Friday, November 3, 2006

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Should we rethink the trade fair?

Fair trade settles with its codes and practices. What are they? Do they not perfectible? Is it necessary to rethink the trade fair? If yes, how?
I A private affair, fair trade?

But the state will not stay away
very long and will be involved through regulations, official standards or conventions for quality improvement. These less known, are particularly interesting. An entrepreneur who wants to see established an agreement on a new method, a new quality criterion, will see the department in charge of the state and is promoting it. The state will gather professionals, consumer organizations, and negotiations on the content and timing of the standard start under his tutelage in the presence of all concerned. The goal is to reach a standard that will aim to expand and become the current standard for all producers. If negotiation is successful, the producer can display the logo "Approved" on its products and he may claim to consumers, insurance companies, banks. For other standards, such as' made from organic agriculture ", seu

ls who meet the specifications imposed can be served. It is for this reason that Danone had to abandon the brand Bio Activia, and "BA" no longer had the right to be placed in the stalls reserved for the yogurt (which caused the bankruptcy of original producer). This is a strict interpretation of the law that prohibits "adopt" a designation reserved. In my case, I believes that keeping his mark should not be penalized, except blatant bad faith (though at the time of the launch of Danone Bio organic farming was not as clear to himself). This does not exclude prior consultations, and it's time for lobbyists to make their voices heard.

All this contributes to a plethora of labels to various specifications, which does little to promote consumer choice. When he leaves the choice ...

II reverse Reverse the chain of fair trade The logic of fair trade and other development products competed sustainable is the logic called "reverse die (in the words of JK Galbraith in The New Industrial State). For most products, the label existed prior to production. For many, it is perfectly understandable given the specifications (eg footballs without child labor). The choice to do a fair trade coffee as "Just coffee" Consumers International is an ideological choice, and it is a criterion that the ideological consumer will perceive the label as a selling point. The consumer is forced to choose between a fair trade coffee or not. But if he chooses to put a coffee Malongo, he will be forced to take fair (Max Havelaar in this case).
Conversely, and more annoying, it does not have an option for "fair" on all the products he wants. If he wants Nike, Puma, Reebok and Adidas or it will be without the certainty of a fair production. Worse, he waives any right to even look at a production of "human", ie acceptable schedule, a ban on pregnancy test routine, safety at the workplace, health facilities and dormitories (Naomi Klein describes in his "No Logo "dormitories Filipino in Cavite, "real mousetraps in case of fire").

Staying on the generalized example of sneakers. What prevents an association to raise funds that will directly and almost completely transferred to the workers, whose wages are negligible in view of the product price (30 cents per room about on products from 60 to 150 Euros is at best 0.5% of the price)? This association may be his promotion to retailers, or enter into agreements with chains of stores as "Foot Locker", "Decathlon" or "Run". It is rare that a consumer is close to $ 5 when you buy his shoes (for men, even little consumerist, a particular choice is brought to them).
III Implementation practice of "matching salary": barriers and benefits The main obstacles that I can identify "hot" are: 1

Dissociation of payment. If one is offered at the checkout "to pay the additional amount," it makes its payment facilities (including credit cards) remain intact. If the distribution chain is a partner, or the consumer to a credit account in the association, This problem is avoided. 2 The difficulty in identifying the worker and to deliver aid. This would require the assistance of producer, which traces its products anyway. Or resign themselves to help "blind" that is to say, more or less arbitrarily.
3 The distribution of funds is tricky. It would be good to let businesses do it to support themselves leaves to control them, and let the consumer arbitrate according to its own criteria. One wants to support the creation and staffing of cooperatives, the other is delivered as an integral possible in the hands of a single worker (or his wife, who is often more responsible!), or injured workers, or broadcast the entire production, or improvement of security conditions.

4 We may have to bear the animosity of the mark which would not interfere in its affairs. Obviously nothing can justify, which would bring serious damage to its brand image. In the case of workers with direct blackmail ("it's them or us") the situation may be more difficult. And what about the corruption of local authorities to deport or threaten the associations ?

A crucial advantage: a more easily extensible

If it manages to combine a large distributor, we could imagine the store's products "involved in the transaction" (as the saying goes) patched a sticker yellow (I like yellow! and why not yellow first?) and at the checkout, you could easily mix the products for which abound or not, according to his or her preferences and means. Even save their preferences in its loyalty card (products, associations, frequency, eg abound up to 4 euros for clothing paid over 50 euros, and pay the amount under the terms of the association "Sun for All").

In conclusion: As often understand a system it took out. I would love to see this proposal "of matching the consumer's wages" in practice because I like the contribution to be extensible, simple, direct, concrete, linked to a thankless job so that does not reinforce the assistantship, and consumers have a real choice when the criteria which it is sensitive. I bet that if the support of leading brands is acquired and that some distributors join in, a decisive battle for development economic and social development would be won. Then we can get down to the ecology (and societal?) With all our energy.


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