Sunday, July 16, 2006

Getting Rid Of Multiple Lipomsa

book fair Entrecasteaux

On July 23, 2006, I attended the 2nd book fair of Entrecasteaux organized the foot of the magnificent castle OVERLOOKING this medieval village. This unique cultural event in central Var hosted a thirty authors whose Papet France Bleue Provence, a leader of this radio.


Above, photos of the day Entrecasteaux unfortunately interrupted by a storm of Dante ...

My Dog's Butt Is All Red And Inflammed

Book presentation in Cogolin

I was honored to present an Earth Too Cogolin Monday, July 17, 2006 at the Centre Leclerc, when a new event organized by the Cultural Center of the store. For the first year the Centre Leclerc set up a meeting between the public and 17 authors of the store: a great initiative for a brand that seems to attach great importance to culture ... And it was an opportunity for me to introduce myself as a writer in Cogolin, a town where I lived for nearly ten years.

July 17, 2006
Centre Gallery Leclerc - Cogolin
From 10:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Photo: Earth Too much of the radius NEW
Centre Leclerc de Cogolin

Article in Var-Matin
July 21, 2006 (click image to enlarge)

Monday, July 3, 2006

Canon Pixma Mp530 Print Head Clogged

An Earth on TV Too

Discover AZUR on TV, the channel of the Gulf of St. Tropez posted on the internet, a story about the release of the book A Land Too. The broadcast is now available for reading or downloading ... At your mouse!