Monday, May 31, 2010

How To Make The Bandana For Snowboarding

Malaisie - Iles et Perhentian Taman Negara

Sunday, May 16,, arrived in Malaysia
Party last night in Bangkok, I arrived at noon at the border. During certain periods, This border crossing is the target of Islamist attacks of a group that claims an independent state in southern Thailand and has already done a lot of deaths. Soldiers weapons scrutinize the train the owners of each bag. In this car 3rd class, most women are veiled. Terminus, a motorcycle taxi to take me to the border, a bridge over a river, and I enter Malaysia. A taxi driver offered to take me into town 1 / 2 hour from here, but the bus will be cheaper, and the guy, friendly, telling me how to find the bus, a rather surprising and pleasant home after Bangkok and "businessman who did not make that kind of gift.
Arrive Kota Bahru after 1/2h bus or I pioncait, I find a small pad and finally break me down for a nap. I did 2 races, a plug adapters that are compatible with huge and nothing and I change my last ringgit Baht, the guy does not change the parts, damage, y 'has a coffee ^ ^. Internet and Pizza Hut tonight, served by waitresses dressed in their Muslim chador.

Monday, May 17, 2010, sunrise at 6am, breakfast from a coffee in a can of 7-Eleven (the grocery store that covers all over Thailand, Malaysia and probably more) and a bottle water (optional, for desallage of seawater by reverse osmosis or distillation).

A minibus came to take us, me and other backpackers. It is gray and it will float. We arrive at Kuala Besut, the pier, you climb on a speedboat to 1 / 2 hour crossing. The sea is agitated, it's raining, and I discover new sensations, this boat is very fast, he jumps from one to two seconds in the air before landing like a rock in the palm of the next wave with a shock every time I feel into my spine, it is rather violent, fast, powerful, and I'm tempering head to foot in a few seconds. The driver deposited us on Kecil island, the smaller of two islands on a small paradise beach called Coral Bay.

300m wide, a few wooden buildings along the beach restaurant which, lease bungalows or wish to dive, there is no road here, just one path between two main beaches, and to reach other beaches or hotels, is by boat. Prices are a little expensive, and I found to share a bungalow with a Japanese, 40 Ringgits, about $ 13. I go snorkelling in direct from a small beach about 10m wide equally excellent. By joining the small beach, I passed a huge Komodo lizard of some sort of almost 1.5 meters long, which looks at me carefully before fleeing when I approach him.

I dive and that's great. Coral of all shapes, all colors, it is the same fish, all shapes, sizes, colors, I will regale. It is a pleasure to dive and follow a few groups of fish rainbow, or find myself in a bench a hundred fish, or look in the orange or seaweed lies the brother Nemo. I would see even a small shark 1, 50m, thin as my calf.

I will visit the other side of the island, Long Beach, renowned for its small soirees to one of two small bars, as desired, reggae or electronica, all on a beautiful wide beach some tourists, some jurisdictions, these big hotels and some guesthouses. Back Coral Beach has a meal at the restaurant next door, Mama's, run by Indians. There is a large Chinese and Indian communities in Malaysia. I feast on roasted, cheap, excellent, I missed this Indian dish. For beer is not the same, a beer is 10 ringgit, more than 2 euros is a Muslim country here and they tax alcohol more severely in the local margin.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Breakfast on the beach, I discussed the price of breakfast and the day of snorkeling. We start at 8 on a small boat, the first step, a site where we should be able to see sharks, but no luck today I did not see him. We continue on a 2nd site even more beautiful, some apnea 5 meters, a girl will see a big shark but it is the only one. I enjoy just the apnea 4 or 5 meters between corals and colorful fish. It then stops between the two islands, the bottom is only 5 meters, the boat driver spots a turtle that just go back to breathe and is joined.

It gives this kind of image, I leave you dreaming!

It eats algae on the rocks at the bottom, and goes every 5 minutes on the surface to breathe. I joined several times to 5 meters deep, swimming beside her was 50cm, admires his shell, beautiful, meticulously decorated as a craftsman, is truly magical, and that's what I would keep as the best of this place.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010, I'm leaving on a small path through the jungle of the island reach a small beach and do some snorkeling. It is a veritable jungle that invades every small huts and there are few unoccupied. I do not see anything unusual during my apnea, and it is surely better, the guy who repaired the engine on the beach to his boat that sank, ask me if I cross the shark, it appears that there has the bulk of this document etqu'il must be careful, reassuring to hear that after the dive.

Thursday, May 20, 2010, a small cafe on the beach, this magnificent beach dream covered with dead coral full range. I ride the speed boad, Kuala Besut direction, the pier. I then found a minibus after negotiating a fair price, I guzzler 2 banana roti for breakfast and I go to the center of Malaysia.

The most surprising and as a measure of the road, are hectares of palm plantations, acres of jungle also shaved for growing this tree

Malaysia is the first world producer of palm oil.

Arrive Kuala Tahan, the small tourist village in the natural park of Taman Negara is the point starting from jungle treks, marks on trees or with a guide, an hour or several days. I found a bed in a dormitory, dorm squatting also by some large insects, like this huge butterfly almost as big as the morphos Guyana.

Diner on one of these floating barges which are grocery or restaurant on the riverfront.

I prepared a small treck from 2 days to reach an observatory is 7 hours walk from the village, with a nice pair of German property. Pleasant evening was feeling a lot of what I love in Guyana, the sounds of the forest, the river, also brown, and the small supermarket on a floating barge with supplies also basic and sufficient to go on a bit. It's nice to find these sensations, this humid heat, the sounds of the forest, the strong smell of the vegetation has taken half the water, the vast serenity of the mighty jungle, surveyed by local boatmen and some trekkers with adventurous tastes.

Friday, May 21, 2010, breakfast, I regale 3 roasted egg on a barge restaurant, waiting for my hiking journeyperson is getting ready to go to the observatory by Bumbuna Kumbang Track the hardest, because the other is now divided by a river 30 meters wide. I offer plastic shoes, it will be very muddy because it often rains at this time, rent a backpack for some food and water, rent a foam mattress and a sleeping bag. I pay 2 bottles of water, but I realize that 3 are barely sufficient. One starts later, at 11:30, for a period announced by the store from 5 to 7 hours, 5 hours setting because it is quite fit.

The first mile is easy, wide steps lead to a site tree-climbing in the canopy. Arrived at this site, we discover the true beginning of the runway, a small jungle trail, narrow, accidente, very muddy, and all along, it does stop climbing on steep Butes over muddy ground slippery, and then descend to cross a small creek, as we say in Guyana, a small stream cool and clear, before climbing the next hill.

We will not cross animals, 7 hours walk is not easy, sometimes it's almost climbing over mounds of mud clinging to the roots covering the ground, the animals we intend to blow in advance! Cons by leeches feast, not many mosquitoes here, I even slept without mosquito net,

but leeches, these big worms like matches are always in search of blood, advancing in the jungle by complying with 2, raising his head in search of a obstacle or a vein, before plunging to a new "no."
We pass through a village, the inhabitants of these huts made of several pieces of wood and covered with palm leaves have black skin, it reminds me of the Aborigines of Australia, but their origins are different.

We still 1h30 walk after a villager, with the weight of our bags, our clothes soaked through, sweat, and our own water rationing to be again for tonight and tomorrow a total that we finally discover that the observatory, as if one saw a mirage. A room of 30 square meters to 6 meters perched high on the feet of concrete, a dozen bunk beds and even with a shower / WC. One side of the observatory has a large window overlooking a flap, a small area without trees 200m wide and long, among whom there are rocks and a water source or a lot of animals should come s' watering.

He is 19h and the sun that gives us 1 hour respite, I do not use the shower / toilet stinks, his mouth for days, and will wash myself in a small cove 5 minutes later, 20cm clear and fresh water to flush a little sweat that inundates all my clothes and finally take a shower. It's nice to be alone in this corner of the jungle, hear the sounds of the forest, just be careful and wait, dreaming up fallen the night, may be seeing a tiger pass, there are 250 in this park. I agree with the observatory, 2 pairs of Belgian and a Malaysian group arrived by boat accompanied by guides. They are entitled to a meal in the rules, rice and chicken and even coffee. From our side we will enjoy the trays of fried rice this morning that we lug around in our bags, with a little spice to the tuna between two slices of bread. A guide has left the remains of the plates in a location visible from the observatory, which is an Asian Golden Cat, a fat feline in the size of a puma that comes regale them, not bother with our torches.

I stay up late and my bed is surprisingly comfortable, I do not know if the small foam mattress 1cm thick on the wooden bed and down which houses a 100aine people before me, or if the 7h steps with backpack by rationing water, heat, drive "0", but I sleep like a baby!

Saturday, May 22, 2010 , Alarm with others in the hut, I go a little further trek on the trail of time I meet one of these animals if we do not see that here surprising. I see tracks made and used by large animals, and tonight was a tiger "roar" away, but very powerful. The rain begins to fall, the rain of the rainy season, identical to the rainy season in Guyana, the path to the river will be more difficult than yesterday. We equip, Pancho plastic and you reach the river to 1 hour walk in a camp ranger almost abandoned that begins to rot and collapse on itself.

arivent 2 guys in the dugout, a driver and the guide was up front that identifies floating trees, rocks and helps qux delicate maneuvers. The canoe is made of planks, it is a hollowed tree trunk and works as in Guyana. It goes back through the village, or that both the chief decided to show us his marksmanship at the blowpipe.

long and 2 meters, a small tip of a poison coated 15cm Quick kill monkeys that they hunt. Their precision is astonishing, mine rather pretty fun, we will walk away with a small tip size and set with a small weight, done in 2 minutes by a kid. They also make us a demonstration to the forest fires, a lianne they rub on a split bark, very quickly and the smoke appears, then a few tiny ember to light a small focus of compact leaves and grass dry well .

This village is almost empty, all men in canoes on the river, to ferry tourists and a few other hunting and fishing, they will return tonight. We pass through some rapids, the canoe is really low from the lows of the waves and the pilot is skillful. We arrive at Kuala Tahan, the village of departure, or, finally, a good shower and a simple plastic chair become so comfortable sitting opposite river. I trade in groceries on the barge floating box of tuna spiced UNUSED cons of toothpaste that will soon fail me, dinner on the barge, the "Familia", a single cuisto and 10 tables, I have all the time chat with a guy who has just arrived, it was Mozambique and habique in England, one of these meetings came from afar.

Sunday, May 23, 2010, woke up early, shower, and pause before the jungle awaiting the sunrise.

I patient 1 / 2 hour I was treated to a roasted egg. The local bus abyss but strong will to 1:30 through the jungle and palm plantations all to join a first city on a road or I would take another bus towards Kuala Lumpur ....

Malaysia Perhentian Islands

Taman Negara

Sunday, May 16, 2010

How Much Is Oil At Mini Cooper

Thailande, Bangkok et

Monday, April 26, 2010 - Depart from Hanoi to Bangkok, 1:30 plane. Arrive at the airport, visa, luggage, bus to Kao San Road area where I'm going quickly, too much chaos, feeling calm, only a Thewet is the $ 9 digs.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010, a tower "MBK Center, this huge mall with I do not know how many hundreds of small shops, clothes, electronics, pumps, jewelry, anything you can search by the shopping, meeting on 7 floors.

I pass a dam is by the red shirts, they are installed in the center and occupy the streets until a reaction of the government was calm and no longer wishes to dislodge them by force after the hard times of two weeks ago where they were dislodged by sorting rifle and grenades! Pon
I found a friend who invited me to his family the evening.

a small apartment on the 5th floor without lift, all apartments are wide open and toddlers. The apartment houses 3 people, 1 large room with a separate long etagerem, no kitchen, just a machine rice, and there's always some stuff in the fridge to complement the rice. We buy some stuff in a small market, fish fry peppers, pork, and Pon's brother brought back beer. It does not include all seen the little English and my Thai has 3 words, but the beers will have to agree. I realize this is how respect is important, Pon is the youngest of the family and often greetings with folded hands to thank the members of the family are older than him, respect for elders is very important here, I often see on the street also.

Thursday, April 29, 2010, on track towards Chiang Mai, northern Thailand.

Reveil gas on the bed tub, I spend a lot of time waiting for the arrival of the train that was fluff. The landscape is dry, it makes some think of the Australian bush, a little vallone, I'm dying already hot.

I share a tuk-tuk and a pad in a hotel that has more free bed in a dormitory. Evening
thai boxing. Most viewers are tourists, given the normal ticket price, $ 13 the least expensive.

Young guys coming clash. Each battle begins with a ceremonial, a hello to the 4 corners of the ring, and a small traditional dance accompanied, as in all conflicts, with 3 musicians, 2 percussionists and a flutist.

It always starts with a few blows in the ribs and legs for heat and turn up the heat with these small steps, as if walking on hot coals, ready to take off his leg in the head of the aversaire then paste it directly. There will be 2 6 KO clashes, shots too ill or too many places and impossible to collect.

A week in this pleasant city, with meetings and good lessons.
One of them, Wandee Thai massage school, massage excellent:

View 2010-04-26 - Thailand 2 in a larger map

Ok, sometimes it's not the same as the little wooden guesthouse that I loved, simple, barely clean, just 2 other guys who occupy it, but one night is and making a mess with the head mistress who has abused the samson, local whiskey. The police landed, but it does not help. An Englishman, installs here for 2 years, which was canned, I recommend to settle quickly made my accounts for not overdo it because the police always complications and high bills for making the move Môssieur, so I change a guesthouse 3am ^ ^ I definitely not the masses of praise for the Thai. After all I've done around the home looks worse here than in France, possible??

Ballad scooter in Chiang Mai before leaving. A little over 5 dollars for rental, with insurance this time, the great luxury. I go to a temple on the heights of the first terminals 15 has small mountains of Chiang Mai, I delight in the slalom on this road, smooth and wide, happiness, even on a scooter is possible. A woman passes me with a minibike 250cc her son before her, no helmets, I have fun at the track with my 100cc Honda Dream, I have less engine power but I love the corners. 10 minutes later, I stopped to pick up the mom and son, land on the road, a few scratches, small tears 5 minutes then calms down, he must have seen others, helmet, or rather the absence of a helmet, have not been a concern, sacred luck!

I visit the temple is very beautiful, very golden, I feel a lot of that wealth in Thailand is impressive and surely a good thing, but most Thais have ridiculous salaries, most bossent for nothing. Surprising to see ca face, so many temples all over the dores each other. A friend told me about this contrast that the upset, monks, beggars, and gilded temples and filled with rich offerings, difficult to grasp such a lag time when so many people starve, AC also recalls the immense temple that I visited in Vietnam near Ninh Binh, the huge sums invested for a temple.
I then continued to a "hilltribe village," a village or specific ethnic group living in northern Thailand. I lost little in the way and is surprising to find such a village in a corner where people and modern, rural ca nothing here. I finally found the village, it is a complement tourism, creates all rooms. Of people from 4 different ethnic groups live in this village, village for cutting each of the 4 races, with their traditional clothing, their utensils weaving or working the land, the specifics of their homes. Everything is organized for a tour of the village allows a tourist to see the specifics of four traditional villages of different ethnicities. Now very few people still live like that in real village. The houses reminds me of those Hmong in French Guiana, which are also represented here, and I found even embroidered fabrics that they sell on the market at Javouhey can also be imported from here!? The visit astonishing especially when I saw the women of the ethnic "long neck ", they wear their collars that are a long neck. Strange and wonderful.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010, back to Bangkok. I rest Kao San and find myself a jock (grotty) for $ 3. I found Pon, there is an excellent restaurant. are used for meat, seafood at will, and were grilled on a barbecue installed at our table, before finishing with deserts, ice, all for 100 baht each, $ 3, ridiculous.

I do a final lap in a central district of Bangkok. The tour ends across the barricaded streets occupied by the red shirts. Appeals was that the Government is exchange, slogans peaceful settlements in these streets so well managed for the huge traffic usually small stands of food and clothes red shirts with slogans, even flip flops! T-shirts red, one or the leading red-shirt put a kik of Thai boxing to 1 current minister, ca fight.

Friday, May 14, 2010, I booked a train ticket for tomorrow, towards Malaysia. I zap all the Thai south, too touristy, too "tour operator" too organized and too expensive, I was talking about small islands north-east Malaysian markers, backpackers, islands closed the half of the year for protect flora and some bungalows available only by boat, no way to go around the island too wild.

Saturday, May 15, 2010, breakfast in the street with this excellent huge plate of rice and beef omelet for $ 1. I joined the station in touktouk, I spend half hour in the lobby of the station to watch the movement of passengers. I have a bed in 2nd class with air conditioning, more room rating Ventilos cheaper. The hours spent reading and playing on this little book of sudoku bought in Brazil ...

photos are here