Friday, October 5, 2007

Machine Wash Duffel Bag

proactive contribution to the Grenelle Environment

This article is in reaction to the article Our government poses new threats to freedom of expression and Internet ... From

Quitterie Delmas responsible UDF.

First of all I would like to thank Quitterie Delmas (UDF representative) for daring to speak of fundamental freedoms. The subject seems outdated for our politicians, above Executive (thus also too often over the legislature), yet you have to realize that people are susceptible. Then I react as author of a thesis on the result Article Delmas addressing three separate projects, we respectrons order she has chosen for the sake of lisibilté. I refer to his article rich links.

Tessier 1 Report on the digital press asked the Minister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres (19 February 2007) First, I will probably surprising given that the indictment against them was led by Ms. Delmas, I have nothing against the labels, nor against "contracts to improve quality " (roughly: labels developed in consultation with State and distinguished by the mark" Approved ").
To put it simply,

labels are certifications that meet the specifications, provided by a private or public, laying its specifications freely. The control is effected against payment, and the credibility of the organization depends directly on its rigor (with the risk of concealment and corruption that entails, of course). Here, no one is forced to join the label. Do not have a label does not discriminate. In short, it pulls up without running those outside the system (no one will find fault with when there will be labels "GMO free", the consumer must be confident and choose wisely, and he or not to grant confidence to a particular label).
risks emerge when questions about the probity of the controller occur, or that obtaining a mark qualifies for a grant (this is pure cronyism that plagues all parties, including the UDF), or the failure to obtain a label entails a risk to perrenité Site (Prohibition, etc. ...).
In any case, I find the idea very good, but I consider that the private sector must play a crucial role in this normalization, and unlabelled sites should not suffer financial or legal consequence against them (let the user decide).

It seems to me that the credibility of an article already depends links and references made therein, just as in academic work. On Agoravox, the most popular items taken over rated are generally better documented (eg Articles of
Forest Ent
) and so on of the best).
short labeling could be a problem, but should not be a ... except if the libraries, documentation centers, halls, Internet cafes and allow navigation as with labeled sites. Stop there: I do not want to give ideas that I would not like to see implemented.

2 Bill on the Prevention of Crime (February 13, 2007)

Regarding the draft law on the prevention of delinquency, do you think does it not strange that this happens just before the election?
And if it was to prevent that from being buzzées police violence that might follow the election? Or fight against video surveillance
made possible by new technologies?

It of course has nothing to do with the "cowboy attitude" that prevails among the police, who tend more towards the model of SWAT

3 Draft decree for the establishment of a Commission of Ethics of the Internet (January 31, 2007)

This is again a potential hazard only. what will the real impact of this certification, or refusal to label? That is the question that must be answered to understand how power will be given to this body, you guessed it, political.
Parents will they use this as a reference accéditation?

ISPs they took refuge there when their liability will be challenged from all sides?
And what about the government, cyber cafes, community access (such as free WiFi networks cooperative
that are springing up everywhere)?


short, you'll understand the overall strategy is opaque, yet simple: No one

Safe Harbor, the U.S., to limit the civil and criminal liability of ISPs , servers, hosts.

2 Multiplication and responsibilities offenses, at all levels.

3 "Those who are to blame" will be much more visible: they will be denied their label, or accreditation.
4 Passage of legislation making everyone guilty or almost (88% of the French in 2005 had copied music at home, and the trend logic is on the rise). 5
knocking fast and hard on the wallet suppliers of resources, giving them the opportunity to clear themselves if they remain quietly in the box that the State has mapped out for them.

6 The synergy between guilt and all law enforcement capabilities allows executables to appoint a Justice overwhelmed targets to shoot at the head.
short, a devilishly effective strategy.
We are witnessing a process of destruction of original

Fundamental Rights: the citizen is allowed to freely cons of money or security. If certain fundamental rights concern only those who surrender (eg the sale of its privacy cons of vouchers by the system of loyalty cards in department stores), others are unique because only exist if all have use. We could prevent most attacks on civil liberties that threaten us. In granting any credit for labeling, counting more on our minds than on a critical third-party certification ...
The real danger is to end there: the exclusion of fundamental freedoms of the public debate, dare I say the concerns of citizens (in this reality TV has played role). Resist this erosion is the concern of everyone, and everyone's business. Thank
Delmas have contributed this article to return to the front of the stage.

Image Credit: Reporters Without Borders. 3D11893 &% 3Fid_article amp; amp; h = 279 & w = 450 & sz = 78 & hl = en & start = 1 & tbnid = mgh0MIC2CXZk-M & amp; TBNH = 79 & tbnw = 127 & prev = / images% 3Fq% 3Dlibert% 25C3 % 25A9% 2BD% 2B% 26svnum% 2527expression% 3D10% 26hl% 3Den% 26client%-a% 26rls 3Dfirefox% 3Dorg.mozilla: fr: official% 26sa% 3DG


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