Thursday, December 14, 2006

How To Cut Your Hair Without Going To Solon

After the cartel of mobile UFC leads action against the bundling of systems operators

Chevenement / Royal: a deal too good

Both agreements (electoral and political) that have been

formalized and ratified this weekend, between the MRC and the PS, raise many questions that keep the viewer to consolidate his opinion on them. Nicolas Voisin

announced in his blog on Friday evening
: Chevenement announced he was withdrawing his candidacy in favor of the Socialist candidate Segolene Royal, who had already benefited from the withdrawal of Christine Taubira radicals. "Sego" was also at his side during the meeting that the President of Honour held at Paris XI. France 3 interviewed Che Sunday evening, for editing of the night. Journalist Francois Letellier
was very relevant, and vis-à-vis was regularly forced to move off the field response to the question (with an original way to make the language of wood that is to speak on substance rather than to justify on the form).
The electoral agreement would, in the words of JP Chevenement himself on a dozen constituencies for parliamentary elections. Many mixed, but suggests that secret clauses: the end of the interview, the former minister did not rule out returning to PS in the coming years, and has not closed the door on a merger MRC-PS . By that Che signed the death probably next MRC on the altar of bipartisanship, and let him consider the analysis of experts in constitutional law after the quinquennium of 2000, unless the dose proportional announced by the former Minister does not change the deal finally.
But the skill of Chevenement has been to have reached a political agreement, which is reflected in a joint statement

(and here
). Appropriate agreement appear to have been preserved since the main thrust of the MRC program, which allows him to brag that this is a "union" and not an act of allegiance. For example, the most salient points regarding the economics are: to reduce the independence of the European Central Bank (devaluation of the Euro), interfere Foreign takeovers, an ambitious energy policy, protection of public services, upgrading of low wages, increased taxes on capital income, and, what is perhaps the most ambitious, a change in standards of WTO to impose minimum social and environmental protectionism to stem offshoring and combat unemployment, and the establishment of a social dumping clause at European level.
These measures, while employment is the primary concern of the French, were the cornerstone of the program Chevenement JP, and repeated that his first priority was the "reorientation of the EU in promoting growth and employment". To listen to Night 3, the project differed from that of L. Jospin (including the five-year) and significantly less than that of S. Royal. Despite their common slingshot to the strong euro, it's hard to believe as president of the Region claims it is awaiting the results of its national consultation to determine. Except that his vision is already established and it is only a facade?
The agreement is almost too good and too strong to be true: it seems that one of two bluffs. At least that are both: one seeking to see join the 5.3% French-sensitive approach Chevenement (the polls speak louder than the polls), or at least to avoid as much as possible delaying the vote, the other acting in his movement (and himself) a difficult to guarantee continuity since April 21, 2002. In a convergence of interest would then be born with a declaration that, once again, will be superbly forgotten when exercising power? On

blog Chevenement, the reactions are very strong and frankly shared in any case much more than the score of 84% of delegates in favor of rallying in PS (but it must be said that the activist, supporter is not the same requirement to obtain warrants a politician who is his career).
bet that many voters who distrusted S. Royal are now being forced to question his credibility, and above all, respect it has vis-à-vis its commitments, not only electoral but also politically: it is clear that the early promises Indeed, after having demonstrated the ease with which she considers the program Socialist. Now
S. Royal will have to assume a new position: an outsider, she became responsible for a diverse mix of power, from the pro Chevènement DSK. Anything can come out, the best and the worst and after primary health walk, things are very serious for the candidate.


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