Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lighting For Aquaclear Refugium

Surrogacy legalized? For

The environmental protection requires a change in international economic tools

Response to "Evaluating the environmental impact of existing economic tools"

It seems to me that unfortunately the economic tools are covered by too focused on policy national, or environmental issues is to understand the world because of our interdependence. Negative externalities generated by economic activity that does not adequately address the environmental impacts affect us all. The most obvious example in this respect is of course global warming climate.

Our economy is based on flows. The WTO aims to promote international exchange of goods and services: a WTO member state can refuse products from another Member State. The opportunity that is left is to set tariffs by product category established by the WTO. Once set this right, it applies without discrimination to all WTO members, which has an interest polique obvious: it is no longer possible to exert economic retaliation against an another member country. The association "USA Engage" moreover managed to reverse the decision of an American university who refused to buy his sports equipment if produced in Burma, because of their non-observance of human rights the most basic. This mechanism is double-edged sword. The EU Maastricht Treaty benefited up to an exemption under the WTO: the Regional Economic Zone status, which allowed to rely on community preference. Since 1996, this exemption was rejected by the EU, opening its borders to countries in the WTO on terms almost equal to those for products from Europe.

It is now imperative to make them less competitive products from abroad if they do not meet environmental standards. This is not to retreat and put an end to international trade, but to protect the competitiveness of business-friendly. Today, the incentive is the relocation of activities towards the states with lower requirements. It is imperative that this trend reversed for even a European environmental policy will impact if the preference Community is not restored.
Without diminishing its importance, particularly in its ability to highlight the issues, international negotiations has shown its limits: Kyoto has not had the desired effect. There is an attitude that will be decisive decline our markets to products that do not align with the minimum standards. This measure is not discriminatory: no state is concerned, but merely the methods of production companies. We can adopt a unilateral or European Whereas the measures taken fell on the stroke of the flexibility allowed by the WTO : Protection of health.
During the presidential campaign, Ségolène Royal (inspired by JP Chevenement) and Nicolas Sarkozy (who had also mentioned specifically in his profession of faith) had insisted on this need. The cards are in the hands of the second: it's time to realize the expectations raised among citizens, otherwise, the Round Table will have a symbolic impact.


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