Thursday, November 15, 2007

Red Streaks On Face Baby

First analysis of the LRU

Pécresse law responds to a serious diagnosis: higher education is inequitable, inefficient, and tends to inhibit social mobility rather than encourage it. However

its levers of actions will have serious consequences, which could tarnish its profits as its stock is finally negative.

1 On 2 On 3 On the professionalization
social mobility
4 On the economics and politics of the LRU
5 On cooperation

1 On the Selection:

Before all you have to cut short the rumors that there is no selection in more university before the tray 5. Selection exists Fac. Not at the time of registration, but at the time of examinations for the year's work.

the Law, to Aix is:
30% success in first year.
50% in the second.
50% in the third.

In some fields saturated, as in English, the success rate in the first year is 10%. It is virtually impossible for a student who is not already bilingual arriving to get out of this blind selection. Training by correspondence type those organized by the Sorbonne sidings, voluntarily more demanding, hence only extract themselves exceptional profiles.

can not complain at the time young people are selected to college and that 20% leave the university without a diploma.

Then "no entry selection" option lets you change almost freely. The Sorbonne and Assas ask to go to committee in order to enroll after a course in another faculty. Even coming from the sacks of Aix and Lyon.

2 On the professionalization:

First point: the difficulty to reorient themselves. After three years of Law, I sought to integrate economic sector, which attracted me more. I had to come in second this year DEUG, rather than enroll in BAC +4 Right. In short, the deadweight loss two years of study. More of my scholarship. The marginal cost of a student is, however ridiculous, and I would have had no degree that I would not have succeeded at the end of the year.

Second point: the shortage of positions in professional courses (mostly BTS, IUT, engineering schools, IAE, DESS).

We can not let a system of polytechnics with super-efficient and so little room to complain about the lack of professionalization of the streams. Triple Spaces IUT and BTS would be more expensive but all the seats were taken and that the training would be expected by firms (to which a frame profile + IUT School or DESS often sell better than a profile Prep + School or DESS).

The IUT, they are not sacks, but the university.

From the perspective of alternative schools, schools of Ingé Polytech 'and quasi business schools IAE give excellent training and business-oriented (we also note the excellent Institute of Communication and Media Grenoble). Their success is growing.
5 billion per year is ridiculous compared to the delay. This reform was completely taken with. Do not try to make the BTS or the IUT in the Faculty lecture halls with 700 people, because it will not work. Besides the "Licenses-Pro" is much closer to the IUT as licensing powers.

Conversely, faculty in the student enjoys a considerable degree of anonymity after 15 years in school, college and high school where our reputation is important to us note that our work, and a certain calmness that allows him to spend years to embrace the world as he wants.
Moreover, rather than letting them die slowly Facs of Letters will not find companies to fund and which diminish the quality of their lessons at the same time as the number of their students, it would be better to offer students alternatives more easily adjustable. The solution is the first human-sized BTS-IUT, their high level of demand, their continuous assessment, and orientation. It is imperative to at least double their resources and communicate extensively in high school on their benefits.

3 On social mobility:

Indeed there is a real problem of social mobility in France. Do not forget the pathological reluctance of companies to respect the young, old, those who were in college, those who have not done the business school's most famous, those who have done something else , the versatile, those who do not have the nose to the grindstone, those who are ugly or do not look "as necessary" (primary source of discrimination in France) ... All this for an internship or a precarious contract. Internship offers are provided on condition of experience and qualifications already validated. The degradation of the image of the company is demotivating. It is a policy of social responsibility we will drop those blinders.

We have tens of thousands of jobs unfilled. In front of millions of unemployed recognized as such or disposed of official statistics (students who take pleasure not to find themselves unemployed and without purse or RMI, in training, looking for a part-time, looking for a CDI, available at the end of their notice ... plus all panky which alarms the official statistics of the EU since Jospin: first radiation massive disincentive to early campaigns appear to agencies.

The ball is in the hands of businesses, which must again accept risk-taking, their share of training on the job "and their role in social mobility in a society that is more meritocratic.

Companies are made of men, that promote nepotism, cooptation or prefer the most selective courses (although selection is made especially considering the size of the portfolio in a business school for training very close to the PSI or less highly rated schools). So it is a social question which translates economically.

4 On the economics and politics of the LRU:

We've already said why 5 billion is insufficient. This law, like decentralization Raffarin seeks to disengage the state from its obligations to direct funding, thus included in the standards of economic stability pact of the EU.

However, companies will not be arranged overnight, by patriotism, to pay the training of students without compensation. Some of these counterparties will be reasonable and positive, improve employability, but others will be less legitimate. Do we want a university as docile as are the media with respect to their advertisers? Could I write a brief review on the DADVSI or the excesses of the EU on the eve of the European Constitutional Treaty, if my manager was afraid of losing their funding or if the Dean had called to order?

Moreover, this funding, companies will take it somewhere. This is not somewhere dividends to their shareholders, but consumers' pockets. Decentralization has led to record tax burden, the law on university reform even further erode the purchasing power.

companies now prefer to pay their tax to the state rather than an organization of training they may require several trainees. It's absurd but telling their indifference to the problem of training.

Faculties still have the amount of their entries set by decree, but a decree is changing overnight by the executive. It is also the case with franchises. In the absence of any guarantee, we could have some funny surprises.

5 On cooperation

If some turf wars rust mechanisms of collaboration between universities, the introduction of competition among universities (to be fierce especially in the early reduction in the number of universities) is likely to aggravate this slope. Competition can potentially lead to the opposite result, assuming it will indirectly benefit from efforts to attract financial and excellence will itself be an argument (among others) in this direction. Moreover since

the "new European approach, it is businesses that require scientific studies showing that their products are not harmful. So far, university laboratories controlled to ensure the results of their sincerity, but it will be difficult to believe the findings on GMOs Monsanto and university labs funded directly by the company.


The University will not recover alone: the chains of the Faculties are now expedient to avoid unemployment, insecurity, lack to be given his chance by a company. This is certainly not their duties, and only an investment in BTS-IUT curricula, or proto Schools of Engineering or Business will provide the labor market for graduate business and channel the students into promising businesses.

This will require significant investment and a change in attitudes of the business that are not guaranteed by the Act of August 10, 2007, called the law Pecresse. This law will only be a patch on a wooden leg, and n'au ra for only merit of reducing public expenditure and to drain funds Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences without solving the problems of their students.

A government intervention was necessary. Given the economic and social failure of higher education, the approach was to let companies take the University "by the purse" to their advantage to take into account the demands of the market. The benefits of this reform "partial privatization" are real, but could also have been resolved differently and with far less negative consequences.

Images: Two schools of Aix-en-Provence separated by a simple barrier since 1968:

The Faculty of Law, with its marble and glass interior, with its courtyard fountain sculpture, columns, his rose garden.

The Faculty of Letters, which looks like a huge bar surrounded by screens in HLM corolla
to prevent the falls of the wall coverings do not cause serious injury.

Recently, the Faculty of Law is equipped with air conditioning Algerco (!) For TD. But has not waived its preferred caterer: Black Truffle.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Watch Family Guy On My Ipod Touch

Le Mirail blocked, the University of the Arsenal vote strike

University Toulouse Mirail in recent years has been one of the options as quickly and as frequently blocked. The mobilization against the law Pecresse was no exception. Yet UT1 called "Arsenal", more discreet, held this Tuesday, November 13 its third meeting. 350 students gathered from 12:30 to 2:10 p.m. to discuss the law on university reform in the social sciences and law, and to vote on the recognition or the GM strike against the reform.

At the entrance of the Faculty, private security guards controlled the ID cards of students presented themselves, refusing to students of the Institute of Political Studies in which the premises are yet on the other side of the street, and the Institut Universitaire de Technologie, which both depend on the University of Social Sciences . Dressed in suit and tie and, having presented a secondary entrance, the guards did not even deemed necessary to verify my membership in the University or my identity.

In a relatively calm atmosphere, and far above the standards generally observed in respect of the humanities AG or administrative staff, held a debate between strike supporters and opponents.

issues and interventions had an air of déjà vu for those who attended the anti-CPE protests. Few questioned the movement against the LRU law on the merits, but many questions about the legitimacy of the GA, or the meaning of his vote. It was said that the AG was too unrepresentative number, 350 persons being present on 17 000 students. What he was told that everyone could come and make their voices heard and their votes and that the small, real, the amphi limited accommodation capacity. Moreover, Bureau proclaimed his good faith by explaining that the previous AG had failed to vote on strike for just this desire for legitimacy. The classic "try and see the LRU" did not convince the assembly, it is true mostly opposed the law Pécresse. The debate missed the question of what direction the university to the company, even a partial privatization could bring to students, and what were the real disadvantages of this reform. Without having taken the liberal orientation of the text, the anti-strikers, off-topic, have contributed nothing to the debate when they would not have failed arguments.

Interestingly, the blocking or not the option not to the agenda is an AG that has been appeased completed, and that radicals on both sides have turned increasingly ridiculous that something else. Two students wearing the red scarf of a BDE even wondered what the purpose of this mobilization since the premises were not occupied. On leaving the auditorium, they do no less animated a panel of anti strikers by diverting popular songs. The stakes were more than the game and the stakes are lower, the passions and the crowd had fallen. Once the strike validated (overwhelmingly for the strike, a dozen cons, votes "abstentions" and "do not vote" marginal) is an amphitheater that has gutted much debated mandates given to representatives on the national coordination and prerogatives of the "strike committee" in charge of the shares.

The two representatives chosen for coordination are both unionized. I turned to my neighbors
- You need unions to represent you?
- There the only ones who showed up anyway.
- And why not you, or your neighbor?
- We can not. It was too much work, and then it would be too expensive to go to Tours.

Back to reality. What room is there in France for a performance outside the established political parties or trade unions? How many doors remain closed if they were not political sesame release the funds?

Participants on both sides do not realize that the AG may be spontaneous point of departure for the recovery of sustainable thought and political expression. Universities are blocked and to overcome the same way: the slogan is to forget the background, and mobilize as intensely as possible. Strangely these are precisely the AG "are useless," which are actually the most fruitful, because it has an opportunity not to talk of a strike (or not) or the (un) lock, but the subject of debate.

GA confrontation is too often two blocks assembled and the game of mobilizing the interest of students going on to second place. There are only two most democratic values: sometimes a few mask fall and cynicism of the leaders is revealed. Sometimes a few Meetings are born and associations, away from the UNI and the UNEF ...
Image Credit: Eric Cabanis
AFP / File Social emerge: the strike against the
questioning of the special pension regimes
and strike a deal with internal limiting project conventionnement physicians wishing to settle in areas already sufficiently covered. In both cases, the mobilization has been strong. However, explain how that 8% of French employees are unionized only, and only 1 in 20 in private? The unions remain effective mobilization equipment, actors institutionally recognized (presumption of representativeness), catalysts hegemonic media (those who have lived
anti-CPE CNE to be heard, when B. Julliard UNEF of
How to understand the mistrust that occurs to them, and to contribute to increasing inefficiency of French economic policy other than reaction?


The parallel between these two social movements is interesting because these two social groups are facing the same problem, although represented by different bodies, each in support a separate public service, and with it having a very close variable.

Regarding the special pension regimes, are weighing the commitment of the State in which it would be unfair to come back and face changing conditions Working towards less arduous and unfavorable demographic changes observed.

As for doctors, there is on one side of a social pact in jeopardy drift (sometimes against the current law) of the Employment (Irresponsible requirements or complacent, refusal of CMU

exceedances of 'fees amounting to 2 billion euros,

demedicalization of entire areas), which meet the risk of a "slippery slope" of policies aimed at déconventionnement disincentives: the privatization of public health.

Nicolas Sarkozy spoke about the social movements of "valve": in both cases, the Government forces the line to unlock the status quo and make liberal measures. In both cases, he supported where it hurts.

Unions are evil legitimacy. Inaudible at the promulgation of the CNE, as they waited for student engagement is ripe, and certain victory to start their forces in battle, and deal

just in time for the reelection of B. Thibault . The unions they would be things the system tries to stem development work part time, poaching of purchasing power, or abuse of internships? Inefficient and unproductive despite their historical weight, their networks, it is expected that the device also serves to respond to act at national level.

the side of representatives of doctors or medical students, there is still widespread reactions to the establishment of the medical deductible, the delisting or the slow degradation of working conditions in the Public Hospital. More generally, in particular the Council of the Order too often leaves the law responsibility "make clean" in the profession when he is fully competent to maintain rules of morality, integrity and dedication to his profession, and has moreover a judicial function. Thus, the law allowing a patient access to medical records was intended to counter a physician paternalism still too strong. Ultimately, it

Decree of 4 March 2002 will primarily served the insurance and banks, which could therefore require their customers to provide them a copy, leaving him with no possibility of lying about his actual health status . Medical secrecy remains, but it was considerably weakened. And have increased the uninsured AIDS patients, cancer ... If the former was self-regulated profession, the state probably could not take the opportunity to deregulate the medical secret in turn.



This attitude is not without consequences.

Indeed, public opinion feels somewhat taken for a fool when invoked to mobilize the two main causes, and certainly just really endangered, but it seems manipulated for the benefit of a handful of already "privileged." Thus public opinion is divided, and one begins to disapprove the struggle of others remained too indifferent to our own fate. The case is beautiful, but the choice of the battles a bit too biased.

hypocrisy, myopia or attention absorbed by turf wars of power?

to the prejudice of doctors as to those beneficiaries special pension regimes is an opportunity that makes the thief. Based on this distrust, and advantage of the inaction of the officials on sensitive issues, the Government manages to call into question evidence of our model by always one step ahead, and especially with the choice of weapons and ground. Too often, the battle that follows is therefore limited to an attack-defense.

Yet unionism can regenerate (re-?) Becoming proactive.

By proactive, I mean it must act as a self- its activity. Even in regard to national issues, it should behave as if there was no state, and produce self-standards in consideration of the general interest.


How self-regulate?

1 It ceases to be responsive and we anticipate: you become proactive.

2 We recognize the problems and they rule oneself, between representatives and sincere after consultation of the database.

3 is anticipated, it is proposed, experiments and finally we generalize.

For example, the state should not regulate the medical profession to ensure that every territory has doctors. The Bar Council should be a medical service of two years to finish school, or some time later, with mobility of couples still not installed. Another example: a fund to help doctors based in rural or very sensitive. Another example, lifting equipment and collections require that the state hospitals neglected areas are properly equipped.

Doctors are a regulated profession, with an Order, a high education level, and for many a vocation. If a corporation must lead the way, this is probably it. Today, they give the image that they had to be personally threatened to fight on behalf of a system that has been weakened recent years, in their indifference, inaction, or in their inaudibility.

Regarding the unions, there are also several activities for them that they should assume. For example, sale August 23, 2007 fruit and vegetables in season in Paris,

for a price much lower than that charged by supermarkets, and this to show that their margins are cutting back on the abusive power purchase was a relevant and significant. This action of the agricultural union

MODEF did not intend to generalize even lead to the creation of a distribution network? Another example is the division of labor and wage determination. More friends around me executives work for a service that charges 12 000 euros in the month, when they did that affect 2300. Is there no space for structures with non-profit and certainly more fair? Regarding the current strike, the unions are really in a position to oppose reform, while so little concrete has been done or proposed for trades really painful, as the BTP? The conference on the arduous work should not wait government a green light. This is an issue that unions should spontaneously take head on. In the current situation, the government reform will probably diminished, but against what compensation? A comprehensive approach would be more favorable to employees, and would yield much higher margins for negotiation. What would be lost on land serve to advance on another.


With the examples we discussed today, we see how the crisis of representation runs deep in France. Not that it is irreversible, but it requires awareness and a massive turnaround in attitudes for the players live out of public issues as important as health, rail transport or production of electricity, taking their fates in hand.

Many NGOs and associations, such as consumer associations, have long since this model and their influence is growing, as and as concrete achievements accumulate. To have experienced in community life to a more modest scale of course, this method works and significantly reduces interference.

To achieve this result, it will probably be willing to work with a brother enemy

obstacle for some leaders still insumontable


Image credit: Wikipedia

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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lighting For Aquaclear Refugium

Surrogacy legalized? For

The environmental protection requires a change in international economic tools

Response to "Evaluating the environmental impact of existing economic tools"

It seems to me that unfortunately the economic tools are covered by too focused on policy national, or environmental issues is to understand the world because of our interdependence. Negative externalities generated by economic activity that does not adequately address the environmental impacts affect us all. The most obvious example in this respect is of course global warming climate.

Our economy is based on flows. The WTO aims to promote international exchange of goods and services: a WTO member state can refuse products from another Member State. The opportunity that is left is to set tariffs by product category established by the WTO. Once set this right, it applies without discrimination to all WTO members, which has an interest polique obvious: it is no longer possible to exert economic retaliation against an another member country. The association "USA Engage" moreover managed to reverse the decision of an American university who refused to buy his sports equipment if produced in Burma, because of their non-observance of human rights the most basic. This mechanism is double-edged sword. The EU Maastricht Treaty benefited up to an exemption under the WTO: the Regional Economic Zone status, which allowed to rely on community preference. Since 1996, this exemption was rejected by the EU, opening its borders to countries in the WTO on terms almost equal to those for products from Europe.

It is now imperative to make them less competitive products from abroad if they do not meet environmental standards. This is not to retreat and put an end to international trade, but to protect the competitiveness of business-friendly. Today, the incentive is the relocation of activities towards the states with lower requirements. It is imperative that this trend reversed for even a European environmental policy will impact if the preference Community is not restored.
Without diminishing its importance, particularly in its ability to highlight the issues, international negotiations has shown its limits: Kyoto has not had the desired effect. There is an attitude that will be decisive decline our markets to products that do not align with the minimum standards. This measure is not discriminatory: no state is concerned, but merely the methods of production companies. We can adopt a unilateral or European Whereas the measures taken fell on the stroke of the flexibility allowed by the WTO : Protection of health.
During the presidential campaign, Ségolène Royal (inspired by JP Chevenement) and Nicolas Sarkozy (who had also mentioned specifically in his profession of faith) had insisted on this need. The cards are in the hands of the second: it's time to realize the expectations raised among citizens, otherwise, the Round Table will have a symbolic impact.