Sunday, October 18, 2009

Butterfly Trainer Screwdriver

Explore Phnom Penh


visits to:

A / The Royal Palace:

Open daily from 7:30 to 11:30 and 14h-17h30.
Palace dating from the early beginning of the twentieth century, all inspired by traditional Khmer was ordered by King Norodorm then finished by King Sisowath.
Many interesting species of trees including: banana, palm sugar, betel, areca nut, tree sala ...
main buildings of the palace
- Chan Chaya Pavilion
- The throne room
- The Napoleon III Pavilion
- The Palace Kemarin

The Silver Pagoda:

Erected at the end of XIX century, Cambodia's most luxurious.
Its floor is paved with 5000 silver tiles, each 1 kg, the lilies are engraved.
Among the treasures in the pagoda, the most beautiful pieces are undoubtedly the Buddha, whose one hundred Emerald Buddha, the Buddha weighing 90kg gold, inlaid with diamonds of 2086 the largest of which acknowledges 25 carats, the Buddha Marble Burma, objects representing all stages of the life of Buddha ....

The National Museum of Fine Arts:

Facing the river, left out of the palace. All
daily from 8am-17h
Beautiful all red building, built by the French in the year 1920 in respect of Khmer architecture.
The rooms contain the masterpieces of Khmer art, mostly from Angkor.

B / Colonial Remains:

The large-mail: al street 13 corner of 102-
The mayor of Phnom Penh between the station and Calmette Hospital
-The Library: The Street 92-
court: Facing the Silver Pagoda-
the hotel Wat Phnom: between Sisowath Quay Wat Phnom and
-seat of unesco

-the hotel royal angle Bd Monivong and Street 92-
The hotel Manolis: facing the post-
The restaurant on the Vans side of the post-
Monument of Independence

C / pagodas in the city:

Wat Phnom:

North of Bd Norodorm
Located atop a hill 30 meters high, surrounded by trees, very pleasant the heart of Phnom Penh.
People come to walk and it happens to come across an elephant, sellers of birds, fortune tellers ...
sacred shrine is the oldest of the city, decorated with beautiful frescoes and numerous Buddha.

Wat Ounalom

At the corner of Sisowath Quay and Street 154.
Founded in the mid-fifteenth century, this monastery included a quarantine building, nearly all destroyed by the Khmer Rouge.

Wat Bottum Vaddey
In the street 19 a throw from the royal palace
This is one of the oldest pagoda in the country which was restored a few years ago.
The main stupa contains the ashes of the Buddha in person.

D / Markets: The Market

-central "Psaar Thmay"

Between Norodorm and Monivong
Built in 1937 by the French, in an art deco-style colonialo She has a huge dome roof designed to withstand intemperies.Cette troizieme dome in the world at the range (45m) makes it look like a flying saucer.
is the real center of life Phnom penhoise, You can find absolutely everything with 2,000 stands divided into 5 main areas, clothing, textiles, appliances, groceries, fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, jewelry, flowers ...

-The old market Psaar Shah "

Street 108 at the corner of 13th Street
The dirtier but worth a glance, it is not very big but very popular, mainly provided food.

The Russian market "russian market":

Street you'll find one or more of the memory has to report is the most typical, although it is visited by many tourists.
There are beautiful fabrics, t shirts, jewelry, fake antiques, a few crafts,
DVDs, bags, china, some pieces of ancient art and beautiful Buddha statues.

E / Museum of Genocidal Crime "Tuol Sleng"

Open daily from 8am-11h30 and 14h-17h, 113 street
Old school built by the French, who will become the most terrifying prison of the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, from April 1975 to January 1979, nearly 15,000 people there spent undergoing the worst torture before being completed in the extermination camp Choeung Ek. His visit
nightmare is essential if we are to really grasp the magnitude of the injury of the Cambodian people.


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