Friday, November 3, 2006

Adult Cloth Diaper Sales

Revolutions yesterday they are still possible today?

Technological progress makes a tiny minority of professionals and well-equipped military can keep a country she does not oblige to change our conception of the revolution?

Power In France I never hesitated to suppress blood revolutionary riots. No need to go back very far to see disproportionate reprisals: 150 riot police who were well marinated, who are neither trained nor equipped ordered to stop but to neutralize, and delighted to break the "leftist", charged against 35 Students holed up in the Sorbonne during the occupation against the CPE (students who still exaggerated throwing dense objects from a height of several storeys, although the fear is making rash decisions). One can imagine the reaction would have the state faces a real risk revolutionary ... and we shivers!
Moreover it became increasingly difficult for insurgents to topple the head of state. We must believe that the two world wars led to develop leaders more aware of the importance of public opinion to win elections, because as time passes the main currents in competition differed less dramatically, the Victory or defeat at the polls now taking details. Therefore radical repression had no reason to exist.

Our latest "Revolution" is the work of 68ards who, after May 1, which served as their awareness, and once the majority in the workforce have
seized power and overthrew the established order. They have shaped society in their image, negligence, recklessness, while politicians are immune to the gaze of taxpayers nice diverted or wasted the glorious fruits of 30 without realizing that the dream would be completed early 70s.
Today their children are more foxes than ever and determined to lock the machine. For them, unlike their parents, a question of survival of their achievements. It remains little more than privileged life of convicts to life in France without our social mobility (I repeat often, but it's still the worst in Europe after Romania).

II The question arises of the Revolution differently for African and Arab populations.

1 These have never been able (or able) to take their destiny. Their
despots methodically sabotaged any hope of prosperity in their country to be concerned only for their personal gain, often by selling to the highest bidder for their neo-colonial nation (and its people as soon as possible. Think of child prostitution, trafficking in organs, labor exported to Dubai without hope of return). some dictatorships in Asia are just as draconian but their patriotism, social cohesion and discipline culturally rooted cause some economic prosperity that benefit few but certainly not objectionable. Other leaders would not sacrifice for anything if their factory state, for fear of capital flight.

2 It has often been the corruption of these states in the spotlight as the cause of the lack of national ambition their leaders

In reality it seems that lobbying is a form of corruption forced to legality by the prosperity of the state and its ability to face external pressures, and that one replaces the other. And lobbying may be a factor in decision support appreciable when properly channeled. We must therefore go through a phase or the unwavering sovereignty is expressed, the time to put the country back on track.
III Hence wait for the Revolution?

1 This may come from within
A man or angel group can change everything from power. Which would be at the head of state or successfully enough to influence its leaders (King Juan Carlos of Spain had a historical legitimacy, Napoleon charismatic legitimacy and revolutionaries of 1789 but the rational legitimacy factly, without the Estates General convened by Louis XVI volunteered to restore the financial situation of the country ...).

Or a real revolution may take place within the meaning of the changeover of institutions and its members. Can you imagine that state tyrannical are now tilted? If they have never known freedom, it is difficult to believe that they can feel sorry enough Power or to put the army on his side (an exceptional case, however: the Carnation Revolution in Portugal) for not be cruelly and continuously scanned. It remains to wait for the "fed up" is enough to drive a long and widespread revolt which normally leads to the arrival in power of the group's most violent and best organized. At this time the revolution can be "inside" or we go again.

Done Interestingly, if the people have the right to vote, the polls usually give him the opportunity to throw himself into the lion's den whatsoever with Hamas in Palestine and France with a protest vote that crystallizes around JM Le Pen, like in 1933 with the accession of Hitler to the legal power (the wise).

2 We have two types of external interventions
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine, popular media and designed as a marketing plan, peaceful but which are mostly paid by a foreign power that relies on future earnings (ie the USA).

second type of external intervention: the invasion and replacement of institutions, financing, training and arming a guerrilla war or the use of its regular army. At best it was a military dictatorship (South America), and at worst a generalized chaos or even civil war, declared or latent (Iraq).

IV How to lead the next revolution?

1 that wish to Africa and the Arab dictatorships? Allow the system

decline with the decline of its elites. We must accept that these countries do their political maturity, is long and requires that they have the same sovereignty as that of industrialized countries. Meanwhile
avoid neocolonialism that is only maintaining the armed groups that alternate in power that is most favorable to entrepreneurs and financiers. Encourage free trade areas between countries as well economic development to bypass competition from developed countries and other industrialized Dragons. Another key measure: dry financially obscurantist groups and radical that thrive on the misery of the population. This means that a large financial tracking, among others, is crucial to uncover their funders and suppliers of arms and ammunition for many Westerners.

To avoid an overflow of optimism, I would say that Africa has never had the intimacy What were the Western states to build. Africa has for centuries had a negative interference that prevented it to choose its destiny and, admittedly, has enabled its leaders to find designated scapegoats while.

2 In the Western Revolution is to reinvent It will be primarily by highlighting the government's action. Visibility forcing him to become more accountable, and the term should become democratic regime with the appropriation of public debate by prescribers of opinions more fragmented and more critical. Today it is the mass media who ask questions and suggest answers.
For now the ruling classes and the mass media do not go quite aware that their actions are shelled by proNĂ©tariat, but the opening of the Forum option
will bring down the scales of some eyes (unless the contempt of the mob is too strong). You can even see real complaints about books
without eviction of a single current policy.

violence exerted on the population is more insidious but no less palpable. If you doubt this, I recommend you do a bit of business in the suburbs, you'll be surprised. If you're afraid to ask the difference to a young graduate internships how many years he has underpaid chained before her first decent job (if it works with Dad, it does not account not sure).
Awareness will be difficult because of the ubiquitous television (4 hours on average per day per person) and taking psychotropic intense (33 to 43% of the population taking antidepressants according heavy Bruno Etienne). Despite all the distrust is widespread with 69% of French people today do not trust the Left nor the Right to reform the country.

3 What to expect?

It is feared that the next revolution will be of benefit, once again, a vocal minority and cynical. The bankruptcy of the state should lead an oligarchy way Putin's Russia, as even the little Bush does not seem determined to clean up the state but only to cut it up for the benefit of his generous friends.

But maybe the next we're ready to choose our destiny. To know not only what we do well, but to impose what we want.

Without prejudging the best system too quickly, begin to think about it because it is the first step.
In my case, I think women have the best role in future revolutions. Students at war against the CPE were determined, courageous, concerned about their future without inhibitions about their commitment and very human. They are mostly in the end far more realistic than men too sure of their capacity and unable to rationally evaluate the impact of the failure of a society in their own lives.


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