generalized chaos or even civil war, declared or latent (Iraq).

IV How to lead the next revolution?

1 that wish to Africa and the Arab dictatorships? Allow the system

decline with the decline of its elites. We must accept that these countries do their political maturity, is long and requires that they have the same sovereignty as that of industrialized countries. Meanwhile
avoid neocolonialism that is only maintaining the armed groups that alternate in power that is most favorable to entrepreneurs and financiers. Encourage free trade areas between countries as well economic development to bypass competition from developed countries and other industrialized Dragons. Another key measure: dry financially obscurantist groups and radical that thrive on the misery of the population. This means that a large financial tracking, among others, is crucial to uncover their funders and suppliers of arms and ammunition for many Westerners.

To avoid an overflow of optimism, I would say that Africa has never had the intimacy What were the Western states to build. Africa has for centuries had a negative interference that prevented it to choose its destiny and, admittedly, has enabled its leaders to find designated scapegoats while.

2 In the Western Revolution is to reinvent It will be primarily by highlighting the government's action. Visibility forcing him to become more accountable, and the term should become democratic regime with the appropriation of public debate by prescribers of opinions more fragmented and more critical. Today it is the mass media who ask questions and suggest answers.
For now the ruling classes and the mass media do not go quite aware that their actions are shelled by proNétariat, but the opening of the Forum option
will bring down the scales of some eyes (unless the contempt of the mob is too strong). You can even see real complaints about books
without eviction of a single current policy.

violence exerted on the population is more insidious but no less palpable. If you doubt this, I recommend you do a bit of business in the suburbs, you'll be surprised. If you're afraid to ask the difference to a young graduate internships how many years he has underpaid chained before her first decent job (if it works with Dad, it does not account not sure).
Awareness will be difficult because of the ubiquitous television (4 hours on average per day per person) and taking psychotropic intense (33 to 43% of the population taking antidepressants according heavy Bruno Etienne). Despite all the distrust is widespread with 69% of French people today do not trust the Left nor the Right to reform the country.

3 What to expect?

It is feared that the next revolution will be of benefit, once again, a vocal minority and cynical. The bankruptcy of the state should lead an oligarchy way Putin's Russia, as even the little Bush does not seem determined to clean up the state but only to cut it up for the benefit of his generous friends.

But maybe the next we're ready to choose our destiny. To know not only what we do well, but to impose what we want.

Without prejudging the best system too quickly, begin to think about it because it is the first step.
In my case, I think women have the best role in future revolutions. Students at war against the CPE were determined, courageous, concerned about their future without inhibitions about their commitment and very human. They are mostly in the end far more realistic than men too sure of their capacity and unable to rationally evaluate the impact of the failure of a society in their own lives.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Warrior Cat Random Name Generator

Cogolin echoes of One Earth Too New

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Plans For Open Storage Shelves


Time passes again, but I forget that notion. It has become as superfluous as that space, that make the effort to syntax, that thinking about tomorrow. I usually fall asleep, feel increasingly tired. I vegetate. At times, pain pass through me, brighter than stabbing, or throbbing headache never ceasing the doors of exhaustion. These pains are more frequent, they are born under my wounds, débondent down my spine. But ultimately, I'm more afraid that I did wrong. I'd like to see the day, remember the real sky, a leaden sky before the storm, another sky that this ceiling ersatz blue skies and white walls that weep.

forget my old body, I do not want to remember if Marion Deshayes was beautiful or not. This naked body that I can now see me sick, emaciated and pale he is, the whole crossed by thick scars. Hoses come in like a dilapidated machine, the needles pierce from all sides and liquids through the dirty and making noise, like a common sewer. The envelope is torn. Incognito passes over his debonair look, I do not feel any discomfort. My nakedness is his, I leave him, I do not want it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fever Sore Throat During Menstruation

Getting a Land of Too? A Land Too

To meet the demand of many people, I recall here the different ways to buy the book A Land Too.

A Land Too
Benevento Publishing ISBN 2-7563-0175-2

326 pages
EUR 20.50

In bookstores:
Many bookstores offer books on the shelves:
- the library of the Centre Leclerc
- Bookstore Cogolin
- Expression library of Sainte-Maxime
- Meet at the bookstore Cross Valm st
Elsewhere in France, you can order the book in bookstores or at FNAC (distributor: Casteilla). Its distibution is national and if the bookstore does not have it, he can easily control the dealers who in a timely manner.

By Internet: Via
ultresécurisées signs as follows:

By author
- Telephone ( or )
- e (9 rue Blaise Pascal 83310 COGOLIN)
- mail (
Upon request, enclosing a check payable to
author (20, 50 euros + shipping), I will send you a copy the book by mail.

At the showroom Ramatuelle:
Throughout the summer, the book is offered. It is also an opportunity to discover original works of art exhibited in this beautiful hall (African sculptures throughout the month of July for example).

Monday, August 28, 2006

Infinity Audio Ps 212

under the sign of the Rooster ... La Croix-Valmer

On 2 and 3 September 2006 on the Place de la Mairie in Cogolin , I participated in the celebration of the Rooster. Hosted by the team of the pungency of COQ, rocked (?) By Gerald Levert's voice, flavored with sausage Bad Wilbad, heady by German beer flowing stream, it is all friendliness that I dedicated the book to the occasion. I take this opportunity to thank the Mayor and Mr. Sénéquier Jacques Marchand, Deputy Culture, for their support.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Put In Bridesmaid Totes

, writing, childhood ... New

It is with particular emotion (and thanks to Claire Busser), submitted to A Land Too Cross-Valmer village where I spent my childhood, where I grew up and at the same time as me my passion for writing ... Please note that this meeting took place within the framework of the exhibition Faculty of Arts House including the illustrious sculptor Michel Mourier who in 2000 won the Grand Prix de Rome. Thank you to them for their hospitality and generosity. Being confused and media arts will take, in my view an excellent view of what art can provide in terms of fun and excitement.

S aturday August 26, 2006 at the Village Hall from 18:00

Exposure professors Home Arts exceptionally open a page on the literature.

(click to enlarge)

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Catchy Recipe Sayings

meets 2nd in Cogolin

Leclerc love culture ...
Another meeting was held in Cogolin Monday, August 14, 2006 at the Cultural Centre Leclerc Cogolin from 10am to 13pm and 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. . The book was presented to the inside of the Cultural ... Simonet thank you to Nicole for more hard to ensure that culture and art expressed in these places, and Mr. Faraco, director of the Centre Leclerc.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Getting Rid Of Multiple Lipomsa

book fair Entrecasteaux

On July 23, 2006, I attended the 2nd book fair of Entrecasteaux organized the foot of the magnificent castle OVERLOOKING this medieval village. This unique cultural event in central Var hosted a thirty authors whose Papet France Bleue Provence, a leader of this radio.


Above, photos of the day Entrecasteaux unfortunately interrupted by a storm of Dante ...