Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Glob Conception Mucus

An article that dates this summer

Response storyteller to storyteller:

In reading the fable of La Fontaine altered by the plutocrats disguised alter Liberals (Comments Article of Thursday, July 20 "Do you know what liberalism is?"
) and their history Poiraju (
), I found the material has to write one myself.
The prodigal son

There once was a family of three. The father, mother and son. All three live in a pretty little house that parents have paid off long ago, by dint of hardships.
's son, Benedict, has 20 years, he studied and win some money by working side. He mounted his box of coffee delivery business and win even better than her father, who has difficulty finding a job Decent at his advanced age and his mother a homemaker. In fact, the son of the biggest benefits cover the needs of the family.
Benedict would like to "diversify" by selling Shit but his parents forbid him. It takes no care of his mother's work, never does the dishes or the kitchen, never wipe his feet on entering the house, do not empty the trash, do not shutters pumice, and throws his cigarette butts, plastic in the garden. It's not his job. Her mother was silent, it's her deal but would like it to do when a little more attention. Benedict also smokes

firecrackers in his room and leaves the food, so that the house stinks of weed and getting a nest for insects, but he deals with it, so what the parents complain they? It is not free to do what he wants with the food he bought with his money? To do what he likes in his room? So it makes humiliating remarks to her father when he buys a schedule to postal workers or her mother when she invites her friends over for dinner.
no longer supports the remonstrances of his parents, he begins to complain strongly. He no longer respects his parents and deals with parasites. He claims the authority in the house, as he has one in the company of which he is the majority shareholder. The father tried to explain that this is not his to make law in the family, he is the child and the father. Similarly, understanding, he agreed to change its attitude if the mother joins the opinion of the son. Obviously, overworked due to the small economies of effort of the son causing him much worse tasks (especially the mud, it does not come off easily), she believes that Benedict is wrong. It has the feeling of working hard, although its existence has no domestic production accountant. And is silent more and more, tired of being devalued.
But the son did not budge: he brings the money, he wants the authority. Anyway, if his father does not find a job because it is a dirty lazy. And what's with this habit of drinking wine with meals, it does not deserve it. Same for the subscription to a celebrity magazine for her mother, she does not have to pay with his money.

His father eventually exceeded tell him to fend for themselves if they leave home, they have to pay his private school, so they did not lead the life of the castle. But the son does not stop there: he believes that his room is his, and he calls his parents sell the house to retrieve money from it, or at least they create a door in the wall to enjoy it without having to cross his parents.

This time it is too much. The angry father threw his business through the window and ordered to leave. The son then crashes before him and taunted: "You gonna do what? Hit me? He ends up leaving them on "Poor no go! "First


Then the son is looking for a new family. But nobody wants him because of his habits of pigs. He eventually found refuge in a roommate. But his roommates are so worn on hygiene that even he can not support them. He then had the idea to hire a housekeeper, who takes her a nice salary. But two hours after its passage, the kitchen is unusable again. "No, but they were educated, where those? "He can not help but murmur when its too noisy neighbors can not sleep.

The son then leaves a roommate. He loses himself in work to be able to afford a personal apartment, too expensive for that to continue his studies at the same time. But soon the neighbors complain. The smells that come from him stink so they can not sleep. He yell at each other with them. The owner, a big beefy, has broken his face, he does not want his property was devalued. When he dragged to court, neighbors testify in bad faith for the owner and are excited to see him leave his apartment in tears of rage.

Decidedly, the world is wild out of the house. His cynicism and misanthropy are growing day by day. But on the Net he befriends a girl. And his feelings for her are growing, even if they do not even lifestyles. He starts to say he can not invite him to his home in the state of his apartment. Made efforts to her and she ended up moving home. Sometimes he laughs himself with imagining a woman as crados and disrespectful as he was younger, and says he could miss the love of mischief.

the son understands that human communities do not manage like a business, and that everyone should be taken into account with an equal voice with regard to lifestyle choices.

But he did realize that when he got himself the responsibility of a community. End


After leaving home, Benedict met by chance an entrepreneur like himself. Interested in the qualities of Benedict, he invited him dinner, and the windfall, offered to provide accommodation for the night. Ben is amazed by the splendor of the house. Everything is perfectly clean, tidy, orderly. Benedict said that Asians are decidedly good things. The dinner starts, and the procession of servants increases, each bearing succulent dishes that Master places that just do not taste before throwing them to the ground when he dislikes cooking. Regardless, the servants are there to clean up piles of spoiled food.

And the master of the house tells him the plan: Benedict will help market the produce cheap clothes it with his workers very effective. Benedict when asked about them, he said they came from the country full of hope, they are illegal on the territory that hides them for their own good and that at least with him they have what to eat. Anyway if they go they are free, they just pay a ticket (but forgets to say that their government looks forward to punish them for their impudence, and the smugglers had promised them Eldorado). Benedict and to say "What good man anyway! . He works hard but the Master and especially its "employees" involved in everything and treat him like a king, what Benedict has always wanted. And when he returned to town, he can afford anything they want: luxury goods, friendship and love of people (Shhh! He does not know that they are bland substitutes from courtiers). Everyone wanted at last.

But Benedict has trouble sleeping that night. Going to the bathroom, he heard the Master speak at vigil. He said "Now that he has trained his two replacements, why would Does it bother him. Tonight it must be done, right? "

Benedict recalls the story of Pinocchio and crying without knowing why, back alone in his big empty room.

He said he would help the employees (who were perhaps actually slaves) to free themselves from the oppression of the Master. May be transmitting the knowledge that her parents have left. Making them understand that they are only great when we're on our knees ...

Too late, tonight it will be the richest in the cemetery.


Between those who make us pay for social peace increasingly expensive (alcoolos fathers) and those who want to leave everything except pay the pots they break (the ungrateful son and vain), it is not out of the woods (we Trimona for mothers nails).

It will however have to be heard well one day.



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