Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hit Head Vomit Toddler

Here it is past ....

past few weeks I knew it was for the month of February. I was sure it would even last week. But last week, most of my consultations adoption consultations were pre-adoption consultations useful since children proposed in the field of international adoption are becoming more "unusual".
So today, Monday, February 21, I've seen. He was a boy, not very happy to see me at first, even less pleased to know that blood was coming. I will not deny that I'm very proud, because with the great nursery of adoption of the consultation we got to tame him, he let himself look quite nicely and was a very big boy and wise without a tear for the blood test.
was a "great", from one of my very first home.
I'm glad it fell on him ... ... ... ... ... ... ... being the 2000th patient to the consultation of adoption overseas.


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