Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Light Case Of Genital Warts Look Like

Bali, Java, Jakarta, Yogyakarta


Upon arrival at the airport, visa or Customs m'arnaque of 6000 rupiah, 50c euros without my gaffe makes the exchange rate, it reminds me the Cambodian border where I had had to negotiate my visa.
Exit the airport, I want a bus, and I feel find a mixture of Asia and India, Indonesia means "India and islands. 1h bus to downtown, and really reminds me of India, New Delhi suburb of Jakarta is dense, almost 23 million people live here, the third of the French population.

I find a hotel room on the first request after you around me, and surely one of the cheapest, next to a street famous tourism for backpackers savings, a small hotel whose room is ... In any case, the sheets were clean air, and toilet partitions are enough for me I manage to wash clothes and clean 2.

revival in this room is at 7am, the upstairs neighbor who takes a shower, the water drains out and dropped on a sheet metal opposite my window, it even has a side wall.

I visit Kota, a district of old Dutch buildings. Nothing interresting because I did not want to do the museums. The Square, I meet lots of young people who are eager to speak English and look, it's the holidays for students. I talk a future math teacher who explains that the school is paid from 12 years to rates based on the fame of the school. This woman is Muslim and I am pleasantly surprised and happy for her to see her freedom unlike other countries.

Tour of Harbour Front, the port of Jakarta, I lost in the maze of small passages between the houses of wood, sheet metal and various recycled materials. There are tons of cats around here, both in town, even a kitten that wanders into the McDonald's of the station to search the remains accidentally falls down!

the port, for some recent boats, loading of goods is done with cranes, but for most other boats, and large old wooden boats, the goods are carried by porters who board balanced on a narrow tree trunk that serves of passerrelle.

While walking through the streets just visited, I pass a building that collapses, used to collect plastic bottles and aluminum cans, recovered by the poorest people in the street. One kilogram of transparent plastic bottles (about 60 small plastic bottles) is bought 4500 rupiah (40 cents), if the plastic is colored, it is 3500 and for 10 aluminum cans, a collector can pull 1250 rupiah, 10 cents.
The average salary for those who are working in Indonesia, is 50 euros, and it's never enough to finish the month.

The "metro" is by air, a single line of rail, perched on top of some boulevards, cars packed, the doors wide open, a flood of passengers who come by being pushed by the latter who will not stay on the dock, and young, fun to be installed on the roof, head down to not touch the electric cable which powers the train in 1500 volts!

To book a train ticket, and I buy the ticket in an office, hosted by the head of reservations, by the accounts, and another official yet, very friendly and happy to discuss with a European. I was walking home Jalan Jaksa, which is rather pleasant to walk on this boulevard ininterressant, but full of people occupied in their daily life, surprised to see a tourist here. Dinner a bowl of vegetable soup and a plate of rice, and I now await the train that has only a half hour late. My neighbors dock, a couple, sleeping extensions of 2 pages of newspapers. I ship, sitting beside a young man who returns home to his wife and his family Yogyakarta, it has a good job in Jakarta, but life is much more peaceful had Jogja (Yogyakarta).


m'hebergent Residents of Yogyakarta, the couchsurfing is surprising, however rapid and exchange so simple and very interresting. It's truly amazing, a great way to meet locals when you arrive, and we're all in the desire to exchange, discuss, share, meeting the rich and nice. My hosts are truly a remarkable invitation to continue the couchsurfing!
I meet during an evening, a guy whose left arm is useless, and his disability makes him BENEFIT compensation of 300 euros he used to live here, and that's enough, and certainly much more pleasant ratings that 'France.

I experiment also Indonesian massage. An old guy who rule me a pain in the back, not so comfortable on the train. I also found a pain in his knee that rule at the same time, and finished putting my vertebrae in line, a technique effective familly.

visit a Batik factory, a printing technique of fabric. First, wax is applied to protect the fabric for a first dip in ink, then the wax is withdrawn, or put to other places for a new bath. The technique can be done by hand, some Batik take 3 months to be finished, and for others, a person applying wax buffers, faster, a few days of work.

I also met Giyono (, a tuk-tuk driver who speaks french very well and I recommend it to those who want to discover the city with a guide to cheap and very interresting.

I visit Prambanan, after I shelter in a pastry shop and confectionery in local 1 / 2 hour to avoid a heavy shower which should not be at this season. Here, as in Guyana, the weather is upset, it rains during the dry season.
Prambanan is an old Hindu temple near the city center, beautiful and full of tourists, mostly Indonesians.

My hosts take me to spend the weekend in the family in the countryside, the house of the grandmother. The landscape is beautiful, everything you imagine Indonesia's postcard, the tall palms between the rice fields on several floors.

up at 4:30, and we share a scooter has 30 terminals to visit Borobudur. It is the largest Buddhist temple in the world, age of more than 1000 years, and it has the shape of a mandala of 113 meters wide. The sun rises behind a small mountain and the mist that covers the entire Choros around the temple begins to dissipate. On two different levels, frescoes depict the life and teaching of Buddha

Meals are excellent and cheap, the pair of Indonesians who put me up take me in small snack for untraceable a tourist of taste local specialties, for 5000 rupiah, 40 cents a plate.

I send a package, and even a guy on the street I am packing up the same way that I did in India. The carton is packed in a kind of roof which is then sewn jute griossierement to avoid being too easily opened by the carriers.

again impossible to tell so many times.
I saw those empty boxes in stores, easiest way to avoid theft.

I crossed this seller honey, he went to harvest a tree

and saw these rice fields, wherever there is possible to make a square of land, put water and produce a few kilograms of rice between 2 houses, opposite a council flat (rare here), wherever possible. Everyone grows rice. and those tags everywhere style has a good effect, not common in Asia, the art is present at Jogja!

Yogyakarta I leave asking myself several times if I should not stay a few more days, if pleasant encounters, and a city so quiet, but my visa is already too short to visit the immense Indonesia .

photos on the island of Java


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